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Provides ActiveRecord methods that make it easy to allow users to sort and reorder records in a list



>= 5, < 7
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Sortability is a gem that makes it easy to manage records that can be sorted and reordered by users of your Rails app.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'sortability'

And then execute:

$ bundle install

In the following instructions:

  • Record refers to the model your users are allowed to reorder
  • Container refers to the model that holds ordered Records (e.g. a list)


Sortability uses a non-null integer column in your records table to store the sort order. It is also a good idea to have a unique index that covers the sort column and any container_id or container_type columns. By default, the sort column is named sort_position, but that name can be changed by passing the on option to the methods provided by this gem. This will also change the names of the methods created on the Record model. The scope option in the following methods specifies the container foreign key column(s). You can ommit it if the records should be sorted globally.

Existing Tables

If you don't already have this column, you will need to add it to the records table using a migration:

$ rails g migration add_sort_position_to_records

In this migration, you will want something similar to this:

class AddSortPositionToRecords < ActiveRecord::Migration[4.2]
  def change
    add_sortable_column :records # , on: :sort_position
    add_sortable_index :records, scope: :container_id # , on: :sort_position

New Tables

If you haven't created the records table yet, you can use the sortable method to create the appropriate column in the new table, but you should still create the index using add_sortable_index to ensure that the index covers the appropriate column(s):

class CreateRecords < ActiveRecord::Migration[4.2]
  def change
    create_table :records do |t|
      t.sortable # on: :sort_position

    add_sortable_index :records, scope: :container_id # , on: :sort_position



Replace the belongs_to :container relation in your Record model with:

sortable_belongs_to :container, inverse_of: :records,
                                scope: :container_id # , on: :sort_position

You can also specify a custom association scope:

sortable_belongs_to :container, -> { with_deleted },
                                inverse_of: :records, scope: :container_id # , on: :sort_position

It is highly recommended that you specify the inverse_of and scope options.

If records are sorted globally, without a container, use the sortable_class method instead:

sortable_class # on: :sort_position, scope: :sort_group_number


Simply replace the has_many :records relation in your Container model with:

sortable_has_many :records, inverse_of: :container # , on: :sort_position

You can also specify a custom association scope, but in that case you have to order the records yourself:

sortable_has_many :records, ->{ with_deleted.order(:sort_position) },
                            inverse_of: :container # , on: :sort_position

Once again, it is highly recommended that you specify the inverse_of option.


Once you have run the migrations and modified your models according to the installation instructions, you are ready to start sorting the records. Here are some things that you can do:

  • Get all the records in order directly from the relation in the container (or from Record.all if the records are globally sorted).

  • Get all peers of a record (records in the same container) by using the sort_position_peers method.

  • Create a new container with several records with one call to container.save and have all the records receive valid sort_positions.

  • Add a new record to an existing container and have it automatically appended at the end of the list.

  • Set the sort_position for a record and have other records in the same container be automatically updated to create a gap when that record is saved.

  • Change a record's container and have other records in the new container also be automatically updated to create a gap for that record.

  • Close all gaps in the sort_position for the peers of a record by calling the compact_sort_position_peers! method.

  • Get the next or previous record by using the next_by_sort_position or previous_by_sort_position methods.

The sort_position is not guaranteed to contain consecutive numbers. When listing the records, you should compute their positions in application code as you iterate through the list. If you need the position for a single record, call compact_sort_position_peers! first to close any gaps in its peers, then read sort_position directly.


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Write specs for your feature
  4. Implement your new feature
  5. Test your feature (rake)
  6. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Added some feature')
  7. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  8. Create new Pull Request

Development Environment Setup

  1. Use bundler to install all dependencies:
$ bundle install
  1. Load the schema:
$ rake db:schema:load

Or if the above fails:

$ bundle exec rake db:schema:load


To run all existing tests for Sortability, simply execute the following from the main folder:

$ rake

Or if the above fails:

$ bundle exec rake


This gem is distributed under the terms of the MIT license. See the MIT-LICENSE file for details.