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This gem provides real time validations for forms. All validations follow the best principles of UI and UX


~> 1.16
~> 10.0


>= 9.1.0, ~> 9.1
 Project Readme


uix_validations is a gem that provides Js functions for real time validations.

Uix is the abbreviation that I "created" for UI and UX, since this gem has some things from both worlds


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'uix_validations'

And then execute:

bundle install

Than in your Rails project add this line at app/assets/javascripts/application.js

//= require uix_validations

And this import at app/assets/stylesheets/application.scss

@import "uix_validations";

If you are using application.css insted of application.scss, you can import uix_validations into any .scss file.


Live demo

Check out this live demo using Uix Validations: uix_validations_demo link here


Real time validation for numbers:

<!-- html -->
<div class="input">
  <%= f.label 'Validation Number' %><br>
  <%= f.text_field :title, class: 'input-text', id: 'input-num' %>
  <!-- Add this div under your input -->
  <div class="uix-validation" id="vali1">
    Should have only numbers

  // pass your input Id and your div Id
  validateNumber("#input-num", "#vali1");

Real time validation for characters

<div class="input">
  <%= f.label 'Validation Character' %><br>
  <%= f.text_field :title, class: 'input-text', id: 'input-char' %>
  <div class="uix-validation" id="vali2">
    Should have only characters

  validateCharacter("#input-char", "#vali2");

Real time validation for characters with length 5 - 10

  validateCharacterLength("#input-num", "#vali1", [5,10]);

Table with all functions

Js Function What is it for?
validateNumber(input_id, div_id) Valid if there are only numbers
validateNumberRange(input_id, div_id, [0, 2]) For now validates only the length of the number, example: [0,2] it's 00 to 99
validateCharacter(input_id, div_id) Valid if there are only Characters
validateCharacterLength(input_id, div_id, [0, 2]) Valid if there are only Characters with the correct length
validateNonDigit(input_id, div_id) Valid if there is anything except digits
validateNonDigitLength(input_id, div_id, [0, 2]) Valid if there is anything except digits with the correct length
validateJustLength(input_id, div_id, [0,2]) Valid if the value has the correct length
validateEmail(input_id, div_id) Checks for a valid email
validateRegex(input_id, div_id, custom_regex) Validate a custom regex
validateStrongPassword(input_id, div_id) Validate if the password has: at least one digit, at least one character and at least 8 characters
validateVeryStrongPassword(input_id, div_id) Validate if the password has: at least one digit, at least one upcase character, at least one downcase character and at least 8 characters


You can customize the style of the div with the validation message
Here is the flow of the validation:

  • When the page loads, the class of validation div is: class="uix-validation"
  • When the user is typing the class change to: class="uix-validation uix-default"
  • If the input.value is valid the div class change to: class="uix-validation uix-valid"
  • If the input.value is invalid, when user click out of the input the class change to: class="uix-validation uix-invalid"

So if the .uix-valid and .uix-invalid styles are not exactly what you want, you can change the style as you want.

Good practices about real time validations

This gem is inspired in Luke Wroblewski study, (article here) about validation in web forms. This article was published in 2009 but it's still a excellent reference about form validations. Many writers use Luke study as reference in other articles Example here

This gem follow this practices:

  • Show the validation at the right time (right after the user has submitted the input value)
  • Show the validation at the right place (under the input)
  • Correct colors (not too red and not too green)
  • The colors change at the right moment (while the user types validations don't turn red, only if he click outside the input, but if the input value is valid the validations turn green, because is good to know that the value is correct just in time)
  • Validations don't have a alarming design (I am not a design but I tried to make then clean and understandable, something like the ideas of minimalist design)

Write good messages

Good messages can be a differential in your forms. Don't scare your users with alarming messages, like:
Error: this is wrong. Use just numbers

Instead you need to focus in what is wrong and help the user to fix it. Something like:
Should have onlye numbers. Ex: 99887766

You can read more about it here: UX Movement, post about good messages


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/lucasandrad/uix_validations.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.