

Low commit activity in last 3 years
A long-lived project that still receives updates
tempo-cli is a command line time tracking application. Record time spent on projects in YAML files, and manage them from the command line.


~> 2.2
~> 0.14.2
~> 0.9.7
~> 10.3


~> 0.10.2
~> 2.21, >= 2.21.1
 Project Readme


A command line interface for time tracking by project.

A note on Version 1.0

If you are updatging from version ~> 0.2.6 to 1.0, there is a new structure to the time records - time records are now kept in sub-folders by year.

Run tempo clean to make a backup of your old directory, move files into the proper folders, and check all earlier records for errors.


gem install tempo-cli  


Tempo cli runs with the binary tempo, but you can alias a shorter binary for your convenience, for example "t":

echo "alias t='tempo'" >> ~/.bash_profile


Track time by Project

Tempo tracks time against projects. Projects can be nested, and tagged, and each time entry can have an additional description. Time reports are produced by day.


All records are produced in YAML files. These records can be edited by hand, but keep in mind that any invalid data could cause problems when it is read back into the app. Make sure time formatting is valid and that they don't overlap, and that all ids are unique per page.

Each day's time records are designed to work independently. When adding or updating time records, only the records for the days in question are loaded into the app. The most recent day's records will also always be read in, to assure no running records are created earlier than existing records.

Alternate Directory for Records

By default tempo will create a directory tempo in the root level of the user directory, where all records are stored. You can use the global option --directory to supply an alternate directory within the user directory.

For example, to rout to a Dropbox folder to manage syncing records across computers, you would run tempo --directory Dropbox <your command>. This options can also be permanently set in a configuration file. If you run tempo --directory Dropbox initconfig the configuration file .tempo.yaml will be created, and all tempo commands will be routed to /Users/username/Dropbox.


command line assistance

run tempo help for a list of commands

run tempo [command] --help for help on any command


All commands and command options can be abbreviated to the first letter:

# these two commands are the same:
$ tempo project --list
$ tempo p -l

fuzzy matching

Commands that manage the projects will use fuzzy matching for the project name. This means if you have a project called "put on my big boy pants" you will be able to checkout this project by running tempo checkout pants. If you have a situation where fuzzy matching causes errors because it matches with more than one project, you can always use the --exact flag, and pass in an exact match.


Every project and time record has an id which can also be used to match against. Running commands with the global --id flag will include ids in the output. Time record ids are on a per-day basis, and begin again with an id of 1 on the next day.



Manage the Projects that timed tasks are assigned to

tempo [global options] p [command options] "name of the project"
command options
--add           - Add a Project
--child         - Add a Project as a child of the current Project
--delete=title  - Delete a Project (default: none)
--exact         - Exact Match
--id            - List by or perform command by project id
--list          - List Projects
--tag=tagword   - Tag a Project (default: none)
--untag=tagword - Untag a Project (default: none)

Manage the Projects that timed tasks are assigned to. By default, lists the current project, or with --list tag, lists all projects. The active project will be marked by an asterisk.

If supplied with arguments and no command options, a new project will be added.

# list current project
$ tempo project

# list all projects
$ tempo project --list

# adding a new project titled 'star gazing'
$ tempo project star gazing

# adding a new project with a tag
$ tempo project --add star gazing --tag cellar

# untagging and tagging an existing project
$ tempo project star gazing --untag cellar --tag stellar 


Checkout a project to track time against

tempo [global options] checkout [command options] "name of the project"
command options
--add=title     - Add and Checkout a new project
--exact                 - use an exact match for project title
--id                    - checkout by project id

Only one project is active at a time, and this project will be assigned to all new time records. You can checkout existing projects, or use this command to create a new active project


# checking out an existing project titled 'star gazing' 
$ tempo checkout star gazing

# adding and checking out a new project titled 'star gazing' 
$ tempo checkout --add star gazing 


Arrange project hierarchy

tempo [global options] arrange [command options] [parent project] : child project
command options
--exact    - use an exact match for project title
--id       - checkout by project id

Arrange projects into a parent/child hierarchy

New projects are added as root projects by default. Use arrange to arrange existing projects as child or root projects. If no parent project is supplied (to the left of the semicolon) the project will become a root project.

# Arrange an existing project as a root project
$ tempo arrange : aquascaping

# Arrange an existing project as a child project
# (aquascaping will be the parent of coral pruning)
$ tempo arrange aquascaping : coral pruning 


Start a time entry

tempo [global options] start [command options] description
command options
--at=time  - start the entry at a given time (default: none)
--end=time - end the entry at a given time (default: none)
--resume   - start an entry using the last description and project

Starts a new time entry, and closes out any running time entries.

You can also add a description of the time entry.

To start a time entry at a time other than the current, pass it in as an argument to the --at flag. This will accept a number of human readable formats, multiple-word time formats should be enclosed in quotes
# start a new time record at the current time with no description
$ tempo start

# start and end a previous time record with a description
$ tempo start learning how to do the Hustle --at 'yesterday at 8:00 in the evening' --end 'yesterday at 11:59pm'


End a time entry

tempo [global options] end [command options] time out, defaults to now
command options

Closes out any running time entries.

You can optionally add a description of the time entry, which will overwrite the current description.

To end a time entry at a time other than the current, pass it in as an argument to the --at flag. This will accept a number of human readable formats, multiple word time formats should be enclosed in quotes.
# creating an entry at 4:55pm, then ending it 5 minutes later and changing the description
$ tempo start --at 16:55 practicing the human torch trick
$ tempo end --at 'today at 5:00pm' learning how to stop, drop, and roll


Update a time entry

tempo [global options] update [command options] [description]
command options
--delete            - Delete a Time Entry
--end=time          - Update the End Time
--id=number         - Select by Id
--on=date           - Select On Date
--project           - Update to the active project
--running           - Change the last time entry back to actively running (ignores all other options)
--start=time        - Update the Start Time

update the project, start time, or end time for a time entry.

Defaults to the current time entry, or most recently completed time entry if none are running. Optionally, you can supply an id for a time entry on the current day, or a day and id to update previous time entries.

The description, if passed in, will be used to replace the existing description. You can also change the start or end time, or delete the entire time entry.

# update description for the last time entry
$ tempo update practicing banjo

# update the description for yesterday's entry with id of 2
$ tempo update --id 2 --on 'yesterday' practicing banjo

# update the start time for the last time entry
$ tempo update --start 7:00

# update the end time and description
$ tempo update --end '8:00pm' practicing banjo

# delete the last time entry
$ tempo update --delete 

# update the description, start, and end time for a previous day's entry
$ tempo update --on 1/17/14 --start "1/17/14 8am" --end "1/17/14 10am" practicing banjo


Report time entries

tempo [global options] report [command options] [day]
command options
-f, --from=time             - begin time records on this date
-o, --order=[project, date] - order reports by date or project
-t, --to=time               - end time records on this date

Reports time entries for a day or a period of days. By default, lists the last recorded day's entries. To list a different day, supply a day as the args. To list a series of records, include a --from and --to value
# report current day's entries
$ tempo report

# report a different day
$ tempo report 11/24/14

# report the past week
$ tempo report -f 'a week ago'

# report a period of days
$ tempo report -f 'last monday' -t 'last friday' 

# organize reports as bullet lists under each project
$ tempo report --o p

Assumptions and Limitations

Before you begin using tempo, you must have at least one project. Projects can be tagged, and organized as sub-projects. See project in the commands section below, for more information. To view your projects file, look at ~/tempo/tempo_projects.yaml

Time periods

All records are rounded to the nearest minute. Time records are organized by day, and close out on the day they were started.

Tempo uses Chronic to parse time formats, which adds a lot of convenience functions such as "yesterday at 5:00". Chronic does have some limitations and inconsistencies as well, please see the [](list of known issues) if you find problems with time parsing.

No overlapping projects

It is assumed only one time record can exist for any given time. Overlapping time entries will result in an error.

Only one running project

One entry can be running at any given time, and it must be the most recent entry. Older entries will be closed out when a new one is started, and if the entry is running on a previous day, it will be closed out on the last minute of that day.

Tempo Development

Project development is on-going and in my spare time. Any error reporting, pull requests, and suggestions welcome.

Planned features


  • add a config file with global options.
  • add an option to change the location of the tempo file structure (for syncing with Dropbox, for instance).


  • add an archive capability, which hides inactive projects from project lists. This can be handled with an tag keyword 'archived'.
  • allow adding a new project and listing all projects in the same command.


  • Allow start to use a project other than the current one.


  • Add a command to start the last time entry running again.
  • Add a command to start a new time entry with the same details as a previous one.

Time format enhancements

  • Updating time record start or end time using --on should not need the full date repeated for --start or --end.
  • invalid times should be retried with the current (or most logical) date. Example: if '9:00' doesn't work, try 'today at 9:00'


  • Recording output to file
  • Reporting by project
  • Composite view records (grouped time records by day or project), to allow nested list reporting
  • Total hours by project or day
  • Alternative formats: JSON, HTML

Running in development

You need to use bundle exec bin/tempo to run in development


rakes default behavior is to run unit tests and all cucumber features

run unit tests only

run bundle exec rake test to run unit tests only

run only some cucumber features

add @focus before specific features and run bundle exec rake features:focus


Testing creates a test directory at ~/testing/

You can cleanup the testing directories with bundle exec rake clean

Other command line time tracking apps:

This is a very opinionated time tracking app, you may find others that suit your working method better:

If you would prefer to keep your data in a database, or run independent time sheets by project, here is a utility that uses SQLite:


Another one worth checking out for a lightweight time tracker:
