solrsan¶ ↑
This gem is a lightweight wrapper for the Apache Solr API.
Before you start, read the documentation for solr at
It’ll be invaluable for knowing parameters and error messages. I made a few test cases for further examples at
Install Jetty
wget tar -zxvf jetty-distribution-*.tar.gz rm jetty-distribution-*.tar.gz mv jetty-distribution-* /usr/local ln -s jetty-distribution-* jetty
Install solr
wget tar -zxvf apache-solr-*.tgz cd apache-solr-* cp dist/apache-solr-*.war /usr/local/jetty/webapps/solr.war
Add solrsan to your Ruby application’s Gemfile:
gem "solrsan"
Create solr configuration files using:
rails generate solrsan:config
The generator will copy the following files into your application.
config/solr.yml config/solr config/initializers/solrsan.rb lib/tasks/solr.rake
Edit the config/solr.yml for your directory paths.
The rake file will add these rake tasks:
rake solr:start rake solr:stop rake solr:clear_index rake solr:index
you will need to alter clear_index/index to match your models
Deploy tasks via capistrano: add to your deploy.rb
require 'solrsan/capistrano'
This will add the following methods which will just call the corresponding rake tasks:
cap solr:start cap solr:stop cap solr:reindex
Indexing documents:¶ ↑
Edit config/solr/conf/schema.xml to state the types of fields you want to index. You can use dynamic fields as well.
These fields are required for each solr document and are automatically generated:
id, db_id, type
In your model, define as_solr_document and return a hash with specific fields.
class Document < ActiveRecord::Base include Solrsan::Search after_save :index before_destroy :destroy_index_document def as_solr_document {:content => "hi"} end end
In each model, you can include a Solrsan::Search module which will include a few interface helper methods:
index destroy_index_document search(params)
Search:¶ ↑
A simple search query: => "hello world")
More searching examples can be seen in test/unit/search_test.rb
Changelog¶ ↑
0.0.33 Reverted Hashwithindifferentaccess for request parsing, buggy with will_paginate.
0.0.32 Using Hashwithindifferentaccess for request parsing.
0.0.31 Usable version!
0.0.1 First release.
Copyright¶ ↑
Copyright © 2011 Tommy Chheng. See LICENSE for details.