💡 Introduction
sp-rails-saml is to be make onelogin ruby-saml easier to use in Ruby on Rails.
⬇️ Installation
sp-rails-saml works with Rails 6.1 onwards. Add the following line to your Gemfile:
gem 'sp-rails-saml'
And then execute:
$ bundle install
Or install it yourself as:
$ gem install sp-rails-saml
🔧 Getting started
1. Generate saml templates
You need to run the generator:
$ rails g sp_rails_saml:install {reference_table_name}
At this point, you need to write your account table name in reference_table_name
This will generate the saml templates for controller, view, model, initializer, etc.
If you need only saml sp initiated and idp initiated template
$ rails g sp_rails_saml:install {reference_table_name} --settings false
- app/controllers/saml/sessions_controller.rb
- app/controllers/saml/ssos_controller.rb
- app/controllers/saml/saml_settings_controller.rb
- app/views/saml/sessions/new.html.erb
- app/views/saml/saml_settings/show.html.erb
- app/views/saml/saml_settings/edit.html.erb
2. Add routing
To configure routings for above templates, just add the following line to your config/routes.rb
# if you need only saml sp initiated and idp initiated routing
sp_rails_saml_routes(sso_only: true)
This routing method encompasses the following endpoints:
# metadata url
GET /saml/sp/metadata/:id
# acs url
POST /saml/sp/consume/:id
# saml login page
GET /saml/sign_in
# start saml sp initiated
POST /saml/sign_in
GET /saml/saml_settings
GET /saml/saml_settings/edit
PATCH /saml/saml_settings
3. Setting model associations
If you associate the reference table and the saml model, you need to add the follwing line to your reference model file:
has_one :saml_setting, dependent: :destroy
4. Migrate
You need to run migration command.
$ rails db:migrate
5. Add before action
You need to add the following line to your SsosController
and SessionController
skip_before_action :authenticate_user!
6. Add SSO method to ApplicationController
You need to add the follwing line to your ApplicationController
def sign_in_with_saml(user)
# add create session logic
# using devise example
def sign_in_with_saml(user)
sign_in(:user, user)
redirect_to root_path
7. Edit your saml credentials
Once the above process is complete, you can edit your saml credentials in /saml/saml_settings/edit
Check Saml Value
sp-rails-saml only validate below list value
- SAML Response AudienceRestriction
- SAML Response Signature
- SAML Response Destination
📄 License
The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.