Thinreports Templete CLI
This command line tool is based on Thinreports.
$ gem install thinreports-template-cli
Thinreports Templete CLI is able to receive parameters of text blocks in a TLF (thinreports layout format) file as options of the command line program.
The command supports the following formats:
- table
- csv
- json
$ thinreports-template-cli sample.tlf --help
thinreports-template-cli tlf [options]
Basic Options
Thinreports Layout File Options
--date=[DATE] This is a sample date.
--subject=[SUBJECT] This is a sample subject.
--name=[NAME] This is a sample name.
--number=[NUMBER] This is a sample number.
--date_jp=[DATE_JP] This is a sample date for Japanese era name.
Datetime Support
- A option value for a text block of a datetime format is parsed by DateTime#parse.
- A text block of a datetime format is rendered by the strftime format of DateTime#strftime and era_ja.
- If a text block of a datetime format does not have a command line option or a default value of a TLF file, this text block will be rendered with Datetime#now.
Output to a PDF file.
$ thinreports-template-cli sample.tlf --name="Your name" --date="2017-04-01" --format=pdf > sample.pdf
Output to a printer via the lpr command.
$ thinreports-template-cli sample.tlf --name="Your name" --date="2017-04-01" --format=pdf | lpr -P ApeosPort_V_C3375__aa_bb_cc_
The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.
Masayuki Higashino