This library is a work in progress
Tiltify is a Ruby library for intereacting with the Tiltify v3 API.
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem "tiltify"
Set Client Details
Firstly, you'll need a Tiltify account in order to create an API Access Token. More Info
You can get your Access Token by going here (replacing YOURUSERNAME with your username) and creating an application.
If you're not planning on using OAuth, you can set the Redirect URLs
as https://example.com
. Once created, copy your Access Token
and save this:
@client = Tiltify::Client.new(access_token: "")
The client then gives you access to each of the resources.
The gem maps as closely as we can to the Tiltify API so you can easily convert API examples to gem code.
Responses are created as objects like Tiltify::Campaign
. Having types like Tiltify::Campaign
is handy for understanding what type of object you're working with. They're built using OpenStruct so you can easily access data in a Ruby-ish way.
# Retrieves a single campaign
@client.campaigns.retrieve(campaign_id: "id")
# Retrieves the most recent donations for a campaign in descending order
@client.campaigns.donations(campaign_id: "id")
# Retrieves all rewards for a campaign
@client.campaigns.rewards(campaign_id: "id")
# Retrieves the polls and their associated options for a campaign
@client.campaigns.polls(campaign_id: "id")
# Retrieves the challenges for a campaign
@client.campaigns.challenges(campaign_id: "id")
# Retrieves the schedule for a campaign
@client.campaigns.schedule(campaign_id: "id")
# Retrieves a single cause
@client.causes.retrieve(cause_id: "id")
# Returns details for the currently authenticated user
# Retrieves a specific user by their ID or slug
@client.users.retrieve(user_id: "id")
# Retrieves a list of a users campaigns
@client.users.campaigns(user_id: "id")
# Retrieves a list of a teams a user belongs to
@client.users.teams(user_id: "id")
# Retrieves a specific team by their ID or slug
@client.teams.retrieve(team_id: "id")
# Retrieves a list of a teams campaigns
@client.teams.campaigns(team_id: "id")
Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/deanpcmad/tiltify.
The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.