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Implements a robust Role Based Access System where Actors are granted permission to preform Actions by playing any number of Roles. All defined programatically in one place using a super easy DSL.


~> 2.0.0.beta.20


~> 3.0.rc1
>= 0
 Project Readme


A simple, powerful, and developer friendly authorization gem.

What thwart is for

thwart was designed to prohibit access to resources by system actors based on a predefined set of rules, or in other words, only let people see the stuff they should be able to. When coupled with a slick DSL for defining the rules and unparalleled ease of set up, thwart provides a simple way to get very complex authorization behaviour in your system quickly. It was designed with Rails in mind and has handy integration hooks for Rails 3, but should work in plenty of other situations.


Add thwart to your gemfile:

gem 'thwart', '~> 0.0.4'

Configure Thwart. Best place for this in Rails is an initializer.

Thwart.configure do

Include the Thwart::Resource and Thwart::Actor modules in the objects you want to protect or mediate.

class Post
  include Thwart::Resource

Query thwart by calling can_view? methods on Thwart::Actor objects and viewable_by? methods on Thwart::Resource objects.

@post.viewable_by?(current_user) # => true
current_user.can_edit?(@post) # => false

You can view some more code examples in the examples folder of the source.

How thwart works

thwart works like many other permissions systems out there, and draws from Canable & Cancan, Declarative Authorization, Zend_ACL, and acl9. It is an RBAC (Role Based Access Control) style system, which means the developer defines roles which actors then play and become governed by the role's rules. By throwing in role inheritance and runtime assertions, quite advanced permissions logic can be defined in a simple and easily editable way.

Setting up thwart goes something like this:

  1. Figure out what objects/classes of objects you are trying to prevent/grant access to. Call these resources.
  2. Figure out who (again, objects/classes) should have limited access to the resources. Call these actors.
  3. Figure out what different operations can be done on resources by actors. Call these actions. You may also group similar actions into action groups for convenience.
  4. Figure out what sets of actions on each resource can or can't be taken by all the kinds of actors. Call each action/actor/resource combination a rule.
  5. Factor all the rules out into groups called roles which actors then act as, becoming subject to the set of rules.
  6. Enforce access to resources throughout your system using thwart enforcers.

An Example

Thwart.configure do

  # Declare 3 actions
  action {:view => :viewable, :update => :updatable, :destroy => :destroyable}
  # Declare the role :employee
  role :employee do
    view :all             # Grant view permission on all resources
    update :this, :that   # Grant update permission on resources of type :this or :that

Above thwart is configured to have two actions named view and update, and one role named employee. If an actor (which we'll see how to set up in a minute) were to play the employee role, they would be able to view any and all resources, and update resources of type this or that. Otherwise, thwart will by default respond false to any queries. See 'Integrating thwart with your objects' to know how the 'type' of the resource can specified.

Also, notice that actions must be explicitly declared to exist, which is the call to action above

Querying Thwart

To actually run queries and enforce the rules defined in thwart, you must check if an actor is able to preform an action on a resource before executing the code that corresponds to that action. Thwart allows you to do this in a very easy way, pioneered by John Nunemaker of Canable fame. Pretending we have an actor playing the :employee role in @employee_actor and an instance of the This class is @this_instance, read this example:

@employee_actor.can_view?(:this)        # => true
@employee_actor.can_update?(:this)        # => true
@employee_actor.can_destroy?(:this)       # => false

@this_instance.viewable_by?(@employee_actor)  # => true
@this_instance.destroyable_by?(@employee_actor) # => false

You can also run straight up queries with the associated objects using Thwart.query. Notice also this method allows you to pass in the thwart name of the object instead of an instance for the resource parameter, effectively checking if the actor can :update any and all instances of This.

Thwart.query(@employee_actor, @this_instance, :view)    # => true
Thwart.query(@employee_actor, @this_instance, :destroy) # => false
Thwart.query(@employee_actor, @this_instance, :update)  # => true
Thwart.query(@employee_actor, :this, :update)       # => true

Integrating thwart with your objects

Integrating thwart with the objects that need protection and need their access filtered isn't too hard. All that needs to be done is to include the appropriate thwart module and then call thwart_access on the class. Thwart just needs to be able to figure out the name of the resource or the role of the actor, and you can hard code this or tell thwart where to look by passing configuration to the thwart_access method.

For resources, include the Thwart::Resource module and call thwart_access, optionally passing it a configuration block.

class Post
  include Thwart::Resource
  thwart_access do
    # All configuration options are passed here. Only one is present for resources:
    # the thwart name of this object for use in referencing it in the configuration. 
    # This is automatically determined by lowercasing the class name, but can be manually 
    # specified here by passing a symbol.
    name :post  


For actors, include the Thwart::Actor module and call thwart_access, passing it a configuration block detailing how to find the actor's role.

class User
  include Thwart::Actor
  thwart_access do
    # All configuration options are passed here.
    # The name of the role that should be played by default by all instances of 
    # this class. Note that this can be overridden on an instance by instance
    # basis by the two configuration options below.
    role :employee
    # Optional: a method to call on the instance to find the instance's role.
    # This could be a simple attribute stored in the database
    role_method :an_instance_method
    # Optional: a proc to call which should return the role which this
    # instance should play.
    role_proc do 
      # some work to find the role

If an object is both an actor and a resource (for example, a user which should only be able to edit it's own profile information), just call thwart_access after including each module like so:

class User
  include Thwart::Actor
  include Thwart::Resource

Complex Rule Definition

Thwart.configure do
  # Add :create, :show, :update, and :destroy
  # Set the default response
  default_query_response false

  action_group :manage, [:view, :create, :update, :destroy]

  role :employee do
    view :all
    update :this, :that

  role :manager, :include => :employee do
    allow do
      create :those, :if => do |actor, resource, role|
        return true if == resource.created_by
      destroy :this
    deny do
      destroy :that

  role :administrator do
    manage :all

Add Crud

The above example showcases all the features of the rule definition DSL. At the top, a special helper method is called to add the default CRUD actions as used in Rails, which are :create, :show, :update, and :destroy.

Default Response

To illustrate setting the default response, a call to that also appears. Note that this is just for illustrative purposes and that by default Thwart will respond false to queries which no rules match.

Action groups

To DRY up your configurations, you can define action groups and use them just like actions in rule definitions. See the action_group :manage definition at the top and the usage in the :administrator role.

Role inheritance

To create a role which includes the rules of existing roles, pass the name of the role(s) to the :include option of the role definition. Note: when a query comes through, it will check the first role passed to :include first, and the last last, meaning that the first passed role has the precedence. See 'Query Path' below for more information.

Allow / deny blocks

To explicitly deny an actor an action on a resource, you can use deny blocks inside the role definition. You can also use allow blocks, but this is purely aesthetic.

Runtime conditional rules

This is the most powerful and important feature of thwart. Runtime in this sense means the rule can be evaluated under the query conditions, which allows for arbitrarily complex rule definitions. Pass an :if option with a proc to any rule definition, and it will be passed the actor wishing for authorization, the resource being protected, and the role the actor is playing. The proc must return one of 3 things:

  1. True. The rule applies and access is allowed (or denyed if the rule is in a deny block)
  2. False. The rule applies and access is denyed (or allowed if the rule is in an allow block or just the role scope as most roles are)
  3. Nil. The rule does not apply and thwart continues searching up the tree of roles for one that does.

I've found that it's best to return true if you can be certain that the rule applies, and nil otherwise. Returning false is easy to do by accident and can often lead to permission errors where there shouldn't be and confusion.

Query Path Logging

Thwart has a handy mode where you can log the path of a query you send it for debugging purposes and to analyze your rulesets. By setting Thwart.log_query_path to true and making a query, a log of the query and the various rules checked will be found at Thwart.last_query_path.

Rails 3 responders

If you use Rails and you want to blanket enforce your thwart rules in your Rails responder enabled controllers, check out the ThwartedResponder:

class ThwartedResponder < ActionController::Responder
  ActionMap = {:new => :create, :edit => :update}

  def respond
    rz = @options[:thwart_resource]
    rz ||= @resource
    action = @options[:thwart_action]
    if controller.action_name == "index"
      action ||= :show 
      rz ||= @resource.first.thwart_name if @resource.respond_to?(:first) && @resource.first.respond_to?(:thwart_name)
    action ||= controller.action_name.to_sym
    action = ActionMap[action] if ActionMap.has_key?(action)
    controller.thwart_access(rz, action)

Its also a good idea to add a custom exception handler to handler permission errors:

class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
  include Thwart::Enforcer
  self.responder = ThwartedResponder
  rescue_from Thwart::NoPermissionError, :with => :no_permission

  # No permission error handler
  def no_permission(exception)
    flash[:error] = ("You don't have permission to do that. If you believe this is an error, please contact " + self.class.helpers.mail_to(Settings.administrator_email, 'the administrator')).html_safe
    redirect_to :root

Things thwart does

  • Allows the definition of actions, and groups of actions. Also provides shortcuts to create the common ones.
  • Allows for the definition of "roles", which actors (objects trying to access protected resources) then adopt
  • Allows for the definition of "rules" which relate a role to a resource through either an "allow" or "deny" directive.
  • Allows for role inheritance
  • Allows for clear and advanced query logs

Things thwart will hopefully do in the future

  • Resource Groups
  • Tightly integrate with the big name ORMs to allow permissions filtered queries. Toughy, but it has been done. If you need this now, check out CanCan by Ryan Bates. Right now if you want to filter records on an index page, you would have to pull them all out and then pop ones out of the array that weren't viewable, which is terribly inefficient and just ruins pagination.

Things thwart doesn't do

  • Provide any sort of authentication mechanisms. If you need this I highly recommend Devise.