This is a fork of the official Ruby client for FancyHands. A couple of key bugs are fixed already, but the library will certainly change much more. Feel free to use it but know that other changes will be coming. I may also refactor the interfaces to make the code more idiomatic Ruby and add tests, but haven't done that yet.
This is our first pass at a ruby library / SDK.
We'd gladly accept any pull requests or advice.
This includes code for all of the Fancy Hands endpoints including:
- fancyhands.call.Outgoing
- fancyhands.call.Incoming
- fancyhands.call.Number
- fancyhands.call.History
- fancyhands.echo.Echo
- fancyhands.echo.Echo
- fancyhands.standard.Standard
- fancyhands.standard.Message
- fancyhands.custom.Custom
Installing it
gem install task_master-fancyhands-ruby
Using it
require 'task_master-fancyhands'
Fancy = FancyHands::V1::Client.new("YOUR API KEY", "YOUR API SECRET")
# creating and loading a standard request
s = Fancy.Standard.post("A simple request from Ruby", "Yada yada", 3.0)
puts "Created request, loading it again"
puts Fancy.Standard.get(s["key"])
conversation = {
:id => "sample_conversation",
:data => nil,
:name => "Sample Conversation",
:version => 1.1,
:scripts => [
:id => "start",
:steps => [
:name => "time",
:prompt => "What time is it?",
:note => "The recording will tell you a time. What time is it?",
:type => "text",
:options => []
:name => "transfer",
:type => "logic_control",
:note => "",
:prompt => "OK, transferring you now.",
:options => [
:name => "Trasnsfer",
:result => "-- Transfer Call --"
:transfer_number => "815-555-1212"
r = Fancy.Call.post("815-455-3440", conversation)
puts "Created call!"