The Star Wars Character Database is a self-updating encyclopedia of all named characters in the Star Wars movies. It also has additional information all planets and species in the Star Wars Universe, as well as most films (currently only updated through Episode 7).
Video Demo
A video walkthrough can be found here
Simply install the gem on your local machine using:
gem install sw_characters
then to run the app, type in your terminal
The program will load with 6 options.
Typing 1-4 will list the selected items in a numbered format. Type the number of the option you would like, then more information about that item will appear.
Typing 5 will allow you to search through the list of characters using their name. It will display a list format if there are multiple hits to your search, otherwise it will display the character info of the closest match. Please refrain from using any titles like "General" or "Emperor". The character list records their true names (or at least known names) and does not include titles.
Entering exit will exit the program
The license for the program is included in the file directory: LICENSE.txt
Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/mlmccor/sw_characters.