This plugin is no longer maintained. It was last tested against Rails from 2007.
ldap-activerecord-gateway¶ ↑
This is an implementation of an LDAP server which uses active record as the data source. The server is read-only, and can serve information from any AR model that implements the #search(string) class method and the #to_ldap_entry instance method.
To use, configure the server by creating a conf/ldap-server.yml file (see ldap-server.example.yml). The important bits are rails_dir, active_record_model, basedn, and port. Once that’s done, run “./bin/ldap-server.rb start”, wait for it to daemonize, and check the log file under $RAILS_ROOT/log/ for errors. To stop, run “./bin/ldap-server.rb”, and if you reconfigure the server or change the underlying AR model, restart it with “./bin/ldap-server.rb restart”.
To test, point your addressbook (ie: Thunderbird or OS X Address Book) at the server and run a search.
Example AR class:
class Person < ActiveRecord::Base def fullname "#{firstname} #{lastname}" end def to_ldap_entry { "objectclass" => ["top", "person", "organizationalPerson", "inetOrgPerson", "mozillaOrgPerson"], "uid" => ["tbotter-#{id}"], "sn" => [lastname], "givenName" => [firstname], "cn" => [fullname], "title" => [title], "o" => [company], "mail" => [email], "telephonenumber" => [work_phone], "homephone" => [home_phone], "fax" => [fax], "mobile" => [mobile], "street" => [address], "l" => [city], "st" => [state], "postalcode" => [zip], } end def Person.find(:all, :conditions => ["(email LIKE ?) OR (firstname LIKE ?) OR (lastname LIKE ?)", "#{query}%", "#{query}%", "#{query}%"]) end end
Have fun.