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Integrate Solidus with Paypal Commerce Platform



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Solidus Paypal Commerce Platform

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The official PayPal integration of Solidus.


Add solidus_paypal_commerce_platform to your Gemfile:

gem 'solidus_paypal_commerce_platform'

Bundle your dependencies and run the installation generator:

bundle install
bin/rails generate solidus_paypal_commerce_platform:install

Compatibility with solidus_frontend (deprecated)

Support for the old frontend is terminated but if you are using the solidus_frontend gem instead of Solidus Starter Frontend, you can still use this gem for some time. Please, use 0.x version.

gem 'solidus_paypal_commerce_platform', '< 1'

Bundle your dependencies and run the installation generator:

bundle install
bin/rails generate solidus_paypal_commerce_platform:install

PayPal Sandbox/Live Environment

This extension will automatically select a PayPal environment based on Rails environment so that "production" will be mapped to the "live" PayPal environment, and everything else will be routed to the "sandbox" PayPal environment.

If you want to override these values you can either set SolidusPaypalCommercePlatform.config.env to "live" or "sandbox" inside an initializer. Or, alternatively, you can set the PAYPAL_ENV environment variable to one of the same two values.

Address Phone Number Validation

Since PayPal is being used as the checkout if the user checks out on the product or cart page, and PayPal doesn't collect phone numbers, this extension disables phone number required validation for Spree::Address. To turn phone number validation back on, you'll need to either:

A) Turn off cart and product page checkout - configurable on the admin payment method page for PayPal Commerce Platform. -OR- B) Collect the users phone number separately

and then override the Spree::Address method require_phone? to return true.


I already have API credentials

If you already have API credentials, then you'll need to store them somewhere. You can do this directly in the preferences of the payment method, but we recommend storing your API credentials as an ENV variable and loading them in as a preference on initialization.

# config/initializers/spree.rb
Rails.application.config.to_prepare do
  Spree::Config.configure do |config|
      'paypal_commerce_platform_credentials', {
        test_mode: !Rails.env.production?,
        client_id: ENV['PAYPAL_CLIENT_ID'],
        client_secret: ENV['PAYPAL_CLIENT_SECRET'],
        display_on_product_page: true,
        display_on_cart: true,
        venmo_standalone: 'disabled'

With the payment method credentials statically configured, you can now go to the payment methods admin page and create a payment method for PayPal. Remember that you need to create the payment method first before you can set its Preference Source to paypal_commerce_platform_credentials.

I don't have API credentials

In this case, we still recommend following the above flow for security, but we have made a payment method setup wizard to make it easier to get started. On the payment methods admin page, you'll see a button to set up your PayPal Commerce Platform payment method. Click on this button and follow the instructions provided by PayPal. When you return to your app, your payment method should be set up and ready to go.

Usage in development environment

When testing your PayPal integration, we recommend that you utilize the sandbox business and personal accounts that come with your PayPal developer account. These sandbox accounts are designed to generate mock transactions for testing your app. You can learn more about sandbox accounts at

Please take note of a gotcha when you're in development environment and you click on the "Setup PayPal Commerce Platform" button in the payment methods admin page. Once PayPal asks you to connect to a business account, we recommend that you log in with the sandbox business account that comes with your PayPal developer account. If you create a new sandbox business account here, the resulting account may not recognize your sandbox personal accounts, which can make it difficult to test a successful cart checkout.

Email Confirmation

A confirmed email is required to get paid by PayPal. You'll need to check Paypal Email Confirmed on your new payment method before being able to select Available To Users.

Messaging Component

PayPal offers a messaging component that displays credit messaging to the user. You can find more information here. This messaging is enabled by default on all pages that use the paypal payment buttons, but can be disabled via preferences. PayPal recommends that this messaging be displayed near product or order totals, so please keep that in mind during implementation.


This gem adds support for payment method wizards to be set up. Payment wizards can be used to automatically set up payment methods by directing the user to a sign-in page for whatever service they're connecting. In this gem, the user is directed to sign up/in for PayPal, and then give their app access to their credentials, which is store in preferences.

To add a payment wizard, add the class where your wizard is stored on initialization:

initializer "register_solidus_paypal_commerce_platform_wizard", after: "spree.register.payment_methods" do |app|
  app.config.spree.payment_setup_wizards << "SolidusPaypalCommercePlatform::Wizard"

The instances of your wizard class should respond to #name and #partial_name, where partial_name will return the path to the partial you'd like to display on the wizard setup section. In our case, we just display a button to direct the user to PayPal.

State Guesser

PayPal users can change their shipping address directly on PayPal, which will update their address on Solidus as well. However, in some instances, Solidus uses the incorrect subregion level for states, which causes validation problems with the addresses that PayPal sends to us.

For instance, if your user lives in Pescara, Italy, then PayPal will return "Pescara" as the state. However on older version of Solidus, the region "Abruzzo" is used, so the address will not be able to validate. To solve this issue, we've implemented a class that attempts to guess the state of the user using Carmen subregions if the state cannot be initially found. You can, of course, implement your own state guesser and set it like this:

# config/initializers/use_my_guesser.rb
SolidusPaypalCommercePlatform.configure do |config|
  config.state_guesser_class = "MyApp::MyStateGuesser"

Custom Checkout Steps

With product and cart page checkout, the user is directed to the checkout confirmation step when they return from PayPal. If you've removed the confirmation step, you'll need to override the SolidusPaypalCommercePlatform.finalizeOrder JavaScript method to instead complete the order.

Backend Payments

PayPals API does not allow for admin-side payments. Instead, backend users taking payments for customers will need to use the PayPal Virtual Terminal to take payments. More info is available on the PayPal website.


Venmo is currently available to US merchants and buyers. There are also other prequisites.

If the transaction supports Venmo and it is enabled by the following, then a button should appear for it on checkout payment page. Note, Venmo cannot currently be rendered on the product or cart pages.

Set the PaypalCommercePlatform PaymentMethod venmo_standalone preference to:

  • render only standalone, show Venmo on the payment page and do not show the other funding sources (i.e. PayPal, Credit); or
  • enabled, show Venmo on the payment page; or
  • disabled (default), do not show the Venmo button.

See more about preferences(Configuration) below.

As Venmo is only available in the US, you may want to mock your location for testing


The easiest way to change the Payment Method's preferences is through admin: Settings > Payments > "PayPal Commerce Platform" > Edit.

See more about preferences here/


Testing the extension

First bundle your dependencies, then run bin/rake. bin/rake will default to building the dummy app if it does not exist, then it will run specs. The dummy app can be regenerated by using bin/dummy-app.


To run Rubocop static code analysis run

bundle exec rubocop

Running the sandbox

To run this extension in a sandboxed Solidus application, you can run bin/sandbox. The path for the sandbox app is ./sandbox and bin/rails will forward any Rails commands to sandbox/bin/rails.

Here's an example:

$ bin/rails server
=> Booting Puma
=> Rails application starting in development
* Listening on tcp://
Use Ctrl-C to stop

Mocking your buyer country

PayPal normally looks at your IP geolocation to see where you are located to determine what funding sources are available to you. For example, Venmo is currently only available to US buyers. Because of this, you may want to pretend you are from US check that that Venmo is correctly integrated for these customers. To do this, set the payment method's preference of force_buyer_country to "US". See more information about preferences above.

This preference has no effect on production.

Releasing new versions

Please refer to the dedicated page in the Solidus wiki.

Referral Fee

By using this extension, you are giving back to Solidus. PayPal will pay a fee to the maintainers (Nebulab) for each order made through the payment gateway.


Copyright (c) 2022 Nebulab srls, released under the New BSD License