Provides daily or hourly UV information for the US by zipcode or city/state. UV data is provided by the EPA.
Daily UV info:
require 'sunwatch'
Sunwatch.daily_uv_info_for(city: 'Seattle', state: 'WA')
# or
Sunwatch.daily_uv_info_for(zipcode: '98103')
# return type
uv_info = Sunwatch.daily_uv_info_for(zipcode: '98103')
uv_info.zipcode # => 98103
uv_info.uv_index # => 3
uv_info.uv_alert # => 1
Hourly UV info:
require 'sunwatch'
Sunwatch.hourly_uv_info_for(city: 'Seattle', state: 'WA')
Sunwatch.hourly_uv_info_for(zipcode: '98103')
# return type
uv_info = Sunwatch.hourly_uv_info_for(zipcode: '98103')
uv_info.zipcode # => 98103
uv_info.hours.each do |hour|
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