todonotes¶ ↑
Define todo- and fixme-command to mark open topics during software development.
Usage:¶ ↑
Add todo and fixme to your code and get track of your todos during runtime of your code.
Productive programms should not use this gem.
When you pass a todo/fixme during execution, you get a logging information.
todo ('message' ) { "temporary result" } fixme ('message' ) { "temporary result" }
todo and fixme have the same syntax, the sematic meaning is:
ToDo: Mark missing code.
FixMe: Mark code to repair.
Does not replace a good IDE to find the ToDo/Fixmes.
This Gem is based on a proposal in
Example¶ ↑
Think, you have to write a script to count all prime between 1 to 10.
You don’t know how to check for primes, but at least you know, primes must be odd.
So you can start your program:
require 'todonotes' primecount = 0 for i in 1..10 if fixme "Calculate if prime, temporary: true for odd numbers" do i.odd? #tempory: odd = prim end primecount += 1 puts "#{i} is a prime number" else puts "#{i} is no prime number" end end todo "Return total number of primes"
require 'todonotes' class Fixnum def prime? fixme "Calculate if prime" do self.odd? #tempory: odd = prim end end end primecount = 0 for i in 1..10 if primecount += 1 puts "#{i} is a prime number" else puts "#{i} is no prime number" end end todo "Return total number of primes"
Now you get a output like this:
FixMe: todonotes_prim2.rb:12 Calculate if prime misssing (temporary: true) 1 is a prime number FixMe: todonotes_prim2.rb:12(2) Calculate if prime misssing (temporary: false) 2 is no prime number FixMe: todonotes_prim2.rb:12(3) Calculate if prime misssing (temporary: true) ... ToDo : todonotes_prim2.rb:27 Return total number of primes (temporary: nil)
The Todonotes is warning about a wrong or uncompleted code piece.
The ToDo is warning for a missing code piece.
You are informed about source code file and line number. In braces you get the number of calls.
The todo/fixme command evaluates the optional block. The result is returned as a temporary result (in this example: odd numbers are primes.).
Please refer the examples folder for more details.
Logging¶ ↑
The Fixme’s and ToDo’s are reported via a logger (log4r).
The first call of a fixme/todo is a warning, the next call is an information. With this logic you can decide, if you want to see each call or only the first call.
You may change the level with:
Todonotes.logger.level = Log4r::WARN #only first time of a call of a fixme/todo Todonotes.logger.level = Log4r::INFO #report all calls of fixme/todo
You can log the fixme/todos to a file:
Get Overview¶ ↑
You may print an overview on all fixme/todos:
List of ToDos/Fixmes: todonotes_prim.rb:11: 10 calls todonotes_prim.rb:21: 1 call
There is a fixme/todo in line 11 and 21 in todonotes_prim.rb.
Go productive¶ ↑
Before you go productive with your application you should remove this gem and delete all fixme- and todo-commands.
You may also set
Todonotes::TODONOTES.raise_fixme = true Todonotes::TODONOTES.raise_todo = true
After this you will get a ImplementationError-Exception if Kernel#fixme or Kernel.todo is called.