Arbitrary Date Ranges
You can create a Range with a beginning and end Date using the convenience methods 'for' and 'from'. 'for' will create a range into the future while 'from' creates a range into the past., 'years')
=> #<TimeCrisis::Date 2009-09-22>..#<TimeCrisis::Date 2011-09-21>, 'years')
=> #<TimeCrisis::Date 2007-09-23>..#<TimeCrisis::Date 2009-09-22>
If you want to be more literal in your syntax, you can use the range method directly:, 'months', 'future')
=> #<TimeCrisis::Date 2009-09-22>..#<TimeCrisis::Date 2009-11-21>, 'months', 'past')
=> #<TimeCrisis::Date 2009-07-23>..#<TimeCrisis::Date 2009-09-22>
There is also a class method for defining ranges that allows you to specify a beginning and end for the range, or just one of beginning or end and then the scale (months, years) and unit (number of scale).
TimeCrisis::Date.range(:begin =>, :scale => 'months', :unit => 3)
=> #<TimeCrisis::Date 2009-09-22>..#<TimeCrisis::Date 2009-12-21>
TimeCrisis::Date.range(:begin => Date.civil(2008, 3, 1), :end => Date.civil(2008, 12, 31))
=> #<TimeCrisis::Date 2008-03-01>..#<TimeCrisis::Date 2008-12-31>
Named Months
A range of dates for a month can be created using that month's name, optionally passing in a year.
TimeCrisis::Date.february # 28 days in feb 2009
=> #<TimeCrisis::Date 2009-02-01>..#<TimeCrisis::Date 2009-02-28>
TimeCrisis::Date.february(2008) # 29 days in feb 2008
=> #<TimeCrisis::Date 2008-02-01>..#<TimeCrisis::Date 2008-02-29>
Meteorological Season Calculations
=> #<TimeCrisis::Date 2009-03-01>
=> #<TimeCrisis::Date 2008-03-01>
TimeCrisis::Date.civil(2009, 4, 1).meteorological_spring?
=> true
TimeCrisis::Date.civil(2009, 4, 1).meteorological_winter?
=> false
TimeCrisis::Date.civil(2009, 10, 1).meteorological_season
=> "fall"
Copyright (c) 2009 Travis Tilley. See LICENSE for details.