tilt-indirect¶ ↑
tilt-indirect adds indirection for tilt templates. For example, you can have a foo.indirect template that when render renders a separate template (e.g. /path/to/bar.erb).
Installation¶ ↑
gem install tilt-indirect
Source Code¶ ↑
Source code is available on GitHub at github.com/jeremyevans/tilt-indirect
Usage¶ ↑
The main use case for this library is when you have an application/framework that only deals with relative template paths, and you would like to use an template included outside that location. You can add an indirection file, which when rendered will render the referenced file. Unlike when using a symlink, the indirection template is ruby code instead of a static value.
If you are using bootstrap-sass and would like to have a template that renders a file contained in the gem, you could have the indirection template contain:
# bootstrap_scss.indirect Bootstrap.stylesheets_path + '_bootstrap.scss'
And then rendering it would render the template from the gem:
tilt-indirect also supports raw indirections, where the indirection template still returns a file name, but the content of that file is returned directly instead of being processed via tilt. This is useful if you are trying to load a raw asset file, such as a .js file:
# bootstrap_js.indirectraw Bootstrap.javascripts_path + '/bootstrap.js'
Rendering that template is just like the previous template:
Because the indirection templates are using ruby code to determine the path, you will not need to modify them when you update to newer versions of the bootstrap-sass gem.
License¶ ↑
Author¶ ↑
Jeremy Evans <code@jeremyevans.net>