Returns list of public methods that do not have their own unit tests. Gem checkes classes in app directory againts tests in spec directory. Checkout to learn expected conventions in specs.
gem install tested_public_methods
gem 'tested_public_methods'
in your Gemfile
Usage & Example
Execute rake tested_public_methods:analyze
to list all untested methods or classes.
Example of an output:
* missing spec file for User
* missing test for Task#project_name
* missing test for Task.with_description
* missing test for Project#formatted_start_at
* missing test for ProjectsController#index
Found 5 issues
Sometimes you may need to skip some classes or methods during analysis. In order to do that
generate initializer with rails generate initializer tested_public_methods
and fill
configuration (config.skip_classes and config.skip_methods) according to the example.
Module is tested with rspec. To run it just execute rake