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Ubi finds information in the subject's webpage(s). A forager.
Thema -> Subject/Matter
- Name
Memoria -> Attribute/Trait/Memory
- URLs
- Emails
- Phones
- Social
- Files
- Documents
- Addresses
- Logo/Images
Aranea -> Spider/Crawler
Search API
Ubi::Thema.new('A Company on City').urls
Ubi::Thema.new('A Company on City', 'company.com').phones
Memorias Directly
Ubi::Memoria::Email.parse('A text with some valid@emails.com')
Ubi::Memoria::Phone.parse('A text with some +55-5555-5555')
Ubi::Memoria::Site.parse('A text with some http://urls.com')
Keep crawling
Ubi, and the class names are latin, in case you're curious. Yeah, apparently I got plenty of free time.