With immense respect to tUnE-yArDs
TuneYard is a gem to allow remote interaction with SonicPi (outside of the built-in SonicPi IDE).
Big Disclaimer: this is built on some undocumented SonicPi internals which could very well break. It is sufficient for my somewhat limited purposes (namely, a SonicPi + Camping class project at The Iron Yard), but has only been tested in that context (namely, OSX 10.10, Ruby 2.1, and SonicPi 2.2). Please let me know if you are interested in using this elsewhere; I'd love some motivation to help properly extract SonicPi to a gem.
Be sure you have installed SonicPi. If it is installed to a non-default location, you may need to specify where to look for the bundled Ruby files:
$LOAD_PATH.unshift '/path/to/sonic pi/app/server'
require 'tune_yard'
Play some boops
TuneYard.play do
with_fx :reverb, mix: 0.2 do
loop do
play scale(:Eb2, :major_pentatonic, num_octaves: 3).choose, release: 0.1, amp: rand
sleep 0.1
With a little violencemetaprogramming, the play
function should close over properly. Warning: there be dragons here.
def rate
rrand 0.125, 1.5
delay = 0.25
TuneYard.play for: 2 do
loop do
sample :perc_bell, rate: rate
sleep delay