Tool to make it easier configuring new Spring MVC projects.
Ensure you have installed ruby and rubygems. Open your terminal and run
gem install springmvc-scaffold
Getting Started
Open your terminal and run:
springmvc new myapp
This command will create all configurations, after that go into myapp folder
cd myapp
Now lets create a sample CRUD, to do that just run
springmvc scaffold product name:string value:double active:boolean
and run server
mvn jetty:run
Open http://localhost:8080/products
#Supported attributes type
The supported attributes type are: boolean, double, float, short, integer, long, string, text, date and references.
The root default folder is app. To change that you have the following command
springmvc new myapp
You can also change the model, controller and repository packages:
springmvc new myapp -m=domain -c=controls -r=data
The default build tool is maven, to change your build tool, just create your application with:
# for gradle
springmvc new myapp -b=gradle
# for sbt
springmvc new myapp -b=sbt
When using gradle, to run your application use:
gradle jettyRun
# or
gradle jR
When using sbt use:
A new project already comes with the connection pool configured and in place. Besides that, you can choose between JPA (EntityManager, default), or Hibernate (Session), when creating your project:
springmvc new myapp -o=jpa
springmvc new myapp -o=hibernate
#Help command
To get hold of all available commands execute
springmvc -h
To get more information on a command usage use:
springmvc new -h
springmvc scaffold -h
Note on Patches/Pull Requests
- Fork the project.
- Make your feature addition or bug fix.
- Add tests for it. This is important so I don't break it in a future version unintentionally.
- Commit, do not mess with rakefile, version, or history.
- Send me a pull request. Bonus points for topic branches.
Spring MVC Scaffold was created and is maintained by Juliano Alves.