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This gem includes a library that imports yGuard or ProGuard rename logs, and a binary that uploads the data to Squash.



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Squash Java Deobfuscation Library

This gem serves three purposes:

  • to upload yGuard obfuscation data to Squash,
  • to map class names to their file paths, and upload that data to Squash, and
  • to notify Squash of new releases of Java software (internally or externally).

This gem installs a deobfuscate binary that converts a renamelog.xml file into a format usable for Squash, locates the files in which classes are defined, and then uploads that data to the Squash host. It also installs a squash_release binary that notifies Squash of the release.


Comprehensive documentation is written in YARD- and Markdown-formatted comments throughout the source. To view this documentation as an HTML site, run rake doc.

For an overview of the various components of Squash, see the website documentation at https://github.com/SquareSquash/web.


This library is compatible with Ruby 1.8.6 and later, including Ruby Enterprise Edition.


This gem requires the json gem (http://rubygems.org/gems/json). You can use any JSON gem that conforms to the typical standard (require 'json'; object.to_json).


Uploading Obfuscation and Class Path Data

This gem installs a command-line binary named deobfuscate. It is called in the following format:

deobfuscate [options] <API key> <environment> <build number> <renamelog file>

Example: deobfuscate --no-ssl-verification a9232f94-6c2d-45ae-8f9e-9add5bd7ff35 production 103 /path/to/renamelog.xml

This binary is intended to be used as part of your release process. It will first parse the renamelog file and generate an internal representation of your program's namespace, along with all obfuscated aliases. Then it will attempt to map class names to the files in which the classes are defined. In order for this to work, your classes should be organized in folder structures according to their package names. For example, the source of the class com.foo.bar.Baz should be found in a "com/foo/bar/Baz.java" file path somewhere in your project.

By default this program assumes it's being run from the project root, but you can also specify the root with the --project-dir switch. For documentation on deobfuscate's command-line options, run deobfuscate --help.

Release Notification

This gem installs a command-line binary named squash_release. It is called in the following format:

squash_release [options] <Squash host> <API key> <environment> <build number>

Example: squash_release http://your.squash.host a9232f94-6c2d-45ae-8f9e-9add5bd7ff35 production 103

This binary is intended to be used as part of your release process, similar to deobfuscate (see above). Like deobfuscate, sensible defaults are provided for all command line switches.

For documentation on squash_release's command-line options, run squash_release --help.

Data Transmission

Deobfuscation and release data is transmitted to Squash using JSON-over-HTTPS. A default API endpoint is pre-configured, though you can always set your own (see deobfuscate --help or squash_release --help).

By default, Net::HTTP is used to transmit errors to the API server. If you would prefer to use your own HTTP library, see the squash_uploader gem.

Use as a Library

In addition to using the rename map with Squash, you can also use the gem as a library, to perform deobfuscation for your own purposes (even unrelated to Squash). See the {Squash::Java::Namespace} class documentation for more information.

You will need to add this gem to your Gemfile to use it as a library:

gem 'squash_java', :require => 'squash/java'