#time_segment TimeSegment is a substitute of DateHelper distance_of_time_in_words and makes your time more readable.
Add this line to your rails's Gemfile:
gem 'time_segment'
And then execute:
$ bundle install
According rules of leap year, year and month, respectively, has been given an average value.
1 year = 365.2425 days
1 month = 30.436875 days
You'll get some strange results when your time segment include Feruary or a leap year. For example:
"2 months" == TimeSegment.new(Time.new(2013,12,12,12,12,12),Time.new(2014,3,12,12,12,12)).round
First, set locale to what you want:
config.i18n.default_locale = "zh-CN"
Enjoy it:
TimeSegment(29.days.ago,Time.now).round => "29 天"
TimeSegment(43.days.ago,Time.now).round => "1 月"
TimeSegment(367.days.ago,Time.now).round => "大约 1 年"
blog.created_at.time_segment_to_now.round => "3 月"
blog.created_at.time_segment_to(another_time).round => "15 天"
TimeSegment(29.days.ago,Time.now).in_days => 29
TimeSegment(29.days.ago,Time.now).in_months => 0
TimeSegment(43.days.ago,Time.now).in_days => 43
TimeSegment(43.days.ago,Time.now).in_months => 1
TimeSegment(367.days.ago,Time.now).in_years => 1
TimeSegment(364.days.ago,Time.now).in_years => 0
ts = TimeSegment.new(Time.new(2013,1,2,3,4,5),Time.new(2014,2,3,4,5,6))
ts.years => 1
ts.months => 1
ts.days => 1
ts.hours => 8
ts.minutes => 42
ts.seconds => 43
ts.include? Time.new(2013,2,3,4,5,6) => true
ts.include? Time.new(2015,2,3,4,5,6) => false
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