TurboLive is a Ruby gem that enables the creation of async, progressively enhanced, live components for Ruby applications. It works seamlessly over both WebSockets and HTTPS, providing real-time interactivity with graceful degradation.
Table of Contents
- Installation
- Setup
- Rails Routes
- Stimulus Controller
- ActionCable (Optional)
- Serializer Configuration
- Usage
- Creating a Component
- Model State
- View
- Update
- Events
- Manual Events
- Timed Events
- Examples
- Performance Considerations
- Testing
- Troubleshooting
- Contributing
- Changelog
- License
Add it to your project with:
bundle add 'turbo_live'
Or install it yourself using:
gem install turbo_live
TurboLive ships a JavaScript component that comes as an npm package. You can pin it with importmaps or install it as an npm package depending on your asset pipeline:
For importmaps:
bin/importmap pin @radioactive-labs/turbo-live
For yarn:
yarn add @radioactive-labs/turbo-live
npm install @radioactive-labs/turbo-live
Rails Routes
In your rails routes, mount the engine:
Rails.application.routes.draw do
# Define your application routes per the DSL in https://guides.rubyonrails.org/routing.html
+ mount TurboLive::Engine => "/turbo_live"
# Defines the root path route ("/")
root "index#index"
Stimulus Controller
TurboLive uses a Stimulus controller to manage interactions. In your app/javascript/controllers/index.js
import { application } from "controllers/application"
import { eagerLoadControllersFrom } from "@hotwired/stimulus-loading"
eagerLoadControllersFrom("controllers", application)
+import * as turboLive from "@radioactive-labs/turbo-live"
ActionCable (Optional)
TurboLive supports WebSockets using ActionCable with automatic failover to HTTPS. If you have ActionCable set up and would like to benefit from better performance, you can set up the integration.
In app/javascript/channels/index.js
+import consumer from "./consumer"
+import * as turboLive from "@radioactive-labs/turbo-live"
Then in your app/javascript/application.js
import "@hotwired/turbo-rails"
import "controllers"
+import "channels"
Serializer Configuration
TurboLive requires a serializer for state management.
The default serializer (TurboLive::Serializer
) simply wraps YAML, which handles primitive objects and basic collections.
If you need to serialize complex objects, you can provide your own serializer implementation or customize the in-built.
You can configure the serializer in an initializer:
# config/initializers/turbo_live.rb
# Optional - defaults to TurboLive::Serializer
TurboLive.serializer = YourCustomSerializer
# (Optional) You can set a custom verifier key for security
TurboLive.verifier_key = Rails.application.secret_key_base
# pass extra permitted classes to the underlying YAML serializer
TurboLive::Serializer.permitted_classes << BigDecimal
A TurboLive component is a self-contained, interactive unit of a web application that can update in real-time without full page reloads. Components follow The Elm Architecture pattern.
Creating a Component
To create a TurboLive component, inherit from TurboLive::Component
class MyComponent < TurboLive::Component
# Component logic goes here
Model State
Define state variables using the state
class MyComponent < TurboLive::Component
state :count, Integer do |value|
value || 0
Note: State variables can only be primitive objects and basic collections.
Define the component's HTML structure in the view
def view
div do
button(**on(click: :increment)) { "+" }
span { count }
button(**on(click: :decrement)) { "-" }
Components are phlex views, allowing you to write HTML in Ruby.
Handle events in the update
def update(input)
case input
in :increment
self.count += 1
in :decrement
self.count -= 1
Events are transmitted to the server using the currently active transport (HTTP or WebSockets).
Manual Events
Use the on
method to set up manually triggered events:
button(**on(click: :decrement)) { "-" }
You can also emit compound events that carry extra data:
button(**on(click: [:change_value, 1])) { "+" }
Certain events carry extra data as well, such as input
and change
input(value:, input_value, **on(input: :input_changed))
def update(input)
case input
in [:input_changed, value]
self.input_value = value
> Note: Currently, only `:click`, `:input` and `:change` events are supported.
### Timed Events
Use the `every` method to set up recurring events:
def view
div do
h1 { countdown }
every(1000, :tick) if countdown > 0
See the /examples folder in for detailed component examples including Counter, Countdown, Showcase and Tic-Tac-Toe components.
Performance Considerations
- Use fine-grained components to minimize the amount of data transferred and rendered.
- Implement debouncing for frequently triggered events.
- Consider using background jobs for heavy computations to keep the UI responsive.
TurboLive components can be tested using standard Rails testing tools. Here's a basic example:
require "test_helper"
class CounterComponentTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
test "increments count" do
component = CounterComponent.new
assert_equal 0, component.count
assert_equal 1, component.count
Common issues and their solutions:
Component not updating: Ensure that your
method is correctly handling the event and modifying the state. - WebSocket connection failing: Check your ActionCable configuration and ensure that your server supports WebSocket connections.
- JavaScript errors: Make sure you've correctly set up the TurboLive JavaScript integration in your application.
- My timed events won't go away: Due to the use of morphing, there might be instances where your some meta attributes are not removed.
For more issues, please check our FAQ or open an issue on GitHub.
We welcome contributions to TurboLive! Please see our Contributing Guidelines for more information on how to get started.
See the CHANGELOG.md file for details on each release.
The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.