Open up your terminal and type `gem install trades` or `sudo gem install trades` if the former gives you errors.
Alternatively you can download the 'trades-x.x.gem' file (listed above) and install that using `gem install /path/to/trades-x.x.gem` (replace x.x).
You need to have [Ruby]( and [RubyGems]( (included by default) installed. To test if you've got Ruby installed, type `ruby -v` in your terminal. This should display a version number if Ruby is installed.
Trades is developed and tested on Ruby version **1.9.2**.
Usage: trades [options]
-m, --market MARKET Filter on MARKET
-c, --currency CURRENCY Filter on CURRENCY
-l, --log [FILENAME] Log the results to FILENAME
--no-color Plain text instead of output colorized
--markets Show a list of all markets
--currencies Show a list of all currencies
-h, --help Show this message
More info:
To filter on market, type `trades -m mtgoxUSD` in your terminal. Type `trades -m mtgoxUSD -m thUSD` to filter on multiple markets. Trades uses the same names for markets as Bitcoincharts uses, though Trades has some aliases built-in.
To filter on currency, type `trades -c USD` in your terminal. Type `trades -c USD -c EUR -c GBP` to filter on multiple currencies.
To log the results to a file, type `trades -l /location/trades.log` in your terminal. If no file is given, Trades will create a logfile in /var/log/. You can use this option in combination with one of the filtering options.
All data is provided by []( As long as you don't sell Trades for monies (or bitcoins!) you can do anything you want with it, except for rape.
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