Tmuxodoro is a minimalistic pomodoro timer designed for tmux.
It can display how many pomodoros remain
How much time remains until the end of a pomodoro
And how much time remains for a rest
tmuxodoro doesn't have any stupid notifications or other distraction sounds.
Check that you have Ruby >= 2.0 installed, then install tmuxodoro:
$ gem install tmuxodoro
You can run tmuxodoro with default configurations (8 tomatoes, 25 minutes per tomato and 5 minutes for a rest):
$ tmuxodoro
Or you can set configurations with ENV variables:
$ env TOMATOES=8 TOMATO_TIME=25 REST_TIME=5 tmuxodoro
Actually tmuxodoro is a pomodoro timer with HTTP interface, so you need to configure tmux to make requests via curl and display output to a statusbar.
Add the following line to ~/.tmux.conf
set -g status-left ' #(curl localhost:3080) '
You can select another port with ENV['PORT']
, don't forget to change requests in this case.
To start a new pomodoro you need to send the following request:
$ curl localhost:3080/start
Also you can start it from tmux itself. For example, I've bind it to prefix + p
(p is mnemonic to pomodoro). Add the following line to ~/.tmux.conf
bind p run-shell "curl localhost:3080/start"
To reset pomodoros you need to send the following request:
$ curl localhost:3080/restart
Similarly to the previous command, you can bind it to an any key and run from tmux.
Don't forget ro reload tmux config or restart tmux.
Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at
The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.