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A gem that allows for simple SQL-based search and sort functionality


~> 2.18
~> 1.9.24
>= 2.0.6


>= 0
~> 4.3.1
~> 2.3
~> 1.10.4
~> 1.3.0
~> 3.7.2
 Project Readme


Gem Version


Provides simple SQL-based *search and sort functionality (that work together or separately) for the index or any other page that lists out ActiveRecord models. Being SQL-driven it gives you search capability without making you run a separate full-text server like Solr.

* Search works on string and text fields. Trying to specify columns of any other type will raise an UnsearchableType exception.

Note: ControllerScaffolding includes SqlSearchNSort functionality and generates all the necessary code to get it up and running.

screenshot of index page using both search and sort Example Screenshot


  • Add to Gemfile: gem "sql_search_n_sort" then run bundle install
  • Run rails g sql_search_n_sort:install


Example Model
	class Person < ActiveRecord::Base
		extend SqlSearchableSortable
		sql_searchable :first_name, :last_name
		sql_sortable   :first_name, :last_name, :email, 
		                updated_at: {show_asc: false, display_text: "Date last changed", joined_table: :article}
		default_sql_sort :last_name #optional
		#NOTE: specifying order in your default_scope will cause sort functionality to break
		#default_scope { order(:email) } #If you've done this remove it!

Example index.html.haml
				=render "sort_form" #, :opts => @sort_dropdown_opts
				=render "search_form"

Example Controller
class PeopleController < ApplicationController
	def index #both search and sort functionality
		@people = Person.sql_search(params[:search_for]).sql_sort(@sort_by, (@sort_dir))
	def index #just search functionality
		@people = Person.sql_search(params[:search_for])
	def index #just sort functionality
		@people = Person.sql_sort(@sort_by, (@sort_dir))

  1. Add the following lines to any ActiveRecord model (see Example Model above):
    • extend SqlSearchableSortable
    • for search:
      • sql_searchable :col1, :col2, :col3, #...
    • for sort:
      • sql_sortable :col1, :col2, {:col3 => { show_desc: false, display_text: "Column Three"}}
        • each column parameter passed in can add an optional hash to specify a few options:
          • show_asc: [true|false] - Should the Sort by dropdown have an option for sorting by this column in ascending order?
          • show_desc: [true|false] - Should the Sort by dropdown have an option for sorting by this column in descending order?
          • display_text: "Column display text" - The text displayed for this column in the Sort by dropdown.
          • joined_table: :article - When sorting on this column it will use the column from a joined table with the name specified. Note: You must define the join in your call to sql_sort like the following in your controller Comment.joins(:article).sql_sort(@sort_by, @sort_dir)
      • and optionally you can specify the default ordering column in the model file with or without the :desc option (specifying descending default sort direction):
        • default_sql_sort :sortable_col1 [, :desc]
          • NOTE: specifying order in the model's default_scope will cause sql_sort functionality to break
  2. Views (see Example index.html.haml above):
    • search: add the following code in the position where you want the search unit to be located: = render 'search_form'
    • sort: add the following code in the position where you want the sort unit to be located: = render 'sort_form' #, :opts => @sort_dropdown_opts
      • Note that the :opts => @sort_dropdown_opts is optional and may be included if you feel better about only using local variables in your partials or if for some reason you want to manually define your own set of options for the sort select list (not recommended).
  3. In the controller action (usually #index) add the following (See Example Controller above):
    • For just Search @people = Person.sql_search(params[:search_for])
    • For just Sort: @people = Person.sql_sort(@sort_by, @sort_dir)
      • In app/controllers/application_controller.rb there will be a line: before_action :setup_sql_sort, :only => [:index, :sort_only_index]. You will need to add any actions named anything other than :index to this array and most likely remove :sort_only_index e.g. before_action :setup_sql_sort, :only => [:index, :other_action_using_sort]. The other option is to completely remove the :only option altogether before_action :setup_sql_sort, which could cause a minimal performance loss depending on how many actions are defined in your controller. If you are trying to sort on columns that don;t exist in the primary table (when joining) pass in the model explicitly to the setup_sql_sort method as such: before_action(:only => [:index]) { |mc| mc.setup_sql_sort(Person) }.
    • For both Search & Sort just chain them: @people = Person.sql_search(params[:search_for]).sql_sort(@sort_by, @sort_dir)
  4. If your resource is scoped/namespaced you will want to:
    • alter the following before_action line in application_controller.rb before_action :setup_sql_sort [,...] to make sure that your controller action does not cause it to execute. (You can either comment out the line or employ the :except or :only parameters.)
    • If you are using the sort functionality... in the first line of your controller action call setup_sql_sort(Fully::Namespaced::ModelName)
  5. If there are certain application parameters that you don't want passed along when performing a search or sort you can add them to the arrays defined in config.suppress_params in 'config/initializers/sql_search_n_sort'. This was implemented to avoid issues like using pagination gem kaminari and being on a page other than the first and then having a search return less results causing the page to be empty. (search: ["page"])

Generator actions

  • Files that will be copied to your project:
    • app/views/application/_sort_form.html.haml
    • app/views/application/_search_form.html.haml
    • app/assets/javascripts/sql_search_n_sort.js
  • Other changes made by the generator
    • Adds an include and a before_action call to app/controllers/application_controller.rb
    • Adds //= require jquery to app/assets/javascripts/application.js if not already there.


  • Generator tests: run rake test from the root directory.
  • Integration test specs: run rspec spec from 'test/dummy'

Gem dependencies

  • Dependencies:

    • activerecord
    • haml-rails
    • sprockets-rails
  • Development Environment Dependencies:

    • rspec-rails
    • capybara
    • selenium-webdriver
    • factory_girl_rails
    • database_cleaner


  • Decouple from haml-rails gem and remove dependency from gemspec
  • Allow for case-sensitive and whole word searches
  • See if there's anyway to change like comparison to be more index friendly