Stacked - A Ruby wrapper for the Stack Overflow API (v0.5)
This library is built around the Stack Overflow (private) API [described here][]. I am under the impression that it covers all the API methods described in [this comprehensive listing][], but equally aware that this is a first draft and I am likely to make a mistake or four.
To install stacked:
sudo gem install stacked
To use it:
require 'stacked'
To report breakages:
Some notes
Methods that are designed to take options in the API are designed that way in the wrapper also, as you'd expect. Take for example +Stacked::Question.all+ which you can pass any options you wish:
Stacked::Question.all(:pagesize => 10)
In this example the amount of questions returned is limited to 10.
Other options include:
- page - Specify the page when paginating through a collection.
- body - Set this to true to return the body of the objects you're receiving. By default set to false for questions and answers.
- comments - Set this to true to include the comments in the objects you're receiving.
- fromdate - An integer timestamp of the time you wish to search from (default: 30 days ago, 90 days for reputation).
- todate - An integer timestamp of the time you wish to search to (default: now)
- tagged - A list of tags to scope this find by. Effective only on question methods.
There may be some options I have missed from this list. This is why it's a first draft. So you can tell me I'm missing options, then I can add them and make it a second draft. And so on.