Table XI Dev Generators
A recommended set of generators for Table XI projects.
Example usage
Install everything:
bundle exec rails g tablexi_dev:all
Or install only the ones you want:
bundle exec rails g tablexi_dev:git_hook
bundle exec rails g tablexi_dev:rubocop
bundle exec rails g tablexi_dev:unicorn
# ...
Installing this gem
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
group :development do
gem "tablexi_dev-generators"
And then execute:
$ bundle
Upgrading this gem
After upgrading this gem, it's recommended that you re-run the generators and verify that the changed files are correct.
All available generators
Generator: Git hooks
bundle exec rails g tablexi_dev:git_hook
This generator will guide you through installing git hooks. If you do not have a strong preference, we recommend installing the pre-push
rubocop hook.
Because git hooks do not get checked into the remote repository, it's recommended that each team member run this generator upon installing any project on their local machine.
Generator: Rubocop
bundle exec rails g tablexi_dev:rubocop
The rubocop generator is designed to be used in the following different situations:
- On initial setup of rubocop in a project, to set up the tool.
- When updates to the rubocop cops occur (new versions of Rubocop are provided, with new rules)
For detailed instructions on the rubocop generator and its options, check out the rubocop readme
Generator: Unicorn
bundle exec rails g tablexi_dev:unicorn
The unicorn generator sets up a project's unicorn configuration files.
Publishing this gem
- Bump the version in
according to semver - Commit
to master and push - Draft a github release with new vesion number and add a description that follows the convention of the existing releases
- Publish the release
- Checkout
and pull the latest - Make sure you are a tablexi_dev-generators owner on If not, have an existing owner run
tablexi_dev-generators -a
. - Run
gem build tablexi_dev-generators
- Run
gem push tablexi_dev-generators-<version>.gem
with file that was generated from the previous step