Stokes Drift
Coming soon, under construction, all that sort of jazz
To build:
gem build stokesdrift.gemspec
To publish:
gradle uploadArchives
gem push *.gem
Target feature set
- Ability to create services that have a start / stop runtime
- Ability to create jobs running off quartz
- Application configuration built off etcd / consul / yaml ** ability to merge files based on environment deployments
- Ability to package up application to be used in a deployed runtime
- Ability to cleanly work with docker / containers
- Target JRuby and eventually Clojure envs ability to load rack or ring apps ** Pool the web application pieces ** singleton services
Neccessary evils:
- Configuration - need to break out a separate jar / maven published component ** java fork of confd ** Config listeners for embedding ** Default to yaml files
- Registry - in progress
- Logging - Use gelf and figure out async logging approach
- IOC injection / CDI support, build objects / services based on this
- Console screen that can be activated via config (servlet to run ruby code / etc...)
- Undertow (web processes) -
- Weld
- Jruby Rack
- Fix the test resource pathing via gradle build
- Startup and including of the resources inclusion
- Add version file for all references to lib version
- Add service approach - use samza for queue consumption ? ** Service Plugin that takes ruby runtime? / registry, bean name + other details ** Plugin has start / stop events it listens too
- Add configuration options ** java fork of confd
- Add plugin model based on CDI
- Add logging and gelf support
- Add newrelic support
Testing out
run STOKES_DRIFT_OPTS="-r src/test/resources/examples" gradle run