The project is in a healthy, maintained state
Provides facility to manage a large Terraform monorepo


~> 0.12
~> 0.1.8
~> 3.0
~> 0.71.0


>= 1.16
~> 0.8
~> 0.4
>= 10.0
~> 0.20
 Project Readme


Gem Version Build Status

CLI tooling for managing a Terraform monorepo.


Terradactyl simplifies managing large heterogeneous Terraform monorepos by introducing hierarchical configuration and automatic management of Terraform versions on a per-stack basis.


  • hierarchical configuration
  • automatic Terraform binary installation
  • "meta-commands" for consistent CI and development workflows


Requires Ruby 2.5 or greater.

NOTE: Terraform sub-command operations are only supported between stable versions >= 0.11.x to ~> 1.3.x.



Add this line to your application's Gemfile ...

gem 'terradactyl'

And then execute:

$ bundle install


$ gem install terradactyl

Quick Setup

Terradactyl repos rely on two simple organizational conventions:

  • a single project-level terradactyl.yaml
  • subdirectories for your stacks
├── stacks
│   └── demo
│       └── example.tf
└── terradactyl.yaml

That's it! In fact, if you use the default subdirectory name of stacks, all your configuration file need contain is:


All other configuration, including autoinstall (default: true) are optional.

When your config file and base_folder are setup, try executing:

terradactyl stacks OR td stacks

See examples for different setups.

Quick Tutorial

NOTE: this will require an active internet connection so that the various Terraform binaries for each individual stack may be fetched and installed in the background.

set your working directory

$ cd examples/multi-tf-stacks

execute terradactyl

The Terradactyl CLI is installed with a symlink so it may be called by its full name or its shortened name, td:

$ terradactyl help
$ td help

install terraform

NOTE: You do not need to explicitly install Terraform, it will be downloaded and installed automatically, if your stack is configured to do so -- this is just to demonstrate on-demand installs ...

This is optional!

$ terradactyl install terraform --version=0.15.1

quickplan a single stack

You can specify the relative path to the stack OR the just the stack name. These two commands are equivalent:

$ terradactyl quickplan tfv11
$ terradactyl quickplan stacks/tfv11

apply a single stack

$ terradactyl apply stacks/tfv11

audit and report

$ terradactyl audit-all --report

When complete, you should have a JSON report that you can pass to other processes.

$ cat stacks.audit.json

quickplan ALL stacks

$ terradactyl plan-all

apply ANY stacks that have a plan file

$ terradactyl smartapply

upgrade a legacy stack

Running this one time will upgrade it to next minor revision of Terraform ...

# Take me to Terraform v12
$ terradactyl upgrade stacks/tfv11

Running it again will bump it again!

# Take me to Terraform v13
$ terradactyl upgrade stacks/tfv11

clean all the stacks

$ terradactyl clean-all

NOTE: *.tfstate* files are not cleaned up by default for obvious reasons, so clean them up manually:

git clean -fD OR find . -name "*.tfstate*" --delete

See the Configuration section for more info on how to control which files get removed during a clean <stack> or clean-all operation.

quickplan a single stack in a non-default subdirectory

If you have a setup with multiple stack subdirectories, you have one stack subdirectory that's referenced by default in the root-level terradactyl.yaml.

$ cd examples/multi-stack-subdirectories

Notice that preprod-stacks is the base_folder defined in the root terradactyl.yaml. By default, Terradactyl commands will run in this subdirectory.

All subdirectories define their own terradactyl.yaml with customized base_folder and misc.base_folder_name settings. To run commands on stacks in non-default subdirectories from root, you must pass in the optional BASE_FOLDER input to your Terradactyl command.

$ terradactyl quickplan stack1               # this command will run quickplan on preprod-stacks/stack1
$ terradactyl quickplan stack1 test-stacks   # this command will run quickplan on test-stacks/stack1 


NOTE: terradactyl (symlinked as td) ONLY operates in the root of your monorepo. In order to execute any subcommands, your working directory must contain your project-level configuration file, otherwise you will receive this:

FATAL: Could not load project file: `terradactyl.yaml`, No such file or directory @ rb_sysopen - terradactyl.yaml


Generally speaking, Terradactyl operates on the principle of plan file (*.tfout) generation. This can be reduced to the following tenets:

  1. You MUST perform a plan operation on a stack before an apply
  2. You CANNOT apply a stack that does not contain a plan file

In some cases, this might seem onerous, but it pays dividends in team workflow and CI/CD contexts.

Supported subcommands

Terradactyl was created to facilitate the using Terraform in a CI environment. As such, some of the more exotic ad hoc user-focused subcommands have not received any effort in integration. The following is a list of the supported Terraform subcommands:

  • apply
  • destroy
  • fmt
  • init
  • plan
  • refresh
  • validate

Special utility subcommands

Terradactyl add some unique utility commands that permit you to more readily manage your Terraform stacks.


Installs supporting components, namely Terraform itself...

# Install the latest terraform binary
terradactyl install terraform

# Install pessimistic version
terradactyl install terraform --version="~> 0.13.0"

# Install ranged version
terradactyl install terraform --version=">= 0.14.5, <= 0.14.7"

# Install explicit version
terradactyl install terraform --version=0.15.0-beta2


Upgrade abstracts the various Terraform subcommands related to upgrading individual stacks.

terradactyl upgrade <stack>


Terradactyl provides a few useful meta-commands that can help you avoid repetitive multi-phase Terraform operations. Here are a few ...


Clean, initialize and plan a single stack in one operation.

terradactyl quickplan <stack>


Apply or Refresh ANY stack containing a plan file.

terradactyl smartapply <stack>
terradactyl smartrefresh <stack>

Getting Help

For a list of available subcommands do:

$ terradactyl help

For help on any individual sub-command do:

$ terradactyl help <sub-command>


As previously mentioned, configuration is hierarchical. This means you may specify:

  • one project-level configuration for ALL stacks
  • an overriding subdirectory configuration for all stacks within the subdirectory
  • an overriding stack-level configuration for each independent stack

See examples for different setups.

NOTE: all project-level configurations are valid at the stack level except base_folder which is ignored.

You can dump the compiled configuration for your project using the defaults sub-command:

terradactyl defaults
td defaults


terradactyl:              <Object, Terradactyl config>
  base_folder:            <String, the sub-directory for all your Terraform stacks, default=stacks>
  terraform:              <Object, configuration to Terraform subcommands and binaries>
    binary:               <String, path to the Terraform binary you wish to use, default=nil>
    version:              <String, explicit or implict Terraform version, default=nil>
    autoinstall:          <Bool, perform automatic Terraform installations, default=true>
    install_dir:          <String, path to Terraform installations, default=$HOME/bin>
    echo:                 <Bool, print currently executing terraform command, default=false>
    quiet:                <Bool, suppress currently executing terraform stdout, default=true>
    init:                 <Object, CLI options to sub-command init>
      lock:               <Bool, lock the state file when locking is supported, default=false>
      force_copy:         <Bool, suppress prompts about copying state data, default=true>
    plan:                 <Object, CLI options to sub-command plan>
      lock:               <Bool, lock the state file when locking is supported, default=false>
      parallelism:        <Int, limit the number of concurrent operations, default=5>
      detailed_exitcode:  <Bool, lock the state file when locking is supported, default=true>
    apply:                <Object, CLI options to sub-command apply>
      parallelism:        <Int, limit the number of concurrent operations, default=5>
    refresh:              <Object, CLI options to sub-command refresh>
      input:              <Bool, ask for input for variables if not directly set, default=false>
    destroy:              <Object, CLI options to sub-command destroy>
      parallelism:        <Int, limit the number of concurrent operations, default=5>
      force:              <Bool, skip interactive approval before destroying, default=true>
  environment:            <Object, shell environment variables>
    TF_PLUGIN_CACHE_DIR:  <String, path to common Terraform plugin directory, default=$HOME/.terraform.d/plugins>
    TF_PLUGIN_CACHE_MAY_BREAK_DEPENDENCY_LOCK_FILE: <String, required for Terraform version 1.4 onwards, default=true>
  misc:                   <Object, misc Terradactyl settings>
    base_folder_name:     <String, name of the stack folder. Required for multiple stack subdirectories, default=nil>
    utf8:                 <Bool, use utf8 in stdout, default=true>
    disable_color:        <Bool, disable color in stdout, default=false>
  cleanup:                <Object, Terradactyl cleanup settings>
    empty:                <Bool, remove empty directories, default=true>
    match:                <Array, list of shell globs to match, default=["*.tfout", "*.tflock", "*.zip", ".terraform"]>

Terraform sub-command arguments

Note that the config above contains config for Terraform subcommands. for example:

      lock: false
      parallelism: 5
      detailed_exitcode: true

Each of the keys in the plan object correspond to an argument passed to the terraform binary. For example, the config above would equate to ...

terraform -lock=false -parallelism=5 -detailed-exitcode

There are two conventions to keep in mind when configuring subcommands:

  1. any sub-command option which toggles behaviour (i.e. -detailed-exitcode) requires a specific Boolean value of true OR false
  2. any sub-command option that is hyphenated (i.e. -detailed-exitcode) is set in the config using an underscore (i.e detailed_exitcode)

If you need to tweak or augment any of the default arguments passed to any of the supported Terraform subcommands, you can do so by adding them to the config.


      lock: false
      backup: /tmp/tfbackup

In addition, you can override the echo and quiet settings for any of the Terraform subcommands:

    echo: false
    quiet: true
      echo: true
      quiet: false
      echo: true
      quiet: false

This can assist in debugging.

Terraform version management

Terradactyl gives you some powerful ways to manage which versions of Terraform you support and where.

You may set project-wide OR stack-explicit versions, by using a config file (terradactyl.yaml, see Configuration).

In addition, Terradactyl will also, search for a stack's desired Terraform version from one of your HCL files.

terraform {
  required_version = "~> 0.13.0"

If a configuration like the one above is discovered in your stack's ...

  • settings.tf
  • versions.tf
  • backend.tf

... file, Terradactyl will download and use that version as required.

NOTE: These files are searched in the order you see above. If you specify required_version multiple times, the last one discovered is used.

Explicit versions

By default, Terradactyl will always use the latest stable version of Terraform. So, if you don't specify a version, you will always get the latest stable version of Terraform available.

But, as part of Terradactyl's configuration, you can specify a project Terraform version, making it the default for your monorepo:

    version: 0.12.29

Still, because Terradactyl's configuration is hierarchic, you can also specify a version at the project level ...

Yes! Each stack may use a different version of Terradactyl independent of any other.

See examples/multi-tf-version for this setup.

Implicit versions

Also, there is no need to pin a project or a stack to an explicit version. Instead, you can use a pessimistic operator to ensure you always have the most up-to-date version of a minor Terraform revision.


    version: ~> 0.13.5

That way, when the next Terraform 0.13 is released, you can begin using it immediately, but you will never have to worry about upgrading to 0.14 unsuspectingly.

In fact, there are a number of ways to express implicit versions ...

~> 0.11.14
~> 0.11
>= 0.12
< 0.12


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/vcilabs/terradactyl.


This code is released under the MIT License. See LICENSE.txt.


Special thanks to Riley Shott upon whose original design and work I based this Gem.