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Stormpath SDK used to interact with the Stormpath REST API


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~> 1.4.1
~> 0.9.2
~> 3.0.4
~> 3.0.0
~> 0.7.1
~> 0.6.1
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#Stormpath is Joining Okta We are incredibly excited to announce that Stormpath is joining forces with Okta. Please visit the Migration FAQs for a detailed look at what this means for Stormpath users.

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Stormpath Ruby SDK

Stormpath is the first easy, secure user management and authentication service for developers. This is the Ruby SDK to ease integration of its features with any Ruby language based application.


$ gem install stormpath-sdk

Provision Your Stormpath Account

If you have not already done so, register as a developer on Stormpath and set up your API credentials and resources:

  1. Create a Stormpath developer account and create your API Keys downloading the apiKey.properties file into a .stormpath folder under your local home directory.

  2. Through the Stormpath Admin UI, create yourself an Application Resource. On the Create New Application screen, make sure the "Create a new directory with this application" box is checked. This will provision a Directory Resource along with your new Application Resource and link the Directory to the Application as a Login Source. This will allow users associated with that Directory Resource to authenticate and have access to that Application Resource.

    It is important to note that although your developer account comes with a built-in Application Resource (called "Stormpath") - you will still need to provision a separate Application Resource.

  3. Take note of the REST URL of the Application you just created. Your web application will communicate with the Stormpath API in the context of this one Application Resource (operations such as: user-creation, authentication, etc.)

Getting Started

  1. Require the Stormpath Ruby SDK

    require 'stormpath-sdk'
  2. Create a client using the API key properties file

    client = Stormpath::Client.new api_key_file_location: File.join(ENV['HOME'], '.stormpath', 'apiKey.properties')
  3. List all your applications and directories

    client.applications.each do |application|
      p "Application: #{application.name}"
    client.directories.each do |directory|
      p "Directory: #{directory.name}"
  4. Get access to the specific application and directory using the URLs you acquired above.

    application = client.applications.get(application_url)
    directory = client.directories.get(directory_url)
  5. Create an account for a user on the directory.

    account = directory.accounts.create(
      given_name: 'John',
      surname: 'Smith',
      email: 'john.smith@example.com',
      username: 'johnsmith',
      password: '4P@$$w0rd!'
  6. Update an account

    account.given_name = 'Johnathan'
    account.middle_name = 'A.'
  7. Authenticate the Account for use with an application:

    auth_request =
      Stormpath::Authentication::UsernamePasswordRequest.new 'johnsmith', '4P@$$w0rd!'
      auth_result = application.authenticate_account auth_request
      account = auth_result.account
    rescue Stormpath::Error => e
      #If credentials are invalid or account doesn't exist
  8. Send a password reset request

    application.send_password_reset_email 'john.smith@example.com'
  9. Create a group in a directory

    directory.groups.create(name: 'Admins')
  10. Add the account to the group

    group.add_account account
  11. Check for account inclusion in group by reloading the account

    account = client.accounts.get(account.href)
    is_admin = account.groups.any? { |group| group.name == 'Admins' }

Common Uses

Creating a client

All Stormpath features are accessed through a Stormpath::Client instance, or a resource created from one. A client needs an API key (made up of an id and a secret) from your Stormpath developer account to manage resources on that account. That API key can be specified any number of ways in the hash of values passed on Client initialization:

  • The location of API key properties file:

    client = Stormpath::Client.new
      api_key_file_location: '/some/path/to/apiKey.properties'

    You can even identify the names of the properties to use as the API key id and secret. For example, suppose your properties was:


    You could load it with the following:

    client = Stormpath::Client.new
      api_key_file_location: '/some/path/to/apiKey.properties',
      api_key_id_property_name: 'foo',
      api_key_secret_property_name: 'bar'
  • Passing in a Stormpath::APIKey instance:

    api_key = Stormpath::ApiKey.new api_id, api_secret
    client = Stormpath::Client.new api_key: api_key
  • By explicitly setting the API key id and secret:

    client = Stormpath::Client.new
      api_key: { id: api_id, secret: api_secret }
  • By passing a composite application url to Application.load:

    composite_url = "http://#{api_key_id}:#{api_key_secret}@api.stormpath.com/v1/applications/#{application_id}"
    application = Stormpath::Resource::Application.load composite_url
    client = application.client

To change the base_url for the Enterprise product, pass the following option to Stormpath::Client.new() :

client = Stormpath::Client.new(
  api_key_file_location: '/some/path/to/apiKey.properties',
  base_url: 'https://enterprise.stormpath.io/v1'
  • By passing a composite application url to Application.load:

    composite_url = "http://#{api_key_id}:#{api_key_secret}@api.stormpath.com/v1/applications/#{application_id}"
    application = Stormpath::Resource::Application.load composite_url
    client = application.client

Accessing Resources

Most of the work you do with Stormpath is done through the applications and directories you have registered. You use the client to access them with their REST URL:

application = client.applications.get(application_url)

directory = client.directories.get(directory_url)

The applications and directories property on a client instance are also Enumerable allowing you to iterate and scan for resources via that interface.

Additional resources are accounts, groups, group_membership, and the single reference to your tenant.

Creating Resources

Applications and directories can be created directly off the client.

application = client.applications.create(name: 'foo', description: 'bar')

directory = client.directories.create(name: 'foo', description: 'bar')



Resource collections can be searched by a general query string or by attribute.

Passing a string to the search method will filter by any attribute on the collection:

client.applications.search 'foo'

To search a specific attribute or attributes, pass a hash:

client.applications.search name: 'foo', description: 'bar'


Collections can be paginated using chainable Arel-like methods. offset is the zero-based starting index in the entire collection of the first item to return. Default is 0. limit is the maximum number of collection items to return for a single request. Minimum value is 1. Maximum value is 100. Default is 25.

client.applications.offset(10).limit(100).each do |application|
  # do something


Collections can be ordered. In the following example, a paginated collection is ordered.

client.applications.offset(10).limit(100).order('name asc,description desc')

Entity Expansion

A resource's children can be eager loaded by passing the entity expansion object as the second argument to a call to get.

expansion = Stormpath::Resource::Expansion.new 'groups', 'group_memberships'
client.accounts.get(account.href, expansion)

limit and offset can be specified for each child resource by calling add_property.

expansion = Stormpath::Resource::Expansion.new
expansion.add_property 'groups', offset: 5, limit: 10

client.accounts.get(account.href, expansion)

ID Site

ID Site is a set of hosted and pre-built user interface screens that easily add authentication to your application. ID Site can be accessed via your own custom domain like id.mydomain.com and shared across multiple applications to create centralized authentication if needed. To use ID Site an url needs to be generated which contains JWT token as a parameter.

ID Site Login

In order to use ID Site an url needs to be generated. You also need to redirect to the generated url. You can call create_id_site_url which is on application object. For example if you are using sinatra the code would look something like this:

get ‘login’ do
  redirect application.create_id_site_url callback_uri: #{callback_uri}”

The application will be an instance of your application. callback_uri is a url with which you want to handle the ID Site information, this url also needs to be set in the Stormpath’s dashboard on ID Site settings page as Authorized Redirect URLs.

Using ID Site for multitenancy

When a user wants to login to your application, you may want to specify an organization for the user to login to. Stormpath ID Site is configurable to support multitenancy with Organization resources

  callback_uri: 'https://trooperapp.com/callback',
  organization_name_key: 'stormtrooper',
  show_organization_field: true
Using Subdomains

In some cases, you may want to show the organization that the user is logging into as a subdomain instead of an form field. To configure this, you need to use a wildcard certificate when setting up your custom domain with ID Site. Otherwise, the Stormpath infrastructure will cause browser SSL errors.

Once a wildcard certificate is configured on your domain, you can tell ID Site to use a subdomain to represent the organization:

  callback_uri: 'https://trooperapp.com/callback',
  organization_name_key: 'stormtrooper',
  use_subdomain: true
Specifying the Organization

In the case where you are using a subdomain to designate the organization, you can tell ID Site which organization the user is logging into to.

  callback_uri: 'https://trooperapp.com/callback',
  organization_name_key: 'stormtrooper',
  show_organization_field: true

Handle ID Site Callback

For any request you make for ID Site, you need to specify a callback uri. To parse the information from the servers response and to decode the data from the JWT token you need to call the handle_id_site_callback method and pass the Request URI.

For example in your sinatra app this would look something like this:

app.get /callback' do
  user_data = application.handle_id_site_callback(request.url)

NOTE: A JWT Response Token can only be used once. This is to prevent replay attacks. It will also only be valid for a total of 60 seconds. After which time, You will need to restart the workflow you were in.

Other ID Site Options

There are a few other methods that you will need to concern yourself with when using ID Site. Logging out a User, Registering a User, and a User who has forgotten their password. These methods will use the same information from the login method but a few more items will need to be passed into the array. For example if you have a sinatra application.

Logging Out a User
app.get /logout' do
  user_data = application.handle_id_site_callback(request.url)
  redirect application.create_id_site_url callback_uri: #{callback_uri}”, logout: true
Registering a User
app.get /register' do
  user_data = application.handle_id_site_callback(request.url)
  redirect application.create_id_site_url callback_uri: “#{callback_uri}”, path: ‘/#/register'
Forgot Link
app.get /forgot' do
  user_data = application.handle_id_site_callback(request.url)
  redirect application.create_id_site_url callback_uri: “#{callback_uri}”, path: ‘/#/forgot'

Again, with all these methods, You will want your application to link to an internal page where the JWT is created at that time. Without doing this, a user will only have 60 seconds to click on the link before the JWT expires.

NOTE: A JWT will expire after 60 seconds of creation.

Fetch Stormpath Access Token with username and password

Stormpath can generate a brand new Access Token using the password grant type: User's credentials.

To fetch the oauth token use the following snippet

grant_request = Stormpath::Oauth::PasswordGrantRequest.new(email, password)
response = application.authenticate_oauth(grant_request)

Just like with logging-in a user, it is possible to generate a token against a particular Application’s Account Store or Organization. To do so, specify the Account Store’s href or Organization’s nameKey as a parameter in the request:

grant_request = Stormpath::Oauth::PasswordGrantRequest.new(email, password, organization_name_key: 'my-stormpath-organization')
response = application.authenticate_oauth(grant_request)

Exchange ID Site token for a Stormpath Access Token

After the user has been authenticated via ID Site, a developer may want to control their authorization with an OAuth 2.0 Token. This is done by passing the JWT similar to the way we passed the user’s credentials as described in Generating an OAuth 2.0 Access Token. The difference is that instead of using the password grant type and passing credentials, we will use the id_site_token type and pass the JWT we got from the ID Site more info here.

To exchange ID Site token for the oauth token use the following snippet

grant_request = Stormpath::Oauth::IdSiteGrantRequest.new jwt_token
response = application.authenticate_oauth grant_request

Exchange Client Credentials for a Stormpath Access Token

As a developer, I want to authenticate API Keys directly against my application endpoint, so that I can have Stormpath generate an application token that I can use for a session.

Create an API Key for an account:

account_api_key = account.api_keys.create({})

Then create an client credentials request and get a authentication result:

client_credentials_grant_request = Stormpath::Oauth::ClientCredentialsGrantRequest.new(

authentication_result = application.authenticate_oauth(client_credentials_grant_request)

puts authentication_result.access_token
puts authentication_result.refresh_token

Exchange ID site token for a Stormpath Access Token

As a developer, I want to authenticate the user on ID Site but get an access token that I can store on the client to use to access my API. The oauth token endpoint will validate that:

  • the JWT is not tampered
  • has not expired
  • the account is still associated with the application and will return an access token
  • the status claim is either AUTHENTICATED or REGISTERED

If you want to create a stormpath grant request with status authenticated you need to pass the account, application and api key id:

stormpath_grant_request = Stormpath::Oauth::StormpathGrantRequest.new(

If you have the status attribute set to registered then create the request like so:

stormpath_grant_request = Stormpath::Oauth::StormpathGrantRequest.new(

And lastly authenticate with the created request instance:

authentication_result = application.authenticate_oauth(stormpath_grant_request)

puts authentication_result.access_token
puts authentication_result.refresh_token

Registering Accounts

Accounts are created on a directory instance. They can be created in two ways:

  • With the create_account method:

    account = directory.create_account({
      given_name: 'John',
      surname: 'Smith',
      email: 'john.smith@example.com',
      username: 'johnsmith',
      password: '4P@$$w0rd!'

    This metod can take an additional flag to indicate if the account can skip any registration workflow configured on the directory.

    ## Will skip workflow, if any
    account = directory.create_account account_props, false
  • Creating it directly on the accounts collection property on the directory:

    account = directory.accounts.create(
      given_name: 'John',
      surname: 'Smith',
      email: 'john.smith@example.com',
      username: 'johnsmith',
      password: '4P@$$w0rd!'

Both these methods can take either a Hash of the account properties, or a Stormpath::Account.

If the directory has been configured with an email verification workflow and a non-Stormpath URL, you have to pass the verification token sent to the URL in a sptoken query parameter back to Stormpath to complete the workflow. This is done through the verify_email_token on the accounts collection.

For example, suppose you have a Sinatra application that is handling the email verification at the path /users/verify. You could use the following code:

get '/users/verify' do
  token = params[:sptoken]
  account = client.accounts.verify_email_token token
  #proceed to update session, display account, etc

Create an Account with an Existing Password Hash

If you are moving from an existing user repository to Stormpath, you may have existing password hashes that you want to reuse to provide a seamless upgrade path for your end users. More info about this feature can be found here

Example of creating an account with existing SHA-512 password hash. For details on other hashing algorithms check the documentation

  username: "jlucpicard",
  email: "captain@enterprise.com",
  given_name: "Jean-Luc",
  surname: "Picard",
  password: "$stormpath2$SHA-512$1$ZFhBRmpFSnEwVEx2ekhKS0JTMDJBNTNmcg==$Q+sGFg9e+pe9QsUdfnbJUMDtrQNf27ezTnnGllBVkQpMRc9bqH6WkyE3y0svD/7cBk8uJW9Wb3dolWwDtDLFjg=="
}, password_format: 'mcf')


Authentication is accomplished by passing a username or an email and a password to authenticate_account of an application we've registered on Stormpath. This will either return a Stormpath::Authentication::AuthenticationResult instance if the credentials are valid, or raise a Stormpath::Error otherwise. In the former case, you can get the account associated with the credentials.

auth_request =
  Stormpath::Authentication::UsernamePasswordRequest.new 'johnsmith', '4P@$$w0rd!'

  auth_result = application.authenticate_account auth_request
  account = auth_result.account
rescue Stormpath::Error => e
  #If credentials are invalid or account doesn't exist

The UsernamePasswordRequest can take an optional link to the application’s accountStore (directory or group) or the Organization nameKey. Specifying this attribute can speed up logins if you know exactly which of the application’s assigned account stores contains the account: Stormpath will not have to iterate over the assigned account stores to find the account to authenticate it. This can speed up logins significantly if you have many account stores (> 15) assigned to the application.

The UsernamePasswordRequest can receive the AccountStore in three ways.

Passing the organization, directory or group instance:

auth_request =
  Stormpath::Authentication::UsernamePasswordRequest.new 'johnsmith', '4P@$$w0rd!', account_store: organization

Passing the organization, directory or group href:

auth_request =
  Stormpath::Authentication::UsernamePasswordRequest.new 'johnsmith', '4P@$$w0rd!', account_store: { href: organization.href }

Passing the organization name_key:

auth_request =
  Stormpath::Authentication::UsernamePasswordRequest.new 'johnsmith', '4P@$$w0rd!', account_store: { name_key: organization.name_key }

Authentication Against a SAML Directory

SAML is an XML-based standard for exchanging authentication and authorization data between security domains. Stormpath enables you to allow customers to log-in by authenticating with an external SAML Identity Provider.

Stormpath as a Service Provider

The specific use case that Stormpath supports is user-initiated single sign-on. In this scenario, a user requests a protected resource (e.g. your application). Your application, with the help of Stormpath, then confirms the users identity in order to determine whether they are able to access the resource. In SAML terminology, the user is the User Agent, your application (along with Stormpath) is the Service Provider, and the third-party SAML authentication site is the Identity Provider or IdP.

The broad strokes of the process are as follows:

  • User Agent requests access from Service Provider
  • Service Provider responds with redirect to Identity Provider
  • Identity Provider authenticates the user
  • Identity provider redirects user back to Service Provider along with SAML assertions.
  • Service Provider receives SAML assertions and either creates or retrieves Account information

Configuring Stormpath as a Service Provider

Configuration is stored in the Directory's Provider resource. Here we will explain to you the steps that are required to configure Stormpath as a SAML Service Provider.

Step 1: Gather IDP Data

You will need the following information from your IdP:

  • SSO Login URL - The URL at the IdP to which SAML authentication requests should be sent. This is often called an "SSO URL", "Login URL" or "Sign-in URL".
  • SSO Logout URL - The URL at the IdP to which SAML logout requests should be sent. This is often called a "Logout URL", "Global Logout URL" or "Single Logout URL".
  • Signing Cert - The IdP will digitally sign auth assertions and Stormpath will need to validate the signature. This will usually be in .pem or .crt format, but Stormpath requires the text value.
  • Signing Algorithm - You will need the name of the signing algorithm that your IdP uses. It will be either "RSA-SHA256" or "RSA-SHA1".

Step 2: Configure Your SAML Directory

Input the data you gathered in Step 1 above into your Directory's Provider resource, and then pass that along as part of the Directory creation HTTP POST:

provider = "saml"
request = Stormpath::Provider::AccountRequest.new(provider, :access_token, access_token)

  name: "infinum_directory",
  description: "random description",
  provider: {
    provider_id: "saml"

to get the data about the provider just type


provider method returns instance of SamlProvider and you can access the following data

dir_provider = directory.provider

Retrieve Your Service Provider Metadata

Next you will have to configure your Stormpath-powered application as a Service Provider in your Identity Provider. This means that you will need to retrieve the correct metadata from Stormpath.

In order to retrieve the required values, start by sending a GET to the Directory's Provider:


service_provider_metadata method returns instance of SamlServiceProviderMetadata and you can access the following values

dir_provider_metadata = directory.service_provider_metadata


From this metadata, you will need two values:

  • Assertion Consumer Service URL: This is the location the IdP will send its response to.
  • X509 Signing Certificate: The certificate that is used to sign the requests sent to the IdP. If you retrieve XML, the certificate will be embedded. If you retrieve JSON, you'll have to follow a further /x509certificates link to retrieve it.

You will also need two other values, which will always be the same:

  • SAML Request Binding: Set to HTTP-Redirect.
  • SAML Response Binding: Set to HTTP-Post.

Step 4: Configure Your Service Provider in Your Identity Provider

Log-in to your Identity Provider (Salesforce, OneLogin, etc) and enter the information you retrieved in the previous step into the relevant application configuration fields. The specific steps to follow here will depend entirely on what Identity Provider you use, and for more information you should consult your Identity Provider's SAML documentation.

Step 5: Configure Your Application

The Stormpath Application Resource has two parts that are relevant to SAML:

  • an authorizedCallbackUri Array that defines the authorized URIs that the IdP can return your user to. These should be URIs that you host yourself.
  • an embedded samlPolicy object that contains information about the SAML flow configuration and endpoints.
application.authorized_callback_uris = ["https://myapplication.com/whatever/callback", "https://myapplication.com/whatever/callback2"]

Step 6: Add the SAML Directory as an Account Store

The next step is to map the new Directory to your Application with an Account Store Mapping.

Step 7: Configure SAML Assertion Mapping

The Identity Provider's SAML response contains assertions about the user's identity, which Stormpath can use to create and populate a new Account resource.

    <saml:Attribute Name="uid" NameFormat="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:attrname-format:basic">
      <saml:AttributeValue xsi:type="xs:string">test</saml:AttributeValue>
    <saml:Attribute Name="mail" NameFormat="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:attrname-format:basic">
      <saml:AttributeValue xsi:type="xs:string">jane@example.com</saml:AttributeValue>
      <saml:Attribute Name="location" NameFormat="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:attrname-format:basic">
      <saml:AttributeValue xsi:type="xs:string">Tampa, FL</saml:AttributeValue>

The Attribute Assertions (<saml:AttributeStatement>) are brought into Stormpath and become Account and customData attributes.

SAML Assertion mapping is defined in an attributeStatementMappingRules object found inside the Directory's Provider object, or directly: /v1/attributeStatementMappingRules/$RULES_ID.

Mapping Rules

The rules have three different components:

  • name: The SAML Attribute name
  • name_format: The name format for this SAML Attribute, expressed as a Uniform Resource Name (URN).
  • account_attributes: This is an array of Stormpath Account or customData (customData.$KEY_NAME) attributes that will map to this SAML Attribute.

In order to create the mapping rules, we simply send the following:

rule = {
  name: 'uid',
  account_attributes: ['username']

dir.attribute_statement_mapping_rules.items = [rule]

Password Reset

A password reset workflow, if configured on the directory the account is registered on, can be kicked off with the send_password_reset_email method on an application:

application.send_password_reset_email 'john.smith@example.com'

If the workflow has been configured to verify through a non-Stormpath URL, you can verify the token sent in the query parameter sptoken with the verify_password_reset_token method on the application.

For example, suppose you have a Sinatra application that is verifying the tokens. You use the following to carry it out:

get '/users/verify' do
  token = params[:sptoken]
  account = application.verify_password_reset_token token
  #proceed to update session, display account, etc

With the account acquired you can then update the password:

  account.password = new_password

NOTE : Confirming a new password is left up to the web application code calling the Stormpath SDK. The SDK does not require confirmation.

Social Providers

To access or create an account in an already created social Directory (facebook, google, github, linkedin), it is required to gather Authorization Code on behalf of the user. This requires leveraging Oauth 2.0 protocol and the user's consent for your applications permissions. Once you have the access_token you can access the account via get_provider_account method.

provider = ‘facebook’ # can also be google, github, linkedin
request = Stormpath::Provider::AccountRequest.new(provider, :access_token, access_token)

ACL through Groups

Memberships of accounts in certain groups can be used as an authorization mechanism. As the groups collection property on an account instance is Enumerable, you can use any of that module's methods to determine if an account belongs to a specific group:

account.groups.any? {|group| group.name == 'administrators'}

You can create groups and assign them to accounts using the Stormpath web console, or programmatically. Groups are created on directories:

group = directory.groups.create(name: 'administrators')

Group membership can be created by:

  • Explicitly creating a group membership resource with your client:

    group_membership = client.group_memberships.create(group: group, account: account)
  • Using the add_group method on the account instance:

    account.add_group group
  • Using the add_account method on the group instance:

    group.add_account account

You will need to reload the account or group resource after these operations to ensure they've picked up the changes.

Working with Organizations

An Organization is a top-level container for Account Stores. You can think of an Organization as a tenant for your multi-tenant application. This is different than your Stormpath Tenant, which represents your tenant in the Stormpath system. Organizations are powerful because you can group together account stores that represent a tenant.

  • Locate an organization

      client.organizations.search(name: 'Finance Organization')
  • Create an organization

      client.organizations.create(name: 'Finance Organization', name_key: 'finance-organization')
  • Adding an account store to an organization

        account_store: { href: directory_or_group.href },
        organization:  { href: organization.href }
  • Adding an Organization to an Application as an Account Store

      client.account_store_mappings.create(application: application, account_store: organization)

Add Custom Data to Accounts or Groups

Account and Group resources have predefined fields that are useful to many applications, but you are likely to have your own custom data that you need to associate with an account or group as well.

For this reason, both the account and group resources support a linked custom_data resource that you can use for your own needs.

Set Custom Data

account =  Stormpath::Resource::Account.new({ email: "test@example.com", given_name: 'Ruby SDK', password: 'P@$$w0rd', surname: 'SDK',})

account.custom_data["rank"] = "Captain"
account.custom_data["birth_date"] = "2305-07-13"
account.custom_data["birth_place"] = "La Barre, France"

 directory.create_account account

Notice how we did not call account.custom_data.save - creating the account (or updating it later via save) will automatically persist the account's customData resource. The account 'knows' that the custom data resource has been changed and it will propogate those changes automatically when you persist the account.

Groups work the same way - you can save a group and it's custom data resource will be saved as well.

Delete a specific Custom Data field

account.custom_data["birth_date"] #=> "2305-07-13"

Delete all Custom Data




The functional tests of the SDK run against a Stormpath tenant. In that account they automatically create and destroy resources.

The following environment variables need to be set:

  • STORMPATH_CLIENT_APIKEY_ID - The id from your Stormpath API key.
  • STORMPATH_CLIENT_APIKEY_SECRET - The secret from your Stormpath API key.


Once properly configured, start the redis server with redis-server and the tests can be run as the default Rake task:

$ rake

Or by specifying the spec task:

$ rake spec

Or through rspec


You can make your own contributions by forking the development branch, making your changes, and issuing pull-requests on the development branch.

Building the Gem

To build and install the development branch yourself from the latest source:

$ git clone git@github.com:stormpath/stormpath-sdk-ruby.git
$ cd stormpath-sdk-ruby
$ rake gem
$ gem install pkg/stormpath-sdk-{version}.gem

Releasing the Gem

  1. Update the gem version following semantic versioning
  2. Update the version date
  3. Update the CHANGES.md
  4. Run rake release

Quick Class Diagram

| Application |
|             |
       + 1
       |           +-------------+
       |           | LoginSource |
       o- - - - - -|             |
       |           +-------------+
       v 0..*
+--------------+            +--------------+
|  Directory   | 1        1 |   Account    |1
|              |<----------+|              |+----------+
|              |            |              |           |
|              | 1     0..* |              |0..*       |
|              |+---------->|              |+-----+    |
|              |            +--------------+      |    |         +-----------------+
|              |                                  |    |         | GroupMembership |
|              |                                  o- - o - - - - |                 |
|              |            +--------------+      |    |         +-----------------+
|              | 1     0..* |    Group     |1     |    |
|              |+---------->|              |<-----+    |
|              |            |              |           |
|              | 1        1 |              |0..*       |
|              |<----------+|              |<----------+
+--------------+            +--------------+

Copyright & Licensing

Copyright © 2013 Stormpath, Inc. and contributors.

This project is licensed under the Apache 2.0 Open Source License.

For additional information, please see the full Project Documentation.