The Tripletex API is a RESTful API
This SDK is automatically generated by the Swagger Codegen project:
- API version: 2.26.2
- Package version: 1.0.0
- Build package: io.swagger.codegen.languages.RubyClientCodegen
Build a gem
To build the Ruby code into a gem:
gem build tripletex_api.gemspec
Then either install the gem locally:
gem install ./tripletex_api-1.0.0.gem
(for development, run gem install --dev ./tripletex_api-1.0.0.gem
to install the development dependencies)
or publish the gem to a gem hosting service, e.g. RubyGems.
Finally add this to the Gemfile:
gem 'tripletex_api', '~> 1.0.0'
Install from Git
If the Ruby gem is hosted at a git repository:, then add the following in the Gemfile:
gem 'tripletex_api', :git => ''
Include the Ruby code directly
Include the Ruby code directly using -I
as follows:
ruby -Ilib script.rb
Getting Started
Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following code:
# Load the gem
require 'tripletex_api'
# Setup authorization
TripletexApi.configure do |config|
# Configure HTTP basic authorization: tokenAuthScheme
config.username = 'YOUR USERNAME'
config.password = 'YOUR PASSWORD'
api_instance =
id = 56 # Integer | Element ID
opts = {
fields: "fields_example" # String | Fields filter pattern
#Find activity by ID.
result = api_instance.get(id, opts)
p result
rescue TripletexApi::ApiError => e
puts "Exception when calling ActivityApi->get: #{e}"
Documentation for API Endpoints
All URIs are relative to
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
TripletexApi::ActivityApi | get | GET /activity/{id} | Find activity by ID. |
TripletexApi::ActivityApi | get_for_time_sheet | GET /activity/>forTimeSheet | Find applicable time sheet activities for an employee on a specific day. |
TripletexApi::ActivityApi | search | GET /activity | Find activities corresponding with sent data. |
TripletexApi::AddressApi | get | GET /address/{id} | Get address by ID. |
TripletexApi::AddressApi | put | PUT /address/{id} | Update address. |
TripletexApi::AddressApi | search | GET /address | Find addresses corresponding with sent data. |
TripletexApi::BankApi | search | GET /bank | [BETA] Find bank corresponding with sent data. |
TripletexApi::BankreconciliationApi | adjustment | PUT /bank/reconciliation/{id}/:adjustment | [BETA] Add an adjustment to reconciliation by ID. |
TripletexApi::BankreconciliationApi | delete | DELETE /bank/reconciliation/{id} | [BETA] Delete bank reconciliation by ID. |
TripletexApi::BankreconciliationApi | get | GET /bank/reconciliation/{id} | [BETA] Get bank reconciliation. |
TripletexApi::BankreconciliationApi | last_closed | GET /bank/reconciliation/>lastClosed | [BETA] Get last closed reconciliation by account ID. |
TripletexApi::BankreconciliationApi | post | POST /bank/reconciliation | [BETA] Post a bank reconciliation. |
TripletexApi::BankreconciliationApi | put | PUT /bank/reconciliation/{id} | [BETA] Update a bank reconciliation. |
TripletexApi::BankreconciliationApi | search | GET /bank/reconciliation | [BETA] Find bank reconciliation corresponding with sent data. |
TripletexApi::BankreconciliationmatchApi | delete | DELETE /bank/reconciliation/match/{id} | [BETA] Delete a bank reconciliation match by ID. |
TripletexApi::BankreconciliationmatchApi | get | GET /bank/reconciliation/match/{id} | [BETA] Get bank reconciliation match by ID. |
TripletexApi::BankreconciliationmatchApi | post | POST /bank/reconciliation/match | [BETA] Create a bank reconciliation match. |
TripletexApi::BankreconciliationmatchApi | put | PUT /bank/reconciliation/match/{id} | [BETA] Update a bank reconciliation match by ID. |
TripletexApi::BankreconciliationmatchApi | search | GET /bank/reconciliation/match | [BETA] Find bank reconciliation match corresponding with sent data. |
TripletexApi::BankreconciliationmatchApi | suggest | PUT /bank/reconciliation/match/:suggest | [BETA] Suggest matches for a bank reconciliation by ID. |
TripletexApi::BankreconciliationpaymentTypeApi | get | GET /bank/reconciliation/paymentType/{id} | [BETA] Get payment type by ID. |
TripletexApi::BankreconciliationpaymentTypeApi | search | GET /bank/reconciliation/paymentType | [BETA] Find payment type corresponding with sent data. |
TripletexApi::BankstatementApi | delete | DELETE /bank/statement/{id} | [BETA] Delete bank statement by ID. |
TripletexApi::BankstatementApi | get | GET /bank/statement/{id} | [BETA] Get bank statement. |
TripletexApi::BankstatementApi | import_bank_statement | POST /bank/statement/import | [BETA] Upload bank statement file. |
TripletexApi::BankstatementApi | search | GET /bank/statement | [BETA] Find bank statement corresponding with sent data. |
TripletexApi::BankstatementtransactionApi | get | GET /bank/statement/transaction/{id} | [BETA] Get bank transaction by ID. |
TripletexApi::BankstatementtransactionApi | get_details | GET /bank/statement/transaction/{id}/details | [BETA] Get additional details about transaction by ID. |
TripletexApi::BankstatementtransactionApi | search | GET /bank/statement/transaction | [BETA] Find bank transaction corresponding with sent data. |
TripletexApi::CompanyApi | get | GET /company/{id} | Find company by ID. |
TripletexApi::CompanyApi | get_divisions | GET /company/divisions | Find divisions. |
TripletexApi::CompanyApi | get_with_login_access | GET /company/>withLoginAccess | Returns client customers (with accountant/auditor relation) where the current user has login access (proxy login). |
TripletexApi::ContactApi | get | GET /contact/{id} | Get contact by ID. |
TripletexApi::ContactApi | post | POST /contact | Create contact. |
TripletexApi::ContactApi | put | PUT /contact/{id} | [BETA] Update contact. |
TripletexApi::ContactApi | search | GET /contact | Find contacts corresponding with sent data. |
TripletexApi::CountryApi | get | GET /country/{id} | Get country by ID. |
TripletexApi::CountryApi | search | GET /country | Find countries corresponding with sent data. |
TripletexApi::CrmprospectApi | get | GET /crm/prospect/{id} | Get prospect by ID. |
TripletexApi::CrmprospectApi | search | GET /crm/prospect | Find prospects corresponding with sent data. |
TripletexApi::CurrencyApi | get | GET /currency/{id} | Get currency by ID. |
TripletexApi::CurrencyApi | search | GET /currency | Find currencies corresponding with sent data. |
TripletexApi::CustomerApi | get | GET /customer/{id} | Get customer by ID. |
TripletexApi::CustomerApi | post | POST /customer | Create customer. Related customer addresses may also be created. |
TripletexApi::CustomerApi | post_list | POST /customer/list | [BETA] Create multiple customers. Related supplier addresses may also be created. |
TripletexApi::CustomerApi | put | PUT /customer/{id} | Update customer. |
TripletexApi::CustomerApi | put_list | PUT /customer/list | [BETA] Update multiple customers. Addresses can also be updated. |
TripletexApi::CustomerApi | search | GET /customer | Find customers corresponding with sent data. |
TripletexApi::CustomercategoryApi | get | GET /customer/category/{id} | Find customer/supplier category by ID. |
TripletexApi::CustomercategoryApi | post | POST /customer/category | Add new customer/supplier category. |
TripletexApi::CustomercategoryApi | put | PUT /customer/category/{id} | Update customer/supplier category. |
TripletexApi::CustomercategoryApi | search | GET /customer/category | Find customer/supplier categories corresponding with sent data. |
TripletexApi::DepartmentApi | get | GET /department/{id} | Get department by ID. |
TripletexApi::DepartmentApi | post | POST /department | [BETA] Add new department. |
TripletexApi::DepartmentApi | post_list | POST /department/list | [BETA] Register new departments. |
TripletexApi::DepartmentApi | put | PUT /department/{id} | [BETA] Update department. |
TripletexApi::DepartmentApi | put_list | PUT /department/list | [BETA] Update multiple departments. |
TripletexApi::DepartmentApi | search | GET /department | Find department corresponding with sent data. |
TripletexApi::DocumentApi | download_content | GET /document/{id}/content | [BETA] Get content of document given by ID. |
TripletexApi::DocumentApi | get | GET /document/{id} | [BETA] Get document by ID. |
TripletexApi::EmployeeApi | get | GET /employee/{id} | Get employee by ID. |
TripletexApi::EmployeeApi | post | POST /employee | [BETA] Create one employee. |
TripletexApi::EmployeeApi | post_list | POST /employee/list | [BETA] Create several employees. |
TripletexApi::EmployeeApi | put | PUT /employee/{id} | Update employee. |
TripletexApi::EmployeeApi | search | GET /employee | Find employees corresponding with sent data. |
TripletexApi::EmployeeemploymentApi | get | GET /employee/employment/{id} | Find employment by ID. |
TripletexApi::EmployeeemploymentApi | post | POST /employee/employment | [BETA] Create employment. |
TripletexApi::EmployeeemploymentApi | put | PUT /employee/employment/{id} | [BETA] Update employemnt. |
TripletexApi::EmployeeemploymentApi | search | GET /employee/employment | Find all employments for employee. |
TripletexApi::EmployeeemploymentdetailsApi | get | GET /employee/employment/details/{id} | [BETA] Find employment details by ID. |
TripletexApi::EmployeeemploymentdetailsApi | post | POST /employee/employment/details | [BETA] Create employment details. |
TripletexApi::EmployeeemploymentdetailsApi | put | PUT /employee/employment/details/{id} | [BETA] Update employment details. |
TripletexApi::EmployeeemploymentdetailsApi | search | GET /employee/employment/details | [BETA] Find all employmentdetails for employment. |
TripletexApi::EmployeeemploymentemploymentTypeApi | search | GET /employee/employment/employmentType | [BETA] Find all employment type IDs. |
TripletexApi::EmployeeemploymentleaveOfAbsenceApi | get | GET /employee/employment/leaveOfAbsence/{id} | [BETA] Find leave of absence by ID. |
TripletexApi::EmployeeemploymentleaveOfAbsenceApi | post | POST /employee/employment/leaveOfAbsence | [BETA] Create leave of absence. |
TripletexApi::EmployeeemploymentleaveOfAbsenceApi | put | PUT /employee/employment/leaveOfAbsence/{id} | [BETA] Update leave of absence. |
TripletexApi::EmployeeemploymentleaveOfAbsenceTypeApi | search | GET /employee/employment/leaveOfAbsenceType | [BETA] Find all leave of absence type IDs. |
TripletexApi::EmployeeemploymentoccupationCodeApi | search | GET /employee/employment/occupationCode | [BETA] Find all profession codes. |
TripletexApi::EmployeeemploymentremunerationTypeApi | search | GET /employee/employment/remunerationType | [BETA] Find all remuneration type IDs. |
TripletexApi::EmployeeemploymentworkingHoursSchemeApi | search | GET /employee/employment/workingHoursScheme | [BETA] Find working hours scheme ID. |
TripletexApi::EmployeeentitlementApi | client | GET /employee/entitlement/client | [BETA] Find all entitlements at client for user. |
TripletexApi::EmployeeentitlementApi | get | GET /employee/entitlement/{id} | Get entitlement by ID. |
TripletexApi::EmployeeentitlementApi | grant_client_entitlements_by_template | PUT /employee/entitlement/:grantClientEntitlementsByTemplate | [BETA] Update employee entitlements in client account. |
TripletexApi::EmployeeentitlementApi | grant_entitlements_by_template | PUT /employee/entitlement/:grantEntitlementsByTemplate | [BETA] Update employee entitlements. |
TripletexApi::EmployeeentitlementApi | search | GET /employee/entitlement | Find all entitlements for user. |
TripletexApi::EmployeestandardTimeApi | get | GET /employee/standardTime/{id} | [BETA] Find standard time by ID. |
TripletexApi::EmployeestandardTimeApi | post | POST /employee/standardTime | [BETA] Create standard time. |
TripletexApi::EmployeestandardTimeApi | put | PUT /employee/standardTime/{id} | [BETA] Update standard time. |
TripletexApi::EmployeestandardTimeApi | search | GET /employee/standardTime | [BETA] Find all standard times for employee. |
TripletexApi::EventApi | get | GET /event | [BETA] Get all (WebHook) event keys. |
TripletexApi::EventsubscriptionApi | delete | DELETE /event/subscription/{id} | [BETA] Delete the given subscription. |
TripletexApi::EventsubscriptionApi | get | GET /event/subscription/{id} | [BETA] Get subscription by ID. |
TripletexApi::EventsubscriptionApi | post | POST /event/subscription | [BETA] Create a new subscription for current EmployeeToken. |
TripletexApi::EventsubscriptionApi | put | PUT /event/subscription/{id} | [BETA] Change a current subscription, based on id. |
TripletexApi::EventsubscriptionApi | search | GET /event/subscription | [BETA] Find all ongoing subscriptions. |
TripletexApi::InventoryApi | get | GET /inventory/{id} | Get inventory by ID. |
TripletexApi::InventoryApi | search | GET /inventory | Find inventory corresponding with sent data. |
TripletexApi::InvoiceApi | create_credit_note | PUT /invoice/{id}/:createCreditNote | [BETA] Creates a new Invoice representing a credit memo that nullifies the given invoice. Updates this invoice and any pre-existing inverse invoice. |
TripletexApi::InvoiceApi | create_reminder | PUT /invoice/{id}/:createReminder | [BETA] Create invoice reminder and sends it by the given dispatch type. Supports the reminder types SOFT_REMINDER, REMINDER and NOTICE_OF_DEBT_COLLECTION. DispatchType NETS_PRINT must have type NOTICE_OF_DEBT_COLLECTION. SMS and NETS_PRINT must be activated prior to usage in the API. |
TripletexApi::InvoiceApi | download_pdf | GET /invoice/{invoiceId}/pdf | Get invoice document by invoice ID. |
TripletexApi::InvoiceApi | get | GET /invoice/{id} | Get invoice by ID. |
TripletexApi::InvoiceApi | payment | PUT /invoice/{id}/:payment | Update invoice. The invoice is updated with payment information. The amount is in the invoice’s currency. |
TripletexApi::InvoiceApi | post | POST /invoice | Create invoice. |
TripletexApi::InvoiceApi | search | GET /invoice | Find invoices corresponding with sent data. Includes charged outgoing invoices only. |
TripletexApi::InvoiceApi | send | PUT /invoice/{id}/:send | [BETA] Send invoice by ID and sendType. Optionally override email recipient. |
TripletexApi::InvoicedetailsApi | get | GET /invoice/details/{id} | [BETA] Get ProjectInvoiceDetails by ID. |
TripletexApi::InvoicepaymentTypeApi | get | GET /invoice/paymentType/{id} | Get payment type by ID. |
TripletexApi::InvoicepaymentTypeApi | search | GET /invoice/paymentType | Find payment type corresponding with sent data. |
TripletexApi::LedgerApi | open_post | GET /ledger/openPost | Find open posts corresponding with sent data. |
TripletexApi::LedgerApi | search | GET /ledger | Get ledger (hovedbok). |
TripletexApi::LedgeraccountApi | delete | DELETE /ledger/account/{id} | [BETA] Delete account. |
TripletexApi::LedgeraccountApi | delete_by_ids | DELETE /ledger/account/list | [BETA] Delete multiple accounts. |
TripletexApi::LedgeraccountApi | get | GET /ledger/account/{id} | Get account by ID. |
TripletexApi::LedgeraccountApi | post | POST /ledger/account | [BETA] Create a new account. |
TripletexApi::LedgeraccountApi | post_list | POST /ledger/account/list | [BETA] Create several accounts. |
TripletexApi::LedgeraccountApi | put | PUT /ledger/account/{id} | [BETA] Update account. |
TripletexApi::LedgeraccountApi | put_list | PUT /ledger/account/list | [BETA] Update multiple accounts. |
TripletexApi::LedgeraccountApi | search | GET /ledger/account | Find accounts corresponding with sent data. |
TripletexApi::LedgeraccountingPeriodApi | get | GET /ledger/accountingPeriod/{id} | Get accounting period by ID. |
TripletexApi::LedgeraccountingPeriodApi | search | GET /ledger/accountingPeriod | Find accounting periods corresponding with sent data. |
TripletexApi::LedgerannualAccountApi | get | GET /ledger/annualAccount/{id} | Get annual account by ID. |
TripletexApi::LedgerannualAccountApi | search | GET /ledger/annualAccount | Find annual accounts corresponding with sent data. |
TripletexApi::LedgercloseGroupApi | get | GET /ledger/closeGroup/{id} | Get close group by ID. |
TripletexApi::LedgercloseGroupApi | search | GET /ledger/closeGroup | Find close groups corresponding with sent data. |
TripletexApi::LedgerpaymentTypeOutApi | delete | DELETE /ledger/paymentTypeOut/{id} | [BETA] Delete payment type for outgoing payments by ID. |
TripletexApi::LedgerpaymentTypeOutApi | get | GET /ledger/paymentTypeOut/{id} | [BETA] Get payment type for outgoing payments by ID. |
TripletexApi::LedgerpaymentTypeOutApi | post | POST /ledger/paymentTypeOut | [BETA] Create new payment type for outgoing payments |
TripletexApi::LedgerpaymentTypeOutApi | post_list | POST /ledger/paymentTypeOut/list | [BETA] Create multiple payment types for outgoing payments at once |
TripletexApi::LedgerpaymentTypeOutApi | put | PUT /ledger/paymentTypeOut/{id} | [BETA] Update existing payment type for outgoing payments |
TripletexApi::LedgerpaymentTypeOutApi | put_list | PUT /ledger/paymentTypeOut/list | [BETA] Update multiple payment types for outgoing payments at once |
TripletexApi::LedgerpaymentTypeOutApi | search | GET /ledger/paymentTypeOut | [BETA] Gets payment types for outgoing payments |
TripletexApi::LedgerpostingApi | get | GET /ledger/posting/{id} | Find postings by ID. |
TripletexApi::LedgerpostingApi | open_post | GET /ledger/posting/openPost | Find open posts corresponding with sent data. |
TripletexApi::LedgerpostingApi | search | GET /ledger/posting | Find postings corresponding with sent data. |
TripletexApi::LedgervatTypeApi | get | GET /ledger/vatType/{id} | Get vat type by ID. |
TripletexApi::LedgervatTypeApi | search | GET /ledger/vatType | Find vat types corresponding with sent data. |
TripletexApi::LedgervoucherApi | delete | DELETE /ledger/voucher/{id} | [BETA] Delete voucher by ID. |
TripletexApi::LedgervoucherApi | download_pdf | GET /ledger/voucher/{voucherId}/pdf | Get attachment by voucher ID. |
TripletexApi::LedgervoucherApi | get | GET /ledger/voucher/{id} | Get voucher by ID. |
TripletexApi::LedgervoucherApi | import_document | POST /ledger/voucher/importDocument | [BETA] Upload a document to create one or more vouchers. Valid document formats are PDF, PNG, JPEG, TIFF and EHF. Send as multipart form. |
TripletexApi::LedgervoucherApi | import_gbat10 | POST /ledger/voucher/importGbat10 | Import GBAT10. Send as multipart form. |
TripletexApi::LedgervoucherApi | non_posted | GET /ledger/voucher/>nonPosted | [BETA] Find non-posted vouchers. |
TripletexApi::LedgervoucherApi | post | POST /ledger/voucher | Add new voucher. IMPORTANT: Also creates postings. Only the gross amounts will be used |
TripletexApi::LedgervoucherApi | put | PUT /ledger/voucher/{id} | [BETA] Update voucher. Postings with guiRow==0 will be deleted and regenerated. |
TripletexApi::LedgervoucherApi | put_list | PUT /ledger/voucher/list | [BETA] Update multiple vouchers. Postings with guiRow==0 will be deleted and regenerated. |
TripletexApi::LedgervoucherApi | reverse | PUT /ledger/voucher/{id}/:reverse | Reverses the voucher, and returns the reversed voucher. Supports reversing most voucher types, except salary transactions. |
TripletexApi::LedgervoucherApi | search | GET /ledger/voucher | Find vouchers corresponding with sent data. |
TripletexApi::LedgervoucherApi | send_to_inbox | PUT /ledger/voucher/{id}/:sendToInbox | [BETA] Send voucher to inbox. |
TripletexApi::LedgervoucherApi | send_to_ledger | PUT /ledger/voucher/{id}/:sendToLedger | [BETA] Send voucher to ledger. |
TripletexApi::LedgervoucherApi | upload_pdf | POST /ledger/voucher/{voucherId}/pdf/{fileName} | Upload attachment to voucher. Send as multipart form. |
TripletexApi::LedgervoucherTypeApi | get | GET /ledger/voucherType/{id} | Get voucher type by ID. |
TripletexApi::LedgervoucherTypeApi | search | GET /ledger/voucherType | Find voucher types corresponding with sent data. |
TripletexApi::OrderApi | get | GET /order/{id} | Get order by ID. |
TripletexApi::OrderApi | invoice | PUT /order/{id}/:invoice | Create new invoice from order. |
TripletexApi::OrderApi | post | POST /order | Create order. |
TripletexApi::OrderApi | put | PUT /order/{id} | Update order. |
TripletexApi::OrderApi | search | GET /order | Find orders corresponding with sent data. |
TripletexApi::OrderorderlineApi | delete | DELETE /order/orderline/{id} | [BETA] Delete order line by ID. |
TripletexApi::OrderorderlineApi | get | GET /order/orderline/{id} | Get order line by ID. |
TripletexApi::OrderorderlineApi | post | POST /order/orderline | Create order line. When creating several order lines, use /list for better performance. |
TripletexApi::OrderorderlineApi | post_list | POST /order/orderline/list | Create multiple order lines. |
TripletexApi::ProductApi | get | GET /product/{id} | Get product by ID. |
TripletexApi::ProductApi | post | POST /product | Create new product. |
TripletexApi::ProductApi | put | PUT /product/{id} | Update product. |
TripletexApi::ProductApi | search | GET /product | Find products corresponding with sent data. |
TripletexApi::ProductunitApi | get | GET /product/unit/{id} | Get product unit by ID. |
TripletexApi::ProductunitApi | search | GET /product/unit | Find product units corresponding with sent data. |
TripletexApi::ProjectApi | delete | DELETE /project/{id} | [BETA] Delete project. |
TripletexApi::ProjectApi | delete_by_ids | DELETE /project/list | [BETA] Delete projects. |
TripletexApi::ProjectApi | delete_list | DELETE /project | [BETA] Delete multiple projects. |
TripletexApi::ProjectApi | get | GET /project/{id} | Find project by ID. |
TripletexApi::ProjectApi | get_for_time_sheet | GET /project/>forTimeSheet | Find projects applicable for time sheet registration on a specific day. |
TripletexApi::ProjectApi | post | POST /project | [BETA] Add new project. |
TripletexApi::ProjectApi | post_list | POST /project/list | [BETA] Register new projects. Multiple projects for different users can be sent in the same request. |
TripletexApi::ProjectApi | put | PUT /project/{id} | [BETA] Update project. |
TripletexApi::ProjectApi | put_list | PUT /project/list | [BETA] Update multiple projects. |
TripletexApi::ProjectApi | search | GET /project | Find projects corresponding with sent data. |
TripletexApi::ProjectcategoryApi | get | GET /project/category/{id} | Find project category by ID. |
TripletexApi::ProjectcategoryApi | post | POST /project/category | Add new project category. |
TripletexApi::ProjectcategoryApi | put | PUT /project/category/{id} | Update project category. |
TripletexApi::ProjectcategoryApi | search | GET /project/category | Find project categories corresponding with sent data. |
TripletexApi::ProjectorderlineApi | delete | DELETE /project/orderline/{id} | [BETA] Delete order line by ID. |
TripletexApi::ProjectorderlineApi | get | GET /project/orderline/{id} | [BETA] Get order line by ID. |
TripletexApi::ProjectorderlineApi | post | POST /project/orderline | [BETA] Create order line. When creating several order lines, use /list for better performance. |
TripletexApi::ProjectorderlineApi | post_list | POST /project/orderline/list | [BETA] Create multiple order lines. |
TripletexApi::ProjectorderlineApi | put | PUT /project/orderline/{id} | [BETA] Update project orderline. |
TripletexApi::ProjectparticipantApi | delete_by_ids | DELETE /project/participant/list | [BETA] Delete project participants. |
TripletexApi::ProjectparticipantApi | get | GET /project/participant/{id} | [BETA] Find project participant by ID. |
TripletexApi::ProjectparticipantApi | post | POST /project/participant | [BETA] Add new project participant. |
TripletexApi::ProjectparticipantApi | post_list | POST /project/participant/list | [BETA] Register new projects. Multiple projects for different users can be sent in the same request. |
TripletexApi::ProjectparticipantApi | put | PUT /project/participant/{id} | [BETA] Update project participant. |
TripletexApi::ReminderApi | get | GET /reminder/{id} | Get reminder by ID. |
TripletexApi::ReminderApi | search | GET /reminder | Find reminders corresponding with sent data. |
TripletexApi::SalarypayslipApi | download_pdf | GET /salary/payslip/{id}/pdf | [BETA] Find payslip (PDF document) by ID. |
TripletexApi::SalarypayslipApi | get | GET /salary/payslip/{id} | [BETA] Find payslip by ID. |
TripletexApi::SalarypayslipApi | search | GET /salary/payslip | [BETA] Find payslips corresponding with sent data. |
TripletexApi::SalarytransactionApi | delete | DELETE /salary/transaction/{id} | [BETA] Delete salary transaction by ID. |
TripletexApi::SalarytransactionApi | get | GET /salary/transaction/{id} | [BETA] Find salary transaction by ID. |
TripletexApi::SalarytransactionApi | post | POST /salary/transaction | [BETA] Create a new salary transaction. |
TripletexApi::SalarytypeApi | get | GET /salary/type/{id} | [BETA] Find salary type by ID. |
TripletexApi::SalarytypeApi | search | GET /salary/type | [BETA] Find salary type corresponding with sent data. |
TripletexApi::SupplierApi | get | GET /supplier/{id} | Get supplier by ID. |
TripletexApi::SupplierApi | post | POST /supplier | Create supplier. Related supplier addresses may also be created. |
TripletexApi::SupplierApi | post_list | POST /supplier/list | [BETA] Create multiple suppliers. Related supplier addresses may also be created. |
TripletexApi::SupplierApi | put | PUT /supplier/{id} | Update supplier. |
TripletexApi::SupplierApi | put_list | PUT /supplier/list | [BETA] Update multiple suppliers. Addresses can also be updated. |
TripletexApi::SupplierApi | search | GET /supplier | Find suppliers corresponding with sent data. |
TripletexApi::TimesheetentryApi | delete | DELETE /timesheet/entry/{id} | Delete timesheet entry by ID. |
TripletexApi::TimesheetentryApi | get | GET /timesheet/entry/{id} | Find timesheet entry by ID. |
TripletexApi::TimesheetentryApi | get_recent_activities | GET /timesheet/entry/>recentActivities | Find recently used timesheet activities. |
TripletexApi::TimesheetentryApi | get_recent_projects | GET /timesheet/entry/>recentProjects | Find projects with recent activities (timesheet entry registered). |
TripletexApi::TimesheetentryApi | get_total_hours | GET /timesheet/entry/>totalHours | Find total hours registered on an employee in a specific period. |
TripletexApi::TimesheetentryApi | post | POST /timesheet/entry | Add new timesheet entry. Only one entry per employee/date/activity/project combination is supported. |
TripletexApi::TimesheetentryApi | post_list | POST /timesheet/entry/list | Add new timesheet entry. Multiple objects for several users can be sent in the same request. |
TripletexApi::TimesheetentryApi | put | PUT /timesheet/entry/{id} | Update timesheet entry by ID. Note: Timesheet entry object fields which are present but not set, or set to 0, will be nulled. |
TripletexApi::TimesheetentryApi | put_list | PUT /timesheet/entry/list | Update timesheet entry. Multiple objects for different users can be sent in the same request. |
TripletexApi::TimesheetentryApi | search | GET /timesheet/entry | Find timesheet entry corresponding with sent data. |
TripletexApi::TimesheettimeClockApi | get | GET /timesheet/timeClock/{id} | Find time clock entry by ID. |
TripletexApi::TimesheettimeClockApi | get_present | GET /timesheet/timeClock/present | Find a user’s present running time clock. |
TripletexApi::TimesheettimeClockApi | put | PUT /timesheet/timeClock/{id} | Update time clock by ID. |
TripletexApi::TimesheettimeClockApi | search | GET /timesheet/timeClock | Find time clock entries corresponding with sent data. |
TripletexApi::TimesheettimeClockApi | start | PUT /timesheet/timeClock/:start | Start time clock. |
TripletexApi::TimesheettimeClockApi | stop | PUT /timesheet/timeClock/{id}/:stop | Stop time clock. |
TripletexApi::TokenconsumerApi | get_by_token | GET /token/consumer/byToken | Get consumer token by token string. |
TripletexApi::TokenemployeeApi | create | PUT /token/employee/:create | Create an employee token. Only selected consumers are allowed |
TripletexApi::TokensessionApi | create | PUT /token/session/:create | Create session token. |
TripletexApi::TokensessionApi | delete | DELETE /token/session/{token} | Delete session token. |
TripletexApi::TokensessionApi | who_am_i | GET /token/session/>whoAmI | Find information about the current user. |
TripletexApi::TravelExpenseApi | approve | PUT /travelExpense/:approve | [BETA] Approve travel expenses. |
TripletexApi::TravelExpenseApi | copy | PUT /travelExpense/:copy | [BETA] Copy travel expense. |
TripletexApi::TravelExpenseApi | create_vouchers | PUT /travelExpense/:createVouchers | [BETA] Create vouchers |
TripletexApi::TravelExpenseApi | delete | DELETE /travelExpense/{id} | [BETA] Delete travel expense. |
TripletexApi::TravelExpenseApi | deliver | PUT /travelExpense/:deliver | [BETA] Deliver travel expenses. |
TripletexApi::TravelExpenseApi | get | GET /travelExpense/{id} | [BETA] Get travel expense by ID. |
TripletexApi::TravelExpenseApi | post | POST /travelExpense | [BETA] Create travel expense. |
TripletexApi::TravelExpenseApi | put | PUT /travelExpense/{id} | [BETA] Update travel expense. |
TripletexApi::TravelExpenseApi | search | GET /travelExpense | [BETA] Find travel expenses corresponding with sent data. |
TripletexApi::TravelExpenseApi | unapprove | PUT /travelExpense/:unapprove | [BETA] Unapprove travel expenses. |
TripletexApi::TravelExpenseApi | undeliver | PUT /travelExpense/:undeliver | [BETA] Undeliver travel expenses. |
TripletexApi::TravelExpenseaccommodationAllowanceApi | delete | DELETE /travelExpense/accommodationAllowance/{id} | [BETA] Delete accommodation allowance. |
TripletexApi::TravelExpenseaccommodationAllowanceApi | get | GET /travelExpense/accommodationAllowance/{id} | [BETA] Get travel accommodation allowance by ID. |
TripletexApi::TravelExpenseaccommodationAllowanceApi | post | POST /travelExpense/accommodationAllowance | [BETA] Create accommodation allowance. |
TripletexApi::TravelExpenseaccommodationAllowanceApi | put | PUT /travelExpense/accommodationAllowance/{id} | [BETA] Update accommodation allowance. |
TripletexApi::TravelExpenseaccommodationAllowanceApi | search | GET /travelExpense/accommodationAllowance | [BETA] Find accommodation allowances corresponding with sent data. |
TripletexApi::TravelExpensecostApi | delete | DELETE /travelExpense/cost/{id} | [BETA] Delete cost. |
TripletexApi::TravelExpensecostApi | get | GET /travelExpense/cost/{id} | [BETA] Get cost by ID. |
TripletexApi::TravelExpensecostApi | post | POST /travelExpense/cost | [BETA] Create cost. |
TripletexApi::TravelExpensecostApi | put | PUT /travelExpense/cost/{id} | [BETA] Update cost. |
TripletexApi::TravelExpensecostApi | search | GET /travelExpense/cost | [BETA] Find costs corresponding with sent data. |
TripletexApi::TravelExpensecostCategoryApi | get | GET /travelExpense/costCategory/{id} | [BETA] Get cost category by ID. |
TripletexApi::TravelExpensecostCategoryApi | search | GET /travelExpense/costCategory | [BETA] Find cost category corresponding with sent data. |
TripletexApi::TravelExpensemileageAllowanceApi | delete | DELETE /travelExpense/mileageAllowance/{id} | [BETA] Delete mileage allowance. |
TripletexApi::TravelExpensemileageAllowanceApi | get | GET /travelExpense/mileageAllowance/{id} | [BETA] Get mileage allowance by ID. |
TripletexApi::TravelExpensemileageAllowanceApi | post | POST /travelExpense/mileageAllowance | [BETA] Create mileage allowance. |
TripletexApi::TravelExpensemileageAllowanceApi | put | PUT /travelExpense/mileageAllowance/{id} | [BETA] Update mileage allowance. |
TripletexApi::TravelExpensemileageAllowanceApi | search | GET /travelExpense/mileageAllowance | [BETA] Find mileage allowances corresponding with sent data. |
TripletexApi::TravelExpensepassengerApi | delete | DELETE /travelExpense/passenger/{id} | [BETA] Delete passenger. |
TripletexApi::TravelExpensepassengerApi | get | GET /travelExpense/passenger/{id} | [BETA] Get passenger by ID. |
TripletexApi::TravelExpensepassengerApi | post | POST /travelExpense/passenger | [BETA] Create passenger. |
TripletexApi::TravelExpensepassengerApi | put | PUT /travelExpense/passenger/{id} | [BETA] Update passenger. |
TripletexApi::TravelExpensepassengerApi | search | GET /travelExpense/passenger | [BETA] Find passengers corresponding with sent data. |
TripletexApi::TravelExpensepaymentTypeApi | get | GET /travelExpense/paymentType/{id} | [BETA] Get payment type by ID. |
TripletexApi::TravelExpensepaymentTypeApi | search | GET /travelExpense/paymentType | [BETA] Find payment type corresponding with sent data. |
TripletexApi::TravelExpenseperDiemCompensationApi | delete | DELETE /travelExpense/perDiemCompensation/{id} | [BETA] Delete per diem compensation. |
TripletexApi::TravelExpenseperDiemCompensationApi | get | GET /travelExpense/perDiemCompensation/{id} | [BETA] Get per diem compensation by ID. |
TripletexApi::TravelExpenseperDiemCompensationApi | post | POST /travelExpense/perDiemCompensation | [BETA] Create per diem compensation. |
TripletexApi::TravelExpenseperDiemCompensationApi | put | PUT /travelExpense/perDiemCompensation/{id} | [BETA] Update per diem compensation. |
TripletexApi::TravelExpenseperDiemCompensationApi | search | GET /travelExpense/perDiemCompensation | [BETA] Find per diem compensations corresponding with sent data. |
TripletexApi::TravelExpenserateApi | get | GET /travelExpense/rate/{id} | [BETA] Get travel expense rate by ID. |
TripletexApi::TravelExpenserateApi | search | GET /travelExpense/rate | [BETA] Find rates corresponding with sent data. |
TripletexApi::TravelExpenserateCategoryApi | get | GET /travelExpense/rateCategory/{id} | [BETA] Get travel expense rate category by ID. |
TripletexApi::TravelExpenserateCategoryApi | search | GET /travelExpense/rateCategory | [BETA] Find rate categories corresponding with sent data. |
TripletexApi::TravelExpenserateCategoryGroupApi | get | GET /travelExpense/rateCategoryGroup/{id} | [BETA] Get travel report rate category group by ID. |
TripletexApi::TravelExpenserateCategoryGroupApi | search | GET /travelExpense/rateCategoryGroup | [BETA] Find rate categoriy groups corresponding with sent data. |
Documentation for Models
- TripletexApi::AbstractDTO
- TripletexApi::AccommodationAllowance
- TripletexApi::Account
- TripletexApi::AccountingPeriod
- TripletexApi::Activity
- TripletexApi::Address
- TripletexApi::AnnualAccount
- TripletexApi::ApiConsumer
- TripletexApi::ApiError
- TripletexApi::ApiValidationMessage
- TripletexApi::AppSpecific
- TripletexApi::Bank
- TripletexApi::BankReconciliation
- TripletexApi::BankReconciliationMatch
- TripletexApi::BankReconciliationPaymentType
- TripletexApi::BankStatement
- TripletexApi::BankTransaction
- TripletexApi::Banner
- TripletexApi::CSVRecord
- TripletexApi::Change
- TripletexApi::CloseGroup
- TripletexApi::Company
- TripletexApi::CompanyAutoCompleteDTO
- TripletexApi::ConsumerToken
- TripletexApi::Contact
- TripletexApi::Cost
- TripletexApi::Country
- TripletexApi::Currency
- TripletexApi::Customer
- TripletexApi::CustomerCategory
- TripletexApi::CustomerTripletexAccount
- TripletexApi::Department
- TripletexApi::Document
- TripletexApi::Employee
- TripletexApi::EmployeeToken
- TripletexApi::Employment
- TripletexApi::EmploymentDetails
- TripletexApi::EmploymentType
- TripletexApi::Entitlement
- TripletexApi::EventInfoDescription
- TripletexApi::ImportConfigDTO
- TripletexApi::ImportReportDTO
- TripletexApi::Inventory
- TripletexApi::Invoice
- TripletexApi::Job
- TripletexApi::JobDetailDTO
- TripletexApi::LeaveOfAbsence
- TripletexApi::LeaveOfAbsenceType
- TripletexApi::LedgerAccount
- TripletexApi::Link
- TripletexApi::ListResponseAccommodationAllowance
- TripletexApi::ListResponseAccount
- TripletexApi::ListResponseAccountingPeriod
- TripletexApi::ListResponseActivity
- TripletexApi::ListResponseAddress
- TripletexApi::ListResponseAnnualAccount
- TripletexApi::ListResponseBank
- TripletexApi::ListResponseBankReconciliation
- TripletexApi::ListResponseBankReconciliationMatch
- TripletexApi::ListResponseBankReconciliationPaymentType
- TripletexApi::ListResponseBankStatement
- TripletexApi::ListResponseBankTransaction
- TripletexApi::ListResponseBanner
- TripletexApi::ListResponseCloseGroup
- TripletexApi::ListResponseCompany
- TripletexApi::ListResponseCompanyAutoCompleteDTO
- TripletexApi::ListResponseContact
- TripletexApi::ListResponseCost
- TripletexApi::ListResponseCountry
- TripletexApi::ListResponseCurrency
- TripletexApi::ListResponseCustomer
- TripletexApi::ListResponseCustomerCategory
- TripletexApi::ListResponseDepartment
- TripletexApi::ListResponseEmployee
- TripletexApi::ListResponseEmployment
- TripletexApi::ListResponseEmploymentDetails
- TripletexApi::ListResponseEmploymentType
- TripletexApi::ListResponseEntitlement
- TripletexApi::ListResponseInventory
- TripletexApi::ListResponseInvoice
- TripletexApi::ListResponseLeaveOfAbsenceType
- TripletexApi::ListResponseLedgerAccount
- TripletexApi::ListResponseMileageAllowance
- TripletexApi::ListResponseNotification
- TripletexApi::ListResponseOccupationCode
- TripletexApi::ListResponseOrder
- TripletexApi::ListResponseOrderLine
- TripletexApi::ListResponseOrderOffer
- TripletexApi::ListResponsePassenger
- TripletexApi::ListResponsePaymentType
- TripletexApi::ListResponsePaymentTypeOut
- TripletexApi::ListResponsePayslip
- TripletexApi::ListResponsePerDiemCompensation
- TripletexApi::ListResponsePersonAutoCompleteDTO
- TripletexApi::ListResponsePosting
- TripletexApi::ListResponseProduct
- TripletexApi::ListResponseProductUnit
- TripletexApi::ListResponseProject
- TripletexApi::ListResponseProjectCategory
- TripletexApi::ListResponseProjectOrderLine
- TripletexApi::ListResponseProjectParticipant
- TripletexApi::ListResponseProspect
- TripletexApi::ListResponseReminder
- TripletexApi::ListResponseRemunerationType
- TripletexApi::ListResponseSalarySpecification
- TripletexApi::ListResponseSalaryTransaction
- TripletexApi::ListResponseSalaryType
- TripletexApi::ListResponseSearchCompletionDTO
- TripletexApi::ListResponseStandardTime
- TripletexApi::ListResponseSubscription
- TripletexApi::ListResponseSupplier
- TripletexApi::ListResponseSupplierBalance
- TripletexApi::ListResponseTimeClock
- TripletexApi::ListResponseTimesheetEntry
- TripletexApi::ListResponseTravelCostCategory
- TripletexApi::ListResponseTravelExpense
- TripletexApi::ListResponseTravelExpenseRate
- TripletexApi::ListResponseTravelExpenseRateCategory
- TripletexApi::ListResponseTravelExpenseRateCategoryGroup
- TripletexApi::ListResponseTravelPaymentType
- TripletexApi::ListResponseVatType
- TripletexApi::ListResponseVoucher
- TripletexApi::ListResponseVoucherType
- TripletexApi::ListResponseWeeklyStatus
- TripletexApi::ListResponseWorkingHoursScheme
- TripletexApi::LoggedInUserInfoDTO
- TripletexApi::MaventaEventDataDTO
- TripletexApi::MaventaStatusDTO
- TripletexApi::MileageAllowance
- TripletexApi::MobileAppLogin
- TripletexApi::Modules
- TripletexApi::MonthlyStatus
- TripletexApi::Notification
- TripletexApi::OccupationCode
- TripletexApi::Order
- TripletexApi::OrderLine
- TripletexApi::OrderOffer
- TripletexApi::Passenger
- TripletexApi::PaymentType
- TripletexApi::PaymentTypeOut
- TripletexApi::Payslip
- TripletexApi::PerDiemCompensation
- TripletexApi::PersonAutoCompleteDTO
- TripletexApi::Posting
- TripletexApi::Product
- TripletexApi::ProductUnit
- TripletexApi::Project
- TripletexApi::ProjectCategory
- TripletexApi::ProjectInvoiceDetails
- TripletexApi::ProjectOrderLine
- TripletexApi::ProjectParticipant
- TripletexApi::Prospect
- TripletexApi::Reminder
- TripletexApi::RemunerationType
- TripletexApi::ResponseWrapperAccommodationAllowance
- TripletexApi::ResponseWrapperAccount
- TripletexApi::ResponseWrapperAccountingPeriod
- TripletexApi::ResponseWrapperActivity
- TripletexApi::ResponseWrapperAddress
- TripletexApi::ResponseWrapperAnnualAccount
- TripletexApi::ResponseWrapperApiConsumer
- TripletexApi::ResponseWrapperAppSpecific
- TripletexApi::ResponseWrapperBankReconciliation
- TripletexApi::ResponseWrapperBankReconciliationMatch
- TripletexApi::ResponseWrapperBankReconciliationPaymentType
- TripletexApi::ResponseWrapperBankStatement
- TripletexApi::ResponseWrapperBankTransaction
- TripletexApi::ResponseWrapperBanner
- TripletexApi::ResponseWrapperBoolean
- TripletexApi::ResponseWrapperCloseGroup
- TripletexApi::ResponseWrapperCompany
- TripletexApi::ResponseWrapperConsumerToken
- TripletexApi::ResponseWrapperContact
- TripletexApi::ResponseWrapperCost
- TripletexApi::ResponseWrapperCountry
- TripletexApi::ResponseWrapperCurrency
- TripletexApi::ResponseWrapperCustomer
- TripletexApi::ResponseWrapperCustomerCategory
- TripletexApi::ResponseWrapperDepartment
- TripletexApi::ResponseWrapperDocument
- TripletexApi::ResponseWrapperDouble
- TripletexApi::ResponseWrapperEmployee
- TripletexApi::ResponseWrapperEmployeeToken
- TripletexApi::ResponseWrapperEmployment
- TripletexApi::ResponseWrapperEmploymentDetails
- TripletexApi::ResponseWrapperEntitlement
- TripletexApi::ResponseWrapperInteger
- TripletexApi::ResponseWrapperInventory
- TripletexApi::ResponseWrapperInvoice
- TripletexApi::ResponseWrapperLeaveOfAbsence
- TripletexApi::ResponseWrapperListJob
- TripletexApi::ResponseWrapperLoggedInUserInfoDTO
- TripletexApi::ResponseWrapperMapStringEventInfoDescription
- TripletexApi::ResponseWrapperMileageAllowance
- TripletexApi::ResponseWrapperModules
- TripletexApi::ResponseWrapperMonthlyStatus
- TripletexApi::ResponseWrapperNotification
- TripletexApi::ResponseWrapperObject
- TripletexApi::ResponseWrapperOrder
- TripletexApi::ResponseWrapperOrderLine
- TripletexApi::ResponseWrapperOrderOffer
- TripletexApi::ResponseWrapperPassenger
- TripletexApi::ResponseWrapperPaymentType
- TripletexApi::ResponseWrapperPaymentTypeOut
- TripletexApi::ResponseWrapperPayslip
- TripletexApi::ResponseWrapperPerDiemCompensation
- TripletexApi::ResponseWrapperPosting
- TripletexApi::ResponseWrapperProduct
- TripletexApi::ResponseWrapperProductUnit
- TripletexApi::ResponseWrapperProject
- TripletexApi::ResponseWrapperProjectCategory
- TripletexApi::ResponseWrapperProjectInvoiceDetails
- TripletexApi::ResponseWrapperProjectOrderLine
- TripletexApi::ResponseWrapperProjectParticipant
- TripletexApi::ResponseWrapperProspect
- TripletexApi::ResponseWrapperReminder
- TripletexApi::ResponseWrapperSalarySpecification
- TripletexApi::ResponseWrapperSalaryTransaction
- TripletexApi::ResponseWrapperSalaryType
- TripletexApi::ResponseWrapperSessionToken
- TripletexApi::ResponseWrapperStandardTime
- TripletexApi::ResponseWrapperString
- TripletexApi::ResponseWrapperSubscription
- TripletexApi::ResponseWrapperSupplier
- TripletexApi::ResponseWrapperSystemMessage
- TripletexApi::ResponseWrapperTimeClock
- TripletexApi::ResponseWrapperTimesheetEntry
- TripletexApi::ResponseWrapperTravelCostCategory
- TripletexApi::ResponseWrapperTravelExpense
- TripletexApi::ResponseWrapperTravelExpenseRate
- TripletexApi::ResponseWrapperTravelExpenseRateCategory
- TripletexApi::ResponseWrapperTravelExpenseRateCategoryGroup
- TripletexApi::ResponseWrapperTravelPaymentType
- TripletexApi::ResponseWrapperTripDTO
- TripletexApi::ResponseWrapperTripletexAccountReturn
- TripletexApi::ResponseWrapperUnreadCountDTO
- TripletexApi::ResponseWrapperVatType
- TripletexApi::ResponseWrapperVoucher
- TripletexApi::ResponseWrapperVoucherType
- TripletexApi::ResponseWrapperWeeklyStatus
- TripletexApi::Result
- TripletexApi::SalarySpecification
- TripletexApi::SalaryTransaction
- TripletexApi::SalaryType
- TripletexApi::SearchCompletionDTO
- TripletexApi::SessionToken
- TripletexApi::SmartScanWebhook
- TripletexApi::StandardTime
- TripletexApi::Subscription
- TripletexApi::Supplier
- TripletexApi::SupplierBalance
- TripletexApi::SystemMessage
- TripletexApi::TimeClock
- TripletexApi::TimesheetEntry
- TripletexApi::TimesheetEntrySearchResponse
- TripletexApi::TravelCostCategory
- TripletexApi::TravelDetails
- TripletexApi::TravelExpense
- TripletexApi::TravelExpenseRate
- TripletexApi::TravelExpenseRateCategory
- TripletexApi::TravelExpenseRateCategoryGroup
- TripletexApi::TravelPaymentType
- TripletexApi::TriggerDTO
- TripletexApi::TripDTO
- TripletexApi::TripletexAccount
- TripletexApi::TripletexAccountReturn
- TripletexApi::UnreadCountDTO
- TripletexApi::VNTCStatusDTO
- TripletexApi::VatType
- TripletexApi::Voucher
- TripletexApi::VoucherSearchResponse
- TripletexApi::VoucherType
- TripletexApi::WeeklyStatus
- TripletexApi::WorkingHoursScheme
Documentation for Authorization
- Type: HTTP basic authentication