Service Testing in Ruby
STiR is an opinionated framework for testing web services. Using the same concepts as a page-object framework, STiR aims to be fairly agnostic to the type of service being tested. It uses HTTParty under the covers for REST services and Savon for SOAP services.
Installing STiR
Install the gem manually:
$ gem install stir
Or add it to your Gemfile:
gem 'stir'
You can require STiR for testing only REST services, only SOAP services, or both!:
require 'stir/rest' # only requires rest components
require 'stir/soap' # only requires soap components
require 'stir/all' # requires both soap and rest components
Getting Started
Directory Structure
STiR has certain conventions. One such convention is the directory structure. You can place your STiR directory anywhere within your project but the STiR directory must contain the following subdirectories:
stir (this can be named anything and located anywhere)
The main concept behind STiR is to create a central place to define service objects (endpoints for rest, operations for soap), similar to how a page-object framework centralizes where web elements are defined. As you might have guessed, client definitions go in the clients
directory and config information goes in the config
STiR Configuration
To tell STiR where to find your clients and configs you must configure STiR. Path, Environment, and Version are all required fields.
Stir.configure do |config|
config.path = '/path/to/your/parent/stir/directory'
config.environment = 'dev' # must match desired value from yaml
config.version = 'v1' # must match desired value from yaml
Define a REST configuration
# ~/project_dir/stir/config/sample.yml
base_uri: http://localhost:3000
Define a REST client
# ~/project_dir/stir/client/sample.rb
class Sample < Stir::RestClient
get(:post_by_id) { '/posts/%{id}' } #defining the endpoint
response(:post_name) { response['postName'] } #defining item from response object
STiR will automatically find the correct config file for your client. For every client, STiR will look for a config file with the same name as the class name of the client. In the example above, STiR will look for a config file named sample.yml
inside the config directory
Using STiR in REST Tests
describe 'Posts' do
let(:sample) { }
describe 'get post by id' do
it 'should return the correct post' do
sample.post_by_id(id: 15)
expect(sample.post_name).to eql 'Sample Post Name'
Define a SOAP configuration
# ~/project_dir/stir/config/soap_sample.yml
v1: #version
qa: #environment
wsdl: 'http://localhost:9393?wsdl'
dev: #environment
wsdl: 'http://localhost:9394?wsdl'
Define a SOAP client
class SoapSample < Stir::SoapClient
operation(:old_name, :new_name) #alias an operation name only works is you provide wsdl
operation(:user_id_by_name) #only required if you dont provide a wsdl
response(:id) { response['id'] } #defining item from response object
Using STiR in SOAP Tests
describe 'Users' do
let(:sample) { }
describe 'get user id by name' do
it 'should return the correct id' do
sample.user_id_by_name( message: { "user_name" => "test_user" } )
expect( eql '259'