Add spree_wallet to your Gemfile:
gem 'spree_wallet'
But if you are using older version of spree
# Spree 2.1.x
gem 'spree_wallet', '2.1.0'
# Spree 2.0.x
gem 'spree_wallet', '2.0.6'
# Spree 3.0.x
gem 'spree_wallet', '3.0.0'
Bundle your dependencies and run the installation generator:
bundle exec rails g spree_wallet:install
bundle exec rake db:migrate
From Admin end, create a payment method of Wallet type. From User end, user can only select or unselect wallet payment type. Spree Wallet will deduce minimum of order total and spree wallet balance of that user. If there's any remaining amount in the order it will be deducted from other payment method choosen by the user.
While from admin end, Admin can select any amount from wallet, but it should be less than amount present in user's balance.
Here is a detailed article with screenshot
You need to do a quick one-time creation of a test application and then you can use it to run the tests.
bundle exec rake test_app
Then run the rspec tests with mysql.
bundle exec rspec .
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