Ruby Client for v2 TestRail API
This library aims to provide two things:
- A simple one-to-one mapping of the testrail api
- A ruby-like abstraction to help deal with the various testrail objects
There are two primary methods of use, you can either create your own API instance object and make calls through that or otherwise provide a config block and have a shared API instance and call methods directly on TestRail. Just add the following require line to bring in the whole api:
require 'test_rail'
Unique API Instance
The main entry point to the object is TestRail::API. To create the api object do:
tr = TestRail::API.new( :user => 'someone@example.com',
:password => 'passw0rd',
:namespace => 'mytestrailinstance' )
Usually you have to interact with testrail with specific project ids, but we have privided a number of helpful find methods that make testrail interaction a lot easier:
project = tr.find_project(:name => test_rail_project)
From the project, you can get to your test_suites, runs or plans. We also manage section hierarchies for you so you can call successive sections and testsuites.
Shared API instance
An alternative method is to provide a config block, this specifies a default set of configuration options that will be
used to connect to a test rail instance. The first time a call is made directly on the TestRail
namespace an API object
will be instantiated with those config options and used for that and subsequent calls.
- Provide a config block.
TestRail.configure do |config|
config.user = ENV['TEST_RAIL_USER']
config.password = ENV['TEST_RAIL_PASSWORD']
config.namespace = ENV['TEST_RAIL_NAMESPACE']
- use the API via the TestRail object directly as you would via a standard
TestRail::API object
TestRail.get_plan(plan_id: 1) => TestRail::Plan
Tests are mostly at the integration level, and require a TestRail instance to exercise the functions. You will need to set up a test project in TestRail to run the tests against ... passing in the api user configuration as environment variables:
export TEST_RAIL_NAMESPACE=yournamespace
export TEST_RAIL_USER=your@emailaddres.com
export TEST_RAIL_PASSWORD=passw0rd
bundle exec rspec
TestRail-API is available to everyone under the terms of the MIT open source licence. Take a look at the LICENSE file in the code.
Copyright (c) 2015 BBC