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Unified stateless cross-application CSRF prevention implementation for Rails


~> 1.12
~> 12.0
~> 3.6
~> 0.49.1


>= 4.2
 Project Readme

Unified CSRF Prevention for Rails

This gem is a drop-in upgrade for request forgery protection in Rails 4 and 5 with the following benefits:

  • It is self-healing by design. Whenever a user comes in with an invalid authenticity token, they will have a valid one sent back along with the error response so the next request will succeed. There's no need for the user to reload the page.
  • The CSRF prevention is decoupled from the users' sessions that could eventually get wiped out or overwritten, resulting in errors.
  • The approach is framework/language agnostic, so the token generated by one application will be accepted by any other, including non-Rails applications (given they implement the same CSRF prevention scheme).
  • The mechanism is stateless from the backend's perspective. The data is stored in the browser's cookies, requiring no backend storage.
  • The solution design was audited by Xing Security team and cure53.
  • It is both React- and jQuery-friendly.

Please read the Cross-application CSRF Prevention specification for design and implementation details.

Configuring Your Application

  1. Add the gem to the Gemfile:
gem 'unified_csrf_prevention'
  1. Set the shared secret key configuration value for production, preview and whatever other environment your have:
Rails.application.configure do
  # existing configuration settings

  config.unified_csrf_prevention_key = '64 random characters'
  1. Replace the unobtrusive scripting adapter that adds the X-CSRF-Token header which comes with Rails with this one (assuming jQuery is used):
$.ajaxPrefilter(function(options) {
  var token = (document.cookie.match(/(?:^|;\s*)csrf_token=([^;]+)/) || [])[1];

  if (token) {
    options.headers["X-CSRF-Token"] = token;

Important note: the token must be read from cookies for each and every frontend request the application makes. It is not acceptable to read the token once and store it in some variable, DOM node or in any other form.

In other words, please do exactly what the provided snippet does - for any request read the token from the cookie right before the request is sent. Don't try to cache the token, transfer it from the backend, or optimize out the cookie access, otherwise your application could end up using invalid tokens.

If your application uses something different from jQuery to make AJAX calls, please adjust the snippet accordingly. The key parts are running the code before each request is sent, and setting the header with the value read from the cookie. Basically, $.ajaxPrefilter and options.headers should be replaced with something that works with the library you use instead of jQuery.

If your application for some reason has several different ways to send AJAX requests, you need to adjust all of them.


The gem is seamlessly integrated with Rails' built-in request forgery protection mechanism so there's nothing special to be done on top of the regular protect_from_forgery controller setting. Authenticity tokens transferred in hidden inputs as well as per-form authenticity tokens introduced in Rails 5 just work out of the box. See Ruby on Rails Security Guide for details.

Testing Controllers with Forgery Protection Enabled

Sometimes it's necessary to test the controller code with the actual forgery protection mechanisms enabled (allow_forgery_protection overwritten in tests). Providing the cookies for requests to make unified_csrf_prevention work is a bit of a hassle, so instead it's possible to mock the token validation and thus make the controller accept the supplied token:

describe '#some_action' do
  context 'when requested with valid csrf token' do
    let(:csrf_token) { controller.send(:form_authenticity_token) }

    before do
      allow(controller).to receive(:valid_token?).with(csrf_token).and_return true

    it 'executes action' do
      post :some_action, authenticity_token: csrf_token
      expect(response).to be_ok


The gem is compatible with Rails 4.2, 5.0, 5.1 and 5.2.

Running Specs

appraisal install
appraisal rspec