This is the Test Automation Framework (TAF)
Created in Ruby and using Selenium to allow a user to Automate a website using an Json file type.
Please see the Wiki for more details:
TAF Create Test Specs
Double click on `create_test_spec.html` to create test specs.
TAF Supported Browsers
TAF script help:
To use the TAF Script, Navigate to the Code/ Folder.
Run the following script:
./ help
Security Audit of Ruby Gems used:
Run the following script:
./ security_audit
TAF Builder
To build the TAF Docker image:
Run the following script:
./ build_taf_image
To build the TAF Ruby Gem
Run the following script:
./ build_taf_gem {internal} or {external}
TAF Runner - Docker
To run the TAF in Docker Container
Run following script in terminal: \
docker run --rm --shm-size 2g \
--env PORTAL_URL="" \
--env PORTAL_USER_1="" \
-v "$(pwd)"/target:/app/Results:cached taf taf --tests {test folder name} --browser {browser}
Please note the --env will need to be changed.
To run the TAF in debug mode (using VNC)
* Navigate to the taf project directory.
* Run `docker build -f Code/Dockerfile -t taf Code/ && docker run -e DEBUG=1 -p 5901:5901 --rm --shm-size 2g taf --tests {test folder name} --browser {browser}`
TAF Runner - Native
Ruby 2.5.1 has to be installed on the system.
run bundle install - to install the required gems including the TAF Gem
To run a Test Suite using the TAF Gem:
taf --tests {test folder name} --browser {browser}
To run a Test Suite from the cloned repository:
ruby -Ilib bin/taf -t {test folder name} -b {browser}
If you would like to get involved in supporting this project going forward please get in touch.
Andy Perrett
Copyright and License
Copyright 2017 - 2020 Aperrett
Code released under the MIT License.