I need to automatically test my servers and I didn't quite find what I needed anywhere.
Testotron can detect basic errors in your configuration, like a server not starting or a blocked port.
Testotron on RubyGems: https://rubygems.org/gems/testotron.
Just run gem install testotron
or add testotron
to your Gemfile, and you should be good.
Usage example
# Load Testotron
require 'testotron'
Testotron.test do |t|
# First set report modes.
t.report_with :local_mail, :stderr, :xosdutil
# Test several pages on an alternate HTTP port
t.http "example.org", port: 8080, requests: ["http://example.org", "http://something.example.org/else.html"]
# Test default HTTP port
t.http "example.org"
# Test default HTTP port, retry 10 times instead of the default 3 times
t.http "example.org", retries: 10
# Test default HTTP port with timeout of 10 seconds (2 secs is default)
t.http "example.org", timeout: 10
# You can ask the tests to run quietly (without messages on STDOUT)
t.quiet = true # or t.quiet!
puts "OK so far." if t.ok?
puts "Errors in previous tests." if t.errors?
# Test some nondefault page
t.http "example.org", port: 80, requests: "http://example.org/hello/world.html"
# Test that some text is present in the response.
t.http "example.org", grep: "hello"
# Test a SMTP server, with an optional alternate port
t.smtp "example.org"
t.smtp "example.org", 3315
# Run a single test.
# Single tests are quiet by default
Testotron.test :smtp, "example.org", 3315
Supported report modes
: Mails you a simple e-mail to(your username)@localhost
. -
: Writes a one-line error message to STDERR. -
: Runsxosdutil echo (error message)
. I'm sorry if you don't happen to be amongst the numerous ranks of xosdutil users :)