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SwitchGear is a library which contains the Circuit Breaker pattern. It is used to prevent constant fail-over from spotty remote systems


~> 1.13
~> 0.10
~> 10.0
~> 3.3
~> 3.0
~> 0.13
~> 0.8
~> 0.9
 Project Readme


In an electric power system, switchgear is the combination of electrical disconnect switches, fuses or circuit breakers used to control, protect and isolate electrical equipment. Switchgears are used both to de-energize equipment to allow work to be done and to clear faults downstream. This type of equipment is directly linked to the reliability of the electricity supply.

SwitchGear is a module that will implement various failover protection layers for deploying apps at scale. The first module is a lightweight implementation of the famous Michael Nygard circuit breaker pattern.


This gem is in alpha and is on RubyGems.org. I'm still finalizing the API, but if you wish to help me get to it's first stable release, please do!

Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'switch_gear'

And then execute:

$ bundle install



In Memory

Here is an example of how you could use the breaker while making routine calls to a third party service such as Twitter:

require 'switch_gear/circuit_breaker'
require 'logger'

@logger = Logger.new(STDOUT)

handles = ["joe", "jane", "mary", "steve"]

def get_tweets(twitter_handle)
  http_result = ["Success!", "Fail"].sample
  raise RuntimeError.new("Failed to fetch tweets for #{twitter_handle}") if http_result == "Fail"
  @logger.info "#{http_result} getting tweets for #{twitter_handle}"

breaker = SwitchGear::CircuitBreaker::Memory.new do |cb|
  cb.circuit = -> (twitter_handle) { get_tweets(twitter_handle) }
  cb.failure_limit = 2
  cb.reset_timeout = 5

handles.each do |handle|
  rescue SwitchGear::CircuitBreaker::OpenError
    @logger.warn "Circuit is open - unable to make calls for #{handle}"
    sleep breaker.reset_timeout

You will see output similar to:

W, [2017-02-12T20:49:12.374971 #85900]  WARN -- : [RuntimeError] - Failed to fetch tweets for joe
W, [2017-02-12T20:49:12.375049 #85900]  WARN -- : [RuntimeError] - Failed to fetch tweets for jane
I, [2017-02-12T20:49:17.380771 #85900]  INFO -- : Success! getting tweets for steve
I, [2017-02-12T20:49:17.380865 #85900]  INFO -- : Circuit closed

Notice that we had two failures in a row for joe and jane. The circuit breaker was configured to only allow for 2 failures via the failuire_limit method. If another call comes in after two failures, it will raise a SwitchGear::CircuitBreaker::OpenError error. The only way the circuit breaker will be closed again is if the reset_timeout period has lapsed. In our loop we catch the SwitchGear::CircuitBreaker::OpenError exception and sleep to allow the Circuit to close. You can see the timestamp of this log,

I, [2017-02-12T20:49:17.380771 #85900]  INFO -- : Success! getting tweets for steve

is 5+ seconds after the last error which exceeds the reset_timeout - that's why the breaker allowed the method invocation to go get steve's tweets.


In an distributed environment the in memory solution of the circuit breaker creates quite a bit of unnecessary work. If you can imagine 5 servers all running their own circuit breakers, the failure_limit has just increased by a factor of 5. Ideally, we want server1's failures and server2's failures to be included for similar breakers. We do this by using redis where the state of the breaker and the failures are persisted. Redis is a great choice for this especially since most distributed systems have a redis instance in use.

You can visualize a few servers that were originally in a closed state moving to open upon failures as such:

remote failure image

You can set up the CircuitBreaker to use the redis adapter like this:

breaker = SwitchGear::CircuitBreaker::Redis.new do |cb|
  cb.circuit = -> (twitter_handle) { get_tweets(twitter_handle) }
  cb.client = redis
  cb.namespace = "get_tweets"
  cb.failure_limit = 2
  cb.reset_timeout = 5

You need 2 additional parameters(compared to the Memory adapter), they are defined as such:

  • client - an instance of a Redis client. This gem does not have a hard dependency on a particular redis client but for testing I've used redis-rb. Whatever you pass in here simply has to implement a few redis commands. The client will ensure these exist before the breaker can be instantiated.
  • namespace - A unique name that will be used across servers to sync state and failures. I'd recommend class_name:some_method or whatever is special about what's being invoked in the circuit.

Roll Your Own Circuit Breaker

The goal of this project is to help you implement a circuit breaker pattern and be agnostic to the persistence layer. I did it in memory and in redis both as working implementations to make the gem usable out of the box. There are other persitence stores that would work really well with this and you can roll your own simply by including the mixin.

class MyPreferredStore
  include SwitchGear::CircuitBreaker


I've written a middleware for use with Sidekiq.


  1. Better in memory support for async tasks
  2. More examples
  3. More documentation


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run rake spec to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem file to rubygems.org.


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/allcentury/circuit_breaker. This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.