unicorn-worker-killer 2
This is a reimplementation of https://github.com/kzk/unicorn-worker-killer.
It's a lot faster because it doesn't pretend to be a middleware, and doesn't iterate over ObjectSpace
for every request. Instead, you set it up in Unicorn's after_fork
handler, like so;
after_fork do |_server, _worker|
# Restart a Unicorn process when it uses more than 192MB.
memory_limit_min: 192 * (1024**2),
memory_limit_max: 256 * (1024**2),
check_cycle: 128, verbose: true
# Restart Unicorn workers after about 5000 requests:
max_requests_min: 5000,
max_requests_max: 6000,
verbose: true
This is measurably faster; I tested an app before adding any killer at about 7100 requests/second. Adding the original killer slows it down to around 1100 requests/second. This one barely has any impact and the app still manages around 7000 requests/second.
It's horrible and hacky and monkeypatches Unicorn, but then again so did the original one.
It has no tests but neither did the original one.