No commit activity in last 3 years
No release in over 3 years
The Tripletex API is a **RESTful API**, which does not implement PATCH, but uses a PUT with optional fields. **Actions** or commands are represented in our RESTful path with a prefixed `:`. Example: `/v2/hours/123/:approve`. **Summaries** or aggregated results are represented in our RESTful path with a prefixed <code>&gt;</code>. Example: <code>/v2/hours/&gt;thisWeeksBillables</code>. **"requestID"** is a key found in all validation and error responses. If additional log information is absolutely necessary, our support division can locate the key value. **Download** the [swagger.json](/v2/swagger.json) file [OpenAPI Specification](https://github.com/OAI/OpenAPI-Specification) to [generate code](https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-codegen). This document was generated from the Swagger JSON file. **version:** This is a versioning number found on all DB records. If included, it will prevent your PUT/POST from overriding any updates to the record since your GET. **Date & DateTime** follows the **ISO 8601** standard. Date: `YYYY-MM-DD`. DateTime: `YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ` **Sorting** is done by specifying a comma separated list, where a `-` prefix denotes descending. You can sort by sub object with the following format: `project.name, -date`. **Searching:** is done by entering values in the optional fields for each API call. The values fall into the following categories: range, in, exact and like. **Missing fields or even no response data** can occur because result objects and fields are filtered on authorization. **See [FAQ](https://tripletex.no/execute/docViewer?articleId=906&language=0) for more additional information.** ## Authentication: - **Tokens:** The Tripletex API uses 3 different tokens - **consumerToken**, **employeeToken** and **sessionToken**. - **consumerToken** is a token provided to the consumer by Tripletex after the API 2.0 registration is completed. - **employeeToken** is a token created by an administrator in your Tripletex account via the user settings and the tab "API access". Each employee token must be given a set of entitlements. [Read more here.](https://tripletex.no/execute/docViewer?articleId=853&language=0) - **sessionToken** is the token from `/token/session/:create` which requires a consumerToken and an employeeToken created with the same consumer token, but not an authentication header. See how to create a sessionToken [here](https://tripletex.no/execute/docViewer?articleId=855&language=0). - The session token is used as the password in "Basic Authentication Header" for API calls. - Use blank or `0` as username for accessing the account with regular employee token, or if a company owned employee token accesses <code>/company/&gt;withLoginAccess</code> or <code>/token/session/&gt;whoAmI</code>. - For company owned employee tokens (accounting offices) the ID from <code>/company/&gt;withLoginAccess</code> can be used as username for accessing client accounts. - If you need to create the header yourself use <code>Authorization: Basic &lt;base64encode('0:sessionToken')&gt;</code>. ## Tags: - <div class="tag-icon-beta"></div> **[BETA]** This is a beta endpoint and can be subject to change. - <div class="tag-icon-deprecated"></div> **[DEPRECATED]** Deprecated means that we intend to remove/change this feature or capability in a future "major" API release. We therefore discourage all use of this feature/capability. ## Fields: Use the `fields` parameter to specify which fields should be returned. This also supports fields from sub elements. Example values: - `project,activity,hours` returns `{project:..., activity:...., hours:...}`. - just `project` returns `"project" : { "id": 12345, "url": "tripletex.no/v2/projects/12345" }`. - `project(*)` returns `"project" : { "id": 12345 "name":"ProjectName" "number.....startDate": "2013-01-07" }`. - `project(name)` returns `"project" : { "name":"ProjectName" }`. - All elements and some subElements : `*,activity(name),employee(*)`. ## Changes: To get the changes for a resource, `changes` have to be explicitly specified as part of the `fields` parameter, e.g. `*,changes`. There are currently two types of change available: - `CREATE` for when the resource was created - `UPDATE` for when the resource was updated NOTE: For objects created prior to October 24th 2018 the list may be incomplete, but will always contain the CREATE and the last change (if the object has been changed after creation). ## Rate limiting in each response header: Rate limiting is performed on the API calls for an employee for each API consumer. Status regarding the rate limit is returned as headers: - `X-Rate-Limit-Limit` - The number of allowed requests in the current period. - `X-Rate-Limit-Remaining` - The number of remaining requests. - `X-Rate-Limit-Reset` - The number of seconds left in the current period. Once the rate limit is hit, all requests will return HTTP status code `429` for the remainder of the current period. ## Response envelope: ``` { "fullResultSize": ###, "from": ###, // Paging starting from "count": ###, // Paging count "versionDigest": "Hash of full result", "values": [...list of objects...] } { "value": {...single object...} } ``` ## WebHook envelope: ``` { "subscriptionId": ###, "event": "object.verb", // As listed from /v2/event/ "id": ###, // Object id "value": {... single object, null if object.deleted ...} } ``` ## Error/warning envelope: ``` { "status": ###, // HTTP status code "code": #####, // internal status code of event "message": "Basic feedback message in your language", "link": "Link to doc", "developerMessage": "More technical message", "validationMessages": [ // Will be null if Error { "field": "Name of field", "message": "Validation failure information" } ], "requestId": "UUID used in any logs" } ``` ## Status codes / Error codes: - **200 OK** - **201 Created** - From POSTs that create something new. - **204 No Content** - When there is no answer, ex: "/:anAction" or DELETE. - **400 Bad request** - - **4000** Bad Request Exception - **11000** Illegal Filter Exception - **12000** Path Param Exception - **24000** Cryptography Exception - **401 Unauthorized** - When authentication is required and has failed or has not yet been provided - **3000** Authentication Exception - **9000** Security Exception - **403 Forbidden** - When AuthorisationManager says no. - **404 Not Found** - For content/IDs that does not exist. - **6000** Not Found Exception - **409 Conflict** - Such as an edit conflict between multiple simultaneous updates - **7000** Object Exists Exception - **8000** Revision Exception - **10000** Locked Exception - **14000** Duplicate entry - **422 Bad Request** - For Required fields or things like malformed payload. - **15000** Value Validation Exception - **16000** Mapping Exception - **17000** Sorting Exception - **18000** Validation Exception - **21000** Param Exception - **22000** Invalid JSON Exception - **23000** Result Set Too Large Exception - **429 Too Many Requests** - Request rate limit hit - **500 Internal Error** - Unexpected condition was encountered and no more specific message is suitable - **1000** Exception


>= 4.4.6, ~> 4.4
>= 0.2.16, ~> 0.2
>= 4.1.2, ~> 4.1
>= 3.6.0, ~> 3.6
>= 3.0.1, ~> 3.0
>= 1.24.3, ~> 1.24


>= 2.1.0, ~> 2.1
>= 1.0.1, ~> 1.0
 Project Readme

The Tripletex API is a RESTful API

This SDK is automatically generated by the Swagger Codegen project:

  • API version: 2.26.2
  • Package version: 1.0.0
  • Build package: io.swagger.codegen.languages.RubyClientCodegen


Build a gem

To build the Ruby code into a gem:

gem build tripletex_api.gemspec

Then either install the gem locally:

gem install ./tripletex_api-1.0.0.gem

(for development, run gem install --dev ./tripletex_api-1.0.0.gem to install the development dependencies)

or publish the gem to a gem hosting service, e.g. RubyGems.

Finally add this to the Gemfile:

gem 'tripletex_api', '~> 1.0.0'

Install from Git

If the Ruby gem is hosted at a git repository: https://github.com/GIT_USER_ID/GIT_REPO_ID, then add the following in the Gemfile:

gem 'tripletex_api', :git => 'https://github.com/GIT_USER_ID/GIT_REPO_ID.git'

Include the Ruby code directly

Include the Ruby code directly using -I as follows:

ruby -Ilib script.rb

Getting Started

Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following code:

# Load the gem
require 'tripletex_api'

# Setup authorization
TripletexApi.configure do |config|
  # Configure HTTP basic authorization: tokenAuthScheme
  config.username = 'YOUR USERNAME'
  config.password = 'YOUR PASSWORD'

api_instance = TripletexApi::ActivityApi.new

id = 56 # Integer | Element ID

opts = {
  fields: "fields_example" # String | Fields filter pattern

  #Find activity by ID.
  result = api_instance.get(id, opts)
  p result
rescue TripletexApi::ApiError => e
  puts "Exception when calling ActivityApi->get: #{e}"

Documentation for API Endpoints

All URIs are relative to https://tripletex.no/v2

Class Method HTTP request Description
TripletexApi::ActivityApi get GET /activity/{id} Find activity by ID.
TripletexApi::ActivityApi get_for_time_sheet GET /activity/>forTimeSheet Find applicable time sheet activities for an employee on a specific day.
TripletexApi::ActivityApi search GET /activity Find activities corresponding with sent data.
TripletexApi::AddressApi get GET /address/{id} Get address by ID.
TripletexApi::AddressApi put PUT /address/{id} Update address.
TripletexApi::AddressApi search GET /address Find addresses corresponding with sent data.
TripletexApi::BankApi search GET /bank [BETA] Find bank corresponding with sent data.
TripletexApi::BankreconciliationApi adjustment PUT /bank/reconciliation/{id}/:adjustment [BETA] Add an adjustment to reconciliation by ID.
TripletexApi::BankreconciliationApi delete DELETE /bank/reconciliation/{id} [BETA] Delete bank reconciliation by ID.
TripletexApi::BankreconciliationApi get GET /bank/reconciliation/{id} [BETA] Get bank reconciliation.
TripletexApi::BankreconciliationApi last_closed GET /bank/reconciliation/>lastClosed [BETA] Get last closed reconciliation by account ID.
TripletexApi::BankreconciliationApi post POST /bank/reconciliation [BETA] Post a bank reconciliation.
TripletexApi::BankreconciliationApi put PUT /bank/reconciliation/{id} [BETA] Update a bank reconciliation.
TripletexApi::BankreconciliationApi search GET /bank/reconciliation [BETA] Find bank reconciliation corresponding with sent data.
TripletexApi::BankreconciliationmatchApi delete DELETE /bank/reconciliation/match/{id} [BETA] Delete a bank reconciliation match by ID.
TripletexApi::BankreconciliationmatchApi get GET /bank/reconciliation/match/{id} [BETA] Get bank reconciliation match by ID.
TripletexApi::BankreconciliationmatchApi post POST /bank/reconciliation/match [BETA] Create a bank reconciliation match.
TripletexApi::BankreconciliationmatchApi put PUT /bank/reconciliation/match/{id} [BETA] Update a bank reconciliation match by ID.
TripletexApi::BankreconciliationmatchApi search GET /bank/reconciliation/match [BETA] Find bank reconciliation match corresponding with sent data.
TripletexApi::BankreconciliationmatchApi suggest PUT /bank/reconciliation/match/:suggest [BETA] Suggest matches for a bank reconciliation by ID.
TripletexApi::BankreconciliationpaymentTypeApi get GET /bank/reconciliation/paymentType/{id} [BETA] Get payment type by ID.
TripletexApi::BankreconciliationpaymentTypeApi search GET /bank/reconciliation/paymentType [BETA] Find payment type corresponding with sent data.
TripletexApi::BankstatementApi delete DELETE /bank/statement/{id} [BETA] Delete bank statement by ID.
TripletexApi::BankstatementApi get GET /bank/statement/{id} [BETA] Get bank statement.
TripletexApi::BankstatementApi import_bank_statement POST /bank/statement/import [BETA] Upload bank statement file.
TripletexApi::BankstatementApi search GET /bank/statement [BETA] Find bank statement corresponding with sent data.
TripletexApi::BankstatementtransactionApi get GET /bank/statement/transaction/{id} [BETA] Get bank transaction by ID.
TripletexApi::BankstatementtransactionApi get_details GET /bank/statement/transaction/{id}/details [BETA] Get additional details about transaction by ID.
TripletexApi::BankstatementtransactionApi search GET /bank/statement/transaction [BETA] Find bank transaction corresponding with sent data.
TripletexApi::CompanyApi get GET /company/{id} Find company by ID.
TripletexApi::CompanyApi get_divisions GET /company/divisions Find divisions.
TripletexApi::CompanyApi get_with_login_access GET /company/>withLoginAccess Returns client customers (with accountant/auditor relation) where the current user has login access (proxy login).
TripletexApi::ContactApi get GET /contact/{id} Get contact by ID.
TripletexApi::ContactApi post POST /contact Create contact.
TripletexApi::ContactApi put PUT /contact/{id} [BETA] Update contact.
TripletexApi::ContactApi search GET /contact Find contacts corresponding with sent data.
TripletexApi::CountryApi get GET /country/{id} Get country by ID.
TripletexApi::CountryApi search GET /country Find countries corresponding with sent data.
TripletexApi::CrmprospectApi get GET /crm/prospect/{id} Get prospect by ID.
TripletexApi::CrmprospectApi search GET /crm/prospect Find prospects corresponding with sent data.
TripletexApi::CurrencyApi get GET /currency/{id} Get currency by ID.
TripletexApi::CurrencyApi search GET /currency Find currencies corresponding with sent data.
TripletexApi::CustomerApi get GET /customer/{id} Get customer by ID.
TripletexApi::CustomerApi post POST /customer Create customer. Related customer addresses may also be created.
TripletexApi::CustomerApi post_list POST /customer/list [BETA] Create multiple customers. Related supplier addresses may also be created.
TripletexApi::CustomerApi put PUT /customer/{id} Update customer.
TripletexApi::CustomerApi put_list PUT /customer/list [BETA] Update multiple customers. Addresses can also be updated.
TripletexApi::CustomerApi search GET /customer Find customers corresponding with sent data.
TripletexApi::CustomercategoryApi get GET /customer/category/{id} Find customer/supplier category by ID.
TripletexApi::CustomercategoryApi post POST /customer/category Add new customer/supplier category.
TripletexApi::CustomercategoryApi put PUT /customer/category/{id} Update customer/supplier category.
TripletexApi::CustomercategoryApi search GET /customer/category Find customer/supplier categories corresponding with sent data.
TripletexApi::DepartmentApi get GET /department/{id} Get department by ID.
TripletexApi::DepartmentApi post POST /department [BETA] Add new department.
TripletexApi::DepartmentApi post_list POST /department/list [BETA] Register new departments.
TripletexApi::DepartmentApi put PUT /department/{id} [BETA] Update department.
TripletexApi::DepartmentApi put_list PUT /department/list [BETA] Update multiple departments.
TripletexApi::DepartmentApi search GET /department Find department corresponding with sent data.
TripletexApi::DocumentApi download_content GET /document/{id}/content [BETA] Get content of document given by ID.
TripletexApi::DocumentApi get GET /document/{id} [BETA] Get document by ID.
TripletexApi::EmployeeApi get GET /employee/{id} Get employee by ID.
TripletexApi::EmployeeApi post POST /employee [BETA] Create one employee.
TripletexApi::EmployeeApi post_list POST /employee/list [BETA] Create several employees.
TripletexApi::EmployeeApi put PUT /employee/{id} Update employee.
TripletexApi::EmployeeApi search GET /employee Find employees corresponding with sent data.
TripletexApi::EmployeeemploymentApi get GET /employee/employment/{id} Find employment by ID.
TripletexApi::EmployeeemploymentApi post POST /employee/employment [BETA] Create employment.
TripletexApi::EmployeeemploymentApi put PUT /employee/employment/{id} [BETA] Update employemnt.
TripletexApi::EmployeeemploymentApi search GET /employee/employment Find all employments for employee.
TripletexApi::EmployeeemploymentdetailsApi get GET /employee/employment/details/{id} [BETA] Find employment details by ID.
TripletexApi::EmployeeemploymentdetailsApi post POST /employee/employment/details [BETA] Create employment details.
TripletexApi::EmployeeemploymentdetailsApi put PUT /employee/employment/details/{id} [BETA] Update employment details.
TripletexApi::EmployeeemploymentdetailsApi search GET /employee/employment/details [BETA] Find all employmentdetails for employment.
TripletexApi::EmployeeemploymentemploymentTypeApi search GET /employee/employment/employmentType [BETA] Find all employment type IDs.
TripletexApi::EmployeeemploymentleaveOfAbsenceApi get GET /employee/employment/leaveOfAbsence/{id} [BETA] Find leave of absence by ID.
TripletexApi::EmployeeemploymentleaveOfAbsenceApi post POST /employee/employment/leaveOfAbsence [BETA] Create leave of absence.
TripletexApi::EmployeeemploymentleaveOfAbsenceApi put PUT /employee/employment/leaveOfAbsence/{id} [BETA] Update leave of absence.
TripletexApi::EmployeeemploymentleaveOfAbsenceTypeApi search GET /employee/employment/leaveOfAbsenceType [BETA] Find all leave of absence type IDs.
TripletexApi::EmployeeemploymentoccupationCodeApi search GET /employee/employment/occupationCode [BETA] Find all profession codes.
TripletexApi::EmployeeemploymentremunerationTypeApi search GET /employee/employment/remunerationType [BETA] Find all remuneration type IDs.
TripletexApi::EmployeeemploymentworkingHoursSchemeApi search GET /employee/employment/workingHoursScheme [BETA] Find working hours scheme ID.
TripletexApi::EmployeeentitlementApi client GET /employee/entitlement/client [BETA] Find all entitlements at client for user.
TripletexApi::EmployeeentitlementApi get GET /employee/entitlement/{id} Get entitlement by ID.
TripletexApi::EmployeeentitlementApi grant_client_entitlements_by_template PUT /employee/entitlement/:grantClientEntitlementsByTemplate [BETA] Update employee entitlements in client account.
TripletexApi::EmployeeentitlementApi grant_entitlements_by_template PUT /employee/entitlement/:grantEntitlementsByTemplate [BETA] Update employee entitlements.
TripletexApi::EmployeeentitlementApi search GET /employee/entitlement Find all entitlements for user.
TripletexApi::EmployeestandardTimeApi get GET /employee/standardTime/{id} [BETA] Find standard time by ID.
TripletexApi::EmployeestandardTimeApi post POST /employee/standardTime [BETA] Create standard time.
TripletexApi::EmployeestandardTimeApi put PUT /employee/standardTime/{id} [BETA] Update standard time.
TripletexApi::EmployeestandardTimeApi search GET /employee/standardTime [BETA] Find all standard times for employee.
TripletexApi::EventApi get GET /event [BETA] Get all (WebHook) event keys.
TripletexApi::EventsubscriptionApi delete DELETE /event/subscription/{id} [BETA] Delete the given subscription.
TripletexApi::EventsubscriptionApi get GET /event/subscription/{id} [BETA] Get subscription by ID.
TripletexApi::EventsubscriptionApi post POST /event/subscription [BETA] Create a new subscription for current EmployeeToken.
TripletexApi::EventsubscriptionApi put PUT /event/subscription/{id} [BETA] Change a current subscription, based on id.
TripletexApi::EventsubscriptionApi search GET /event/subscription [BETA] Find all ongoing subscriptions.
TripletexApi::InventoryApi get GET /inventory/{id} Get inventory by ID.
TripletexApi::InventoryApi search GET /inventory Find inventory corresponding with sent data.
TripletexApi::InvoiceApi create_credit_note PUT /invoice/{id}/:createCreditNote [BETA] Creates a new Invoice representing a credit memo that nullifies the given invoice. Updates this invoice and any pre-existing inverse invoice.
TripletexApi::InvoiceApi create_reminder PUT /invoice/{id}/:createReminder [BETA] Create invoice reminder and sends it by the given dispatch type. Supports the reminder types SOFT_REMINDER, REMINDER and NOTICE_OF_DEBT_COLLECTION. DispatchType NETS_PRINT must have type NOTICE_OF_DEBT_COLLECTION. SMS and NETS_PRINT must be activated prior to usage in the API.
TripletexApi::InvoiceApi download_pdf GET /invoice/{invoiceId}/pdf Get invoice document by invoice ID.
TripletexApi::InvoiceApi get GET /invoice/{id} Get invoice by ID.
TripletexApi::InvoiceApi payment PUT /invoice/{id}/:payment Update invoice. The invoice is updated with payment information. The amount is in the invoice’s currency.
TripletexApi::InvoiceApi post POST /invoice Create invoice.
TripletexApi::InvoiceApi search GET /invoice Find invoices corresponding with sent data. Includes charged outgoing invoices only.
TripletexApi::InvoiceApi send PUT /invoice/{id}/:send [BETA] Send invoice by ID and sendType. Optionally override email recipient.
TripletexApi::InvoicedetailsApi get GET /invoice/details/{id} [BETA] Get ProjectInvoiceDetails by ID.
TripletexApi::InvoicepaymentTypeApi get GET /invoice/paymentType/{id} Get payment type by ID.
TripletexApi::InvoicepaymentTypeApi search GET /invoice/paymentType Find payment type corresponding with sent data.
TripletexApi::LedgerApi open_post GET /ledger/openPost Find open posts corresponding with sent data.
TripletexApi::LedgerApi search GET /ledger Get ledger (hovedbok).
TripletexApi::LedgeraccountApi delete DELETE /ledger/account/{id} [BETA] Delete account.
TripletexApi::LedgeraccountApi delete_by_ids DELETE /ledger/account/list [BETA] Delete multiple accounts.
TripletexApi::LedgeraccountApi get GET /ledger/account/{id} Get account by ID.
TripletexApi::LedgeraccountApi post POST /ledger/account [BETA] Create a new account.
TripletexApi::LedgeraccountApi post_list POST /ledger/account/list [BETA] Create several accounts.
TripletexApi::LedgeraccountApi put PUT /ledger/account/{id} [BETA] Update account.
TripletexApi::LedgeraccountApi put_list PUT /ledger/account/list [BETA] Update multiple accounts.
TripletexApi::LedgeraccountApi search GET /ledger/account Find accounts corresponding with sent data.
TripletexApi::LedgeraccountingPeriodApi get GET /ledger/accountingPeriod/{id} Get accounting period by ID.
TripletexApi::LedgeraccountingPeriodApi search GET /ledger/accountingPeriod Find accounting periods corresponding with sent data.
TripletexApi::LedgerannualAccountApi get GET /ledger/annualAccount/{id} Get annual account by ID.
TripletexApi::LedgerannualAccountApi search GET /ledger/annualAccount Find annual accounts corresponding with sent data.
TripletexApi::LedgercloseGroupApi get GET /ledger/closeGroup/{id} Get close group by ID.
TripletexApi::LedgercloseGroupApi search GET /ledger/closeGroup Find close groups corresponding with sent data.
TripletexApi::LedgerpaymentTypeOutApi delete DELETE /ledger/paymentTypeOut/{id} [BETA] Delete payment type for outgoing payments by ID.
TripletexApi::LedgerpaymentTypeOutApi get GET /ledger/paymentTypeOut/{id} [BETA] Get payment type for outgoing payments by ID.
TripletexApi::LedgerpaymentTypeOutApi post POST /ledger/paymentTypeOut [BETA] Create new payment type for outgoing payments
TripletexApi::LedgerpaymentTypeOutApi post_list POST /ledger/paymentTypeOut/list [BETA] Create multiple payment types for outgoing payments at once
TripletexApi::LedgerpaymentTypeOutApi put PUT /ledger/paymentTypeOut/{id} [BETA] Update existing payment type for outgoing payments
TripletexApi::LedgerpaymentTypeOutApi put_list PUT /ledger/paymentTypeOut/list [BETA] Update multiple payment types for outgoing payments at once
TripletexApi::LedgerpaymentTypeOutApi search GET /ledger/paymentTypeOut [BETA] Gets payment types for outgoing payments
TripletexApi::LedgerpostingApi get GET /ledger/posting/{id} Find postings by ID.
TripletexApi::LedgerpostingApi open_post GET /ledger/posting/openPost Find open posts corresponding with sent data.
TripletexApi::LedgerpostingApi search GET /ledger/posting Find postings corresponding with sent data.
TripletexApi::LedgervatTypeApi get GET /ledger/vatType/{id} Get vat type by ID.
TripletexApi::LedgervatTypeApi search GET /ledger/vatType Find vat types corresponding with sent data.
TripletexApi::LedgervoucherApi delete DELETE /ledger/voucher/{id} [BETA] Delete voucher by ID.
TripletexApi::LedgervoucherApi download_pdf GET /ledger/voucher/{voucherId}/pdf Get attachment by voucher ID.
TripletexApi::LedgervoucherApi get GET /ledger/voucher/{id} Get voucher by ID.
TripletexApi::LedgervoucherApi import_document POST /ledger/voucher/importDocument [BETA] Upload a document to create one or more vouchers. Valid document formats are PDF, PNG, JPEG, TIFF and EHF. Send as multipart form.
TripletexApi::LedgervoucherApi import_gbat10 POST /ledger/voucher/importGbat10 Import GBAT10. Send as multipart form.
TripletexApi::LedgervoucherApi non_posted GET /ledger/voucher/>nonPosted [BETA] Find non-posted vouchers.
TripletexApi::LedgervoucherApi post POST /ledger/voucher Add new voucher. IMPORTANT: Also creates postings. Only the gross amounts will be used
TripletexApi::LedgervoucherApi put PUT /ledger/voucher/{id} [BETA] Update voucher. Postings with guiRow==0 will be deleted and regenerated.
TripletexApi::LedgervoucherApi put_list PUT /ledger/voucher/list [BETA] Update multiple vouchers. Postings with guiRow==0 will be deleted and regenerated.
TripletexApi::LedgervoucherApi reverse PUT /ledger/voucher/{id}/:reverse Reverses the voucher, and returns the reversed voucher. Supports reversing most voucher types, except salary transactions.
TripletexApi::LedgervoucherApi search GET /ledger/voucher Find vouchers corresponding with sent data.
TripletexApi::LedgervoucherApi send_to_inbox PUT /ledger/voucher/{id}/:sendToInbox [BETA] Send voucher to inbox.
TripletexApi::LedgervoucherApi send_to_ledger PUT /ledger/voucher/{id}/:sendToLedger [BETA] Send voucher to ledger.
TripletexApi::LedgervoucherApi upload_pdf POST /ledger/voucher/{voucherId}/pdf/{fileName} Upload attachment to voucher. Send as multipart form.
TripletexApi::LedgervoucherTypeApi get GET /ledger/voucherType/{id} Get voucher type by ID.
TripletexApi::LedgervoucherTypeApi search GET /ledger/voucherType Find voucher types corresponding with sent data.
TripletexApi::OrderApi get GET /order/{id} Get order by ID.
TripletexApi::OrderApi invoice PUT /order/{id}/:invoice Create new invoice from order.
TripletexApi::OrderApi post POST /order Create order.
TripletexApi::OrderApi put PUT /order/{id} Update order.
TripletexApi::OrderApi search GET /order Find orders corresponding with sent data.
TripletexApi::OrderorderlineApi delete DELETE /order/orderline/{id} [BETA] Delete order line by ID.
TripletexApi::OrderorderlineApi get GET /order/orderline/{id} Get order line by ID.
TripletexApi::OrderorderlineApi post POST /order/orderline Create order line. When creating several order lines, use /list for better performance.
TripletexApi::OrderorderlineApi post_list POST /order/orderline/list Create multiple order lines.
TripletexApi::ProductApi get GET /product/{id} Get product by ID.
TripletexApi::ProductApi post POST /product Create new product.
TripletexApi::ProductApi put PUT /product/{id} Update product.
TripletexApi::ProductApi search GET /product Find products corresponding with sent data.
TripletexApi::ProductunitApi get GET /product/unit/{id} Get product unit by ID.
TripletexApi::ProductunitApi search GET /product/unit Find product units corresponding with sent data.
TripletexApi::ProjectApi delete DELETE /project/{id} [BETA] Delete project.
TripletexApi::ProjectApi delete_by_ids DELETE /project/list [BETA] Delete projects.
TripletexApi::ProjectApi delete_list DELETE /project [BETA] Delete multiple projects.
TripletexApi::ProjectApi get GET /project/{id} Find project by ID.
TripletexApi::ProjectApi get_for_time_sheet GET /project/>forTimeSheet Find projects applicable for time sheet registration on a specific day.
TripletexApi::ProjectApi post POST /project [BETA] Add new project.
TripletexApi::ProjectApi post_list POST /project/list [BETA] Register new projects. Multiple projects for different users can be sent in the same request.
TripletexApi::ProjectApi put PUT /project/{id} [BETA] Update project.
TripletexApi::ProjectApi put_list PUT /project/list [BETA] Update multiple projects.
TripletexApi::ProjectApi search GET /project Find projects corresponding with sent data.
TripletexApi::ProjectcategoryApi get GET /project/category/{id} Find project category by ID.
TripletexApi::ProjectcategoryApi post POST /project/category Add new project category.
TripletexApi::ProjectcategoryApi put PUT /project/category/{id} Update project category.
TripletexApi::ProjectcategoryApi search GET /project/category Find project categories corresponding with sent data.
TripletexApi::ProjectorderlineApi delete DELETE /project/orderline/{id} [BETA] Delete order line by ID.
TripletexApi::ProjectorderlineApi get GET /project/orderline/{id} [BETA] Get order line by ID.
TripletexApi::ProjectorderlineApi post POST /project/orderline [BETA] Create order line. When creating several order lines, use /list for better performance.
TripletexApi::ProjectorderlineApi post_list POST /project/orderline/list [BETA] Create multiple order lines.
TripletexApi::ProjectorderlineApi put PUT /project/orderline/{id} [BETA] Update project orderline.
TripletexApi::ProjectparticipantApi delete_by_ids DELETE /project/participant/list [BETA] Delete project participants.
TripletexApi::ProjectparticipantApi get GET /project/participant/{id} [BETA] Find project participant by ID.
TripletexApi::ProjectparticipantApi post POST /project/participant [BETA] Add new project participant.
TripletexApi::ProjectparticipantApi post_list POST /project/participant/list [BETA] Register new projects. Multiple projects for different users can be sent in the same request.
TripletexApi::ProjectparticipantApi put PUT /project/participant/{id} [BETA] Update project participant.
TripletexApi::ReminderApi get GET /reminder/{id} Get reminder by ID.
TripletexApi::ReminderApi search GET /reminder Find reminders corresponding with sent data.
TripletexApi::SalarypayslipApi download_pdf GET /salary/payslip/{id}/pdf [BETA] Find payslip (PDF document) by ID.
TripletexApi::SalarypayslipApi get GET /salary/payslip/{id} [BETA] Find payslip by ID.
TripletexApi::SalarypayslipApi search GET /salary/payslip [BETA] Find payslips corresponding with sent data.
TripletexApi::SalarytransactionApi delete DELETE /salary/transaction/{id} [BETA] Delete salary transaction by ID.
TripletexApi::SalarytransactionApi get GET /salary/transaction/{id} [BETA] Find salary transaction by ID.
TripletexApi::SalarytransactionApi post POST /salary/transaction [BETA] Create a new salary transaction.
TripletexApi::SalarytypeApi get GET /salary/type/{id} [BETA] Find salary type by ID.
TripletexApi::SalarytypeApi search GET /salary/type [BETA] Find salary type corresponding with sent data.
TripletexApi::SupplierApi get GET /supplier/{id} Get supplier by ID.
TripletexApi::SupplierApi post POST /supplier Create supplier. Related supplier addresses may also be created.
TripletexApi::SupplierApi post_list POST /supplier/list [BETA] Create multiple suppliers. Related supplier addresses may also be created.
TripletexApi::SupplierApi put PUT /supplier/{id} Update supplier.
TripletexApi::SupplierApi put_list PUT /supplier/list [BETA] Update multiple suppliers. Addresses can also be updated.
TripletexApi::SupplierApi search GET /supplier Find suppliers corresponding with sent data.
TripletexApi::TimesheetentryApi delete DELETE /timesheet/entry/{id} Delete timesheet entry by ID.
TripletexApi::TimesheetentryApi get GET /timesheet/entry/{id} Find timesheet entry by ID.
TripletexApi::TimesheetentryApi get_recent_activities GET /timesheet/entry/>recentActivities Find recently used timesheet activities.
TripletexApi::TimesheetentryApi get_recent_projects GET /timesheet/entry/>recentProjects Find projects with recent activities (timesheet entry registered).
TripletexApi::TimesheetentryApi get_total_hours GET /timesheet/entry/>totalHours Find total hours registered on an employee in a specific period.
TripletexApi::TimesheetentryApi post POST /timesheet/entry Add new timesheet entry. Only one entry per employee/date/activity/project combination is supported.
TripletexApi::TimesheetentryApi post_list POST /timesheet/entry/list Add new timesheet entry. Multiple objects for several users can be sent in the same request.
TripletexApi::TimesheetentryApi put PUT /timesheet/entry/{id} Update timesheet entry by ID. Note: Timesheet entry object fields which are present but not set, or set to 0, will be nulled.
TripletexApi::TimesheetentryApi put_list PUT /timesheet/entry/list Update timesheet entry. Multiple objects for different users can be sent in the same request.
TripletexApi::TimesheetentryApi search GET /timesheet/entry Find timesheet entry corresponding with sent data.
TripletexApi::TimesheettimeClockApi get GET /timesheet/timeClock/{id} Find time clock entry by ID.
TripletexApi::TimesheettimeClockApi get_present GET /timesheet/timeClock/present Find a user’s present running time clock.
TripletexApi::TimesheettimeClockApi put PUT /timesheet/timeClock/{id} Update time clock by ID.
TripletexApi::TimesheettimeClockApi search GET /timesheet/timeClock Find time clock entries corresponding with sent data.
TripletexApi::TimesheettimeClockApi start PUT /timesheet/timeClock/:start Start time clock.
TripletexApi::TimesheettimeClockApi stop PUT /timesheet/timeClock/{id}/:stop Stop time clock.
TripletexApi::TokenconsumerApi get_by_token GET /token/consumer/byToken Get consumer token by token string.
TripletexApi::TokenemployeeApi create PUT /token/employee/:create Create an employee token. Only selected consumers are allowed
TripletexApi::TokensessionApi create PUT /token/session/:create Create session token.
TripletexApi::TokensessionApi delete DELETE /token/session/{token} Delete session token.
TripletexApi::TokensessionApi who_am_i GET /token/session/>whoAmI Find information about the current user.
TripletexApi::TravelExpenseApi approve PUT /travelExpense/:approve [BETA] Approve travel expenses.
TripletexApi::TravelExpenseApi copy PUT /travelExpense/:copy [BETA] Copy travel expense.
TripletexApi::TravelExpenseApi create_vouchers PUT /travelExpense/:createVouchers [BETA] Create vouchers
TripletexApi::TravelExpenseApi delete DELETE /travelExpense/{id} [BETA] Delete travel expense.
TripletexApi::TravelExpenseApi deliver PUT /travelExpense/:deliver [BETA] Deliver travel expenses.
TripletexApi::TravelExpenseApi get GET /travelExpense/{id} [BETA] Get travel expense by ID.
TripletexApi::TravelExpenseApi post POST /travelExpense [BETA] Create travel expense.
TripletexApi::TravelExpenseApi put PUT /travelExpense/{id} [BETA] Update travel expense.
TripletexApi::TravelExpenseApi search GET /travelExpense [BETA] Find travel expenses corresponding with sent data.
TripletexApi::TravelExpenseApi unapprove PUT /travelExpense/:unapprove [BETA] Unapprove travel expenses.
TripletexApi::TravelExpenseApi undeliver PUT /travelExpense/:undeliver [BETA] Undeliver travel expenses.
TripletexApi::TravelExpenseaccommodationAllowanceApi delete DELETE /travelExpense/accommodationAllowance/{id} [BETA] Delete accommodation allowance.
TripletexApi::TravelExpenseaccommodationAllowanceApi get GET /travelExpense/accommodationAllowance/{id} [BETA] Get travel accommodation allowance by ID.
TripletexApi::TravelExpenseaccommodationAllowanceApi post POST /travelExpense/accommodationAllowance [BETA] Create accommodation allowance.
TripletexApi::TravelExpenseaccommodationAllowanceApi put PUT /travelExpense/accommodationAllowance/{id} [BETA] Update accommodation allowance.
TripletexApi::TravelExpenseaccommodationAllowanceApi search GET /travelExpense/accommodationAllowance [BETA] Find accommodation allowances corresponding with sent data.
TripletexApi::TravelExpensecostApi delete DELETE /travelExpense/cost/{id} [BETA] Delete cost.
TripletexApi::TravelExpensecostApi get GET /travelExpense/cost/{id} [BETA] Get cost by ID.
TripletexApi::TravelExpensecostApi post POST /travelExpense/cost [BETA] Create cost.
TripletexApi::TravelExpensecostApi put PUT /travelExpense/cost/{id} [BETA] Update cost.
TripletexApi::TravelExpensecostApi search GET /travelExpense/cost [BETA] Find costs corresponding with sent data.
TripletexApi::TravelExpensecostCategoryApi get GET /travelExpense/costCategory/{id} [BETA] Get cost category by ID.
TripletexApi::TravelExpensecostCategoryApi search GET /travelExpense/costCategory [BETA] Find cost category corresponding with sent data.
TripletexApi::TravelExpensemileageAllowanceApi delete DELETE /travelExpense/mileageAllowance/{id} [BETA] Delete mileage allowance.
TripletexApi::TravelExpensemileageAllowanceApi get GET /travelExpense/mileageAllowance/{id} [BETA] Get mileage allowance by ID.
TripletexApi::TravelExpensemileageAllowanceApi post POST /travelExpense/mileageAllowance [BETA] Create mileage allowance.
TripletexApi::TravelExpensemileageAllowanceApi put PUT /travelExpense/mileageAllowance/{id} [BETA] Update mileage allowance.
TripletexApi::TravelExpensemileageAllowanceApi search GET /travelExpense/mileageAllowance [BETA] Find mileage allowances corresponding with sent data.
TripletexApi::TravelExpensepassengerApi delete DELETE /travelExpense/passenger/{id} [BETA] Delete passenger.
TripletexApi::TravelExpensepassengerApi get GET /travelExpense/passenger/{id} [BETA] Get passenger by ID.
TripletexApi::TravelExpensepassengerApi post POST /travelExpense/passenger [BETA] Create passenger.
TripletexApi::TravelExpensepassengerApi put PUT /travelExpense/passenger/{id} [BETA] Update passenger.
TripletexApi::TravelExpensepassengerApi search GET /travelExpense/passenger [BETA] Find passengers corresponding with sent data.
TripletexApi::TravelExpensepaymentTypeApi get GET /travelExpense/paymentType/{id} [BETA] Get payment type by ID.
TripletexApi::TravelExpensepaymentTypeApi search GET /travelExpense/paymentType [BETA] Find payment type corresponding with sent data.
TripletexApi::TravelExpenseperDiemCompensationApi delete DELETE /travelExpense/perDiemCompensation/{id} [BETA] Delete per diem compensation.
TripletexApi::TravelExpenseperDiemCompensationApi get GET /travelExpense/perDiemCompensation/{id} [BETA] Get per diem compensation by ID.
TripletexApi::TravelExpenseperDiemCompensationApi post POST /travelExpense/perDiemCompensation [BETA] Create per diem compensation.
TripletexApi::TravelExpenseperDiemCompensationApi put PUT /travelExpense/perDiemCompensation/{id} [BETA] Update per diem compensation.
TripletexApi::TravelExpenseperDiemCompensationApi search GET /travelExpense/perDiemCompensation [BETA] Find per diem compensations corresponding with sent data.
TripletexApi::TravelExpenserateApi get GET /travelExpense/rate/{id} [BETA] Get travel expense rate by ID.
TripletexApi::TravelExpenserateApi search GET /travelExpense/rate [BETA] Find rates corresponding with sent data.
TripletexApi::TravelExpenserateCategoryApi get GET /travelExpense/rateCategory/{id} [BETA] Get travel expense rate category by ID.
TripletexApi::TravelExpenserateCategoryApi search GET /travelExpense/rateCategory [BETA] Find rate categories corresponding with sent data.
TripletexApi::TravelExpenserateCategoryGroupApi get GET /travelExpense/rateCategoryGroup/{id} [BETA] Get travel report rate category group by ID.
TripletexApi::TravelExpenserateCategoryGroupApi search GET /travelExpense/rateCategoryGroup [BETA] Find rate categoriy groups corresponding with sent data.

Documentation for Models

Documentation for Authorization


  • Type: HTTP basic authentication