A long serving Junior Postman Tolliver Groat. With this gem you can create notifications based on templates defined by the system administrator and send it in a batch with different delivery methods:
- E-mail with SMTP aor Mailgun provider
- SMS with Plivo provider
- Slack
- Whatever custom delivery method
1. Installation
Add gem to your Gemfile:
gem 'tolliver'
Add database migrations to you application (you can modify DB structure accordingly before migrating):
$ rake tolliver:install:migrations
$ rake db:migrate
1.1. Plivo support
Add gem to your Gemfile:
gem 'plivo'
1.2. Mailgun support
Add gem to your Gemfile:
gem 'mailgun-ruby'
1.3. Slack support
Add gem to your Gemfile:
gem 'slack-ruby-client'
2. Configuration
You can configure module through config/initializers/tolliver.rb
Tolliver.setup do |config|
config.email_sender = ''
config.delivery_methods = [
Available options:
- notification_model
- notification_attachment_model
- notification_delivery_model
- notification_receiver_model
- notification_template_model
- email_sender
- email_sender_name
- email_provider
- email_provider_params
- sms_sender
- sms_provider
- sms_provider_params
- slack_params
- delivery_methods
2.1. Plivo support
Set Plivo as SMS provider and add Plivo auth ID and token into Tolliver configuration file:
Tolliver.setup do |config|
config.sms_provider = :plivo
config.sms_provider_params = {
auth_id: 'secret',
auth_token: 'secret'
2.2. Mailgun support
Set Mailgun as e-mail provider and add Mailgun API key and domain into Tolliver configuration file:
Tolliver.setup do |config|
config.email_provider = :mailgun
config.email_provider_params = {
api_key: 'key-secret',
domain: 'domain.tld'
3. Usage
To enter new notification into the system, just call notify
template: :template_ref,
params: [
{key: :key_1, value: :value_1},
{key: :key_2, value: :value_2}
receivers: [
{ref: :receiver_1, email: "receiver_1@domain.tld"},
{ref: :receiver_2, email: "receiver_2@domain.tld"},