Spree SendWithUs
SendWithUs mailer you can use in Spree! Say what?!
Add spree_sendwithus to your Gemfile:
# Rubygems
gem 'spree_sendwithus'
# Direct from Github
gem 'spree_sendwithus', github: 'freerunningtech/spree_sendwithus'
Bundle your dependencies and run the installation generator:
bundle install
Add send_with_us.rb
in config/initializers
with the following:
SendWithUs::Api.configure do |config|
config.api_key = ENV["SEND_WITH_US_API_KEY"]
config.debug = true
If you want to globally configure the email service provider SendWithUs will use, say for sending staging emails to something like mailtrap.io, then simply add the following to an initializer:
Spree::SendWithUs::Base.configure do |config|
config.esp_account = ENV['SEND_WITH_US_ESP_ACCOUNT']
Now you can configure any of your mailers to use SendWithUs by making them a subclass of Spree::SendWithUsMailer::Base
. For example:
# app/mailers/spree/quality_control_mailer.rb
class Spree::QualityControlMailer < Spree::SendWithUsMailer::Base
default recipient_name: "Quality Control",
recipient_address: "quality@freerunningtech.com",
from_name: "Quality Control",
from_address: "quality@freerunningtech.com"
def reprint(original, reprint)
assign(:original, order_data(Spree::Order.find(original)))
assign(:reprint, order_data(Spree::Order.find(reprint)))
esp_account: 'SEND_WITH_US_ESP_API_ID' # Optional
def order_data(order)
url: spree.admin_order_url(order),
number: order.number
The mailer will work with delayed job or without:
# Delayed
Spree::QualityControlMailer.delay.reprint(1, 2)
# Inline
Spree::QualityControlMailer.reprint(1, 2).deliver
Also, the default URL host will be pulled from config.action_mailer.default_url_options
so there's no need for any extra configuration! You're welcome!
Have spree_sendwithus mailers? Want to do some testing with RSpec? Don't want to hit the API?! Then look no further! Just add the following to your spec_helper.rb
and bask in the glory that is mocking!
require 'spree_sendwithus/rspec_support'
Be sure to bundle your dependencies and then create a dummy test app for the specs to run against.
bundle exec rake test_app
bundle exec rspec spec
Copyright (c) 2014 FreeRunning Technologies, released under the New BSD License