String to Duck type parser It can parse int, float, time, date, datetime, booleans and even json by guessing the type and using the right parsing metric on the string object.
The main Goal for this project to give flexibility when you working with a protocol like for example: HTTP, where, most of the obj will be sent as string.
With this you can simple convert string to other objects for any purpose
params['hash_obj_key'].to_duck.class <= Hash
Possible bug source, not yet been tested is the american time format.
require 'str2duck'
"2011-03-12".duck #> Date obj
"false".to_duck #> False obj
"123".duck #> Integer obj
"123.123".duck #> Float obj
"2012-09-12T14:49:50+02:00".duck #> Time obj
# without sugar syntax, you can use this
Str2Duck.parse("123.123") #> Float obj
It is possible ot extend the Str2Duck flexibility be installing Active Supports for it's time and DateTime extension, but it is only an extra options and not a dependency!
To use is, all you need to do is add activesupport to the gemfile and require in runtime:
gem 'activesupport'
This will give you even more flexibility in terms of use :) like:
"Fri, 25 Jan 2013 20:02:15 +0100".duck #> DateTime obj
"Sun, 28 Aug 2005".duck #> Date obj
If you dont want one or more parser to be active on parse, pass the strategie names you want to be used on parsing
You can access duck parsing from object methods simple as:
123.to_duck.class #> Fixnum
["hello","world"].to_duck.class #> Array
'{"hello":"world"}'.to_duck.class #> Hash
'{"hello":"world"}'.to_duck.class #> Hash
- YAML support is dropped due the unpredictable flexible syntax of the yaml
- Config constant no longer available, cause parsing moved from singleton pattern to instance based
Happy parsing!