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An opinionated skeleton generator for basic static sites.


>= 0
~> 1.6
>= 0


>= 0
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Starch is an opinionated skeleton generator for basic static site development. It will get you going on new sites quickly by generating the meat and potatoes of your toolchain. Starch gets you:

  • A simple directory structure
  • Barebones bower.json and package.json files for easily saving bower and npm dependencies
  • Templates, partials, and helpers via Handlebars
  • PNG, JPG, and GIF optimization
  • SASS compilation
  • JS uglification
  • Coffeescript compilation
  • A preview server with livereload
  • The ability to build a production-ready version of your site



$ gem install starch


To scaffold a new site named mysite:

$ starch new mysite

Starch will create a directory mysite within the current directory that looks like this:

├── Gruntfile.js
├── app
│   ├── assets
│   │   ├── files
│   │   ├── fonts
│   │   ├── images
│   │   ├── js
│   │   └── stylesheets
│   │       └── main.scss
│   ├── helpers.js
│   ├── pages
│   ├── partials
│   └── templates
│       └── default.hbt
├── bower.json
├── node_modules
│   └── ...
└── package.json
  • Your site's HTML files should live in app/assets/pages/ with .html extensions.
    • These files will be parsed with Handlebars.
    • You can include a YAML block (in between two lines of ---) at the top of the file with frontmatter. The data provided here will be available in the file and in the file's template, via the page object.
  • Partials should live in app/assets/partials/ with .hbp extensions.
    • You can use partials in your HTML files and in your templates in standard Handlebars fashion ( {{> my-partial-name}} ).
      • If you want to use a partial that is deeply nested, you don't need to specify the path - just use the partial's name.
  • Templates should live in app/assets/templates/ with .hbt extensions.
    • default.hbt is the default template and needs to exist, otherwise you're gonna have a bad time.
    • You can change the template that a given .html file uses by specifying template: some-template-name in the file's frontmatter.
    • Use {{{body}}} in your templates where the HTML should be rendered.
  • Any Handlebars helpers can live in app/helpers.js. In the exported object, each key/value pair should resemble helperName: function(value) { ... }.
  • Javascript and Coffeescript should live in app/assets/js/.
    • Javascript files should have a .js extension and Coffeescript files should have a .coffee extension.
  • SASS should live in app/assets/stylesheets/.
    • The only SASS file that will be compiled is app/assets/stylesheets/main.scss. This file should be used to import the rest of your SASS.
  • Images in app/assets/images/ with .png, .jpg, or .gif extensions will be optimized and copied 1:1 into the destination directory.
  • Fonts, and any other static assets should live in fonts and files (located in app/assets), respectively. These files will be copied 1:1 without any additional processing.

When your site is staged or built, the assets directory will be placed in the root of the destination directory, alongside the rendered contents of the pages directory. For example, app/pages/index.html will end up as /index.html, and you can reference assets in your site like: /assets/images/spuds.png.

Grunt tasks - staging, building, cleaning

The entirety of the Starch toolchain is accessible through Grunt. There are quite a few tasks defined in the Gruntfile, but there are only three that you should really care about:

  • grunt serve: Builds your site for staging and starts a preview server on livereload is enabled, so any time the app directory changes, the site will be automatically refreshed in your browser. Neat!
  • grunt build: Builds your site for production into the public_html directory.
  • grunt clean: Nukes the staging and public_html directories. You can be more specific with grunt clean:staging and grunt clean:build, respectively.

It's just a scaffolder

Starch is meant to provide a solid starting point for new projects; however, it may not always meet your particular needs. You're encouraged to modify the generated Gruntfile (or anything else) to meet the requirements of your project.


  1. Fork it ( )
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request