terraformer-ruby is a toolkit for working with GeoJSON in pure Ruby. Inspired by terraformer.
In your application's Gemfile:
gem 'terraformer'
Or install it manually:
$ gem install terraformer
require 'terraformer'
Create a Terraformer primitive from GeoJSON
polygon = Terraformer.parse '{
"type": "Polygon",
"coordinates": [
[-122.66589403152467, 45.52290150862236],
[-122.66926288604736, 45.52291654238294],
[-122.67115116119385, 45.518406234030586],
[-122.67325401306151, 45.514000817199715],
[-122.6684260368347, 45.5127377671934],
[-122.66765356063841, 45.51694782364431],
[-122.66589403152467, 45.52290150862236 ]
point = Terraformer.parse '{
"type": "Point",
"coordinates": [-122.66947746276854, 45.51775972687403]
Now that you have a point and a polygon primitive you can use the primitive helper methods.
# add a new vertex to our polygon
new_point = Terraformer::Point.new -122.6708507537842, 45.513188859735436
polygon.insert_vertex 2, new_point
You can also have Terraformer perform many geometric operations like convex hulls and bounding boxes.
# returns convex hull
convex_hull = polygon.convex_hull
point.within? convex_hull
=> true
# returns the bounding box
bounding_box = polygon.bbox
After checking out the source, run the tests:
$ git clone git@github.com:kenichi/terraformer-ruby.git
$ cd terraformer-ruby
$ bundle install
$ bundle exec rake test
You can also generate RDoc:
$ bundle exec rdoc --main README.md