Introducing the Sps_chat gem
The following example shows how to set up a simple chat session between 2 users.
Gem install the following:
- simplepubsub
- sps_chat
Running the SimplePubSub broker
Open an IRB session and paste in the following:
require 'simplepubsub'
SimplePubSub::Broker.start(port: 8080)
Running the SPS chat clients
Open another IRB session and paste in the following:
require 'sps_chat'
chat = port: 8080
Open another IRB session and paste the above code into it
Type the following in IRB session 1:
chat.send 'hello'
Now type the following in IRB session 2:
chat.send 'hi!'
Observe the message sent from IRB session 1 appeared in session 2, and the message from IRB session 2 appeared in session 1.
- If no userid is given, one is created. To specify a userid, pass it into the intialize method e.g. port: 8080, userid: Cedrik
- The topic is set to chat followed by the userid (e.g. chat/user777)
- ?Introducing the Sps-sub gem
spschat gem simplepubsub