The project is in a healthy, maintained state
This library provides a Ruby wrapper to http://unit.co API. See https://docs.unit.co/


 Project Readme


This gem provides a ruby wrapper for Unit's API.


See Unit's Docs


gem install unit_ruby_sdk


Bellow are a few usage examples of Unit's Ruby SDK. For full documentation of Unit's API please refer to the full documentation at https://docs.unit.co/

Creating a Business Application

require 'unit_ruby_sdk'

Unit.config(api_url: ENV['API_URL'], token: ENV['TOKEN'])

full_name = Unit::Types::FullName.new('John', 'Doe')
date_of_birth = '1980-08-10'
address = Unit::Types::Address.new('123 Main St', 'San Francisco', 'CA', '94205', 'US')
phone = Unit::Types::Phone.new('380', '555123222')
email = 'jone.doe@unit-finance.com'
ssn = '123456789'
beneficial_owner = Unit::Types::BeneficialOwner.new(full_name, date_of_birth, address, phone, email, ssn)

response = Unit::Application.create_business_application(
  name: "Acme Inc.",
  address: address,
  phone: phone,
  state_of_incorporation: "CA",
  ein: '123456789',
  industry: "Retail",
  contact: Unit::Types::BusinessContact.new(full_name, email, phone),
  officer: Unit::Types::Officer.new(full_name, date_of_birth, address, phone, email, ssn),
  beneficial_owners: [beneficial_owner],
  entity_type: 'LLC'

application = response.data

puts application["id"]

file = File.open("./spec/test.pdf", "rb")
contents = file.read

upload_document_request = Unit::Application.upload_document(
  application_id: "836683",
  document_id: "125214",
  file: contents,
  file_type: Unit::Types::DocumentFileType::PDF,
  is_back_side: true)

puts upload_document_request.data["id"]

Creating a deposit account request

relationships = { "customer": Unit::Types::Relationship.new("customer", "111009").to_hash }
response = Unit::Account::Deposit.create_deposit_account(
  deposit_product: "checking",
  tags: { "purpose": "checking" },
  relationships: relationships)
deposit_account = response.data
puts deposit_account["id"]

Creating a credit account request

response = Unit::Account::Credit.create_credit_account(
  credit_terms: "credit_terms_test",
  credit_limit: 20_000,
  customer_id: "851228",
  tags: { "purpose": "tax" })
credit_account = response.data
puts credit_account["id"]

Creating a batch release request

requests =
    { account_id: "49230", batch_account_id: "1296383", amount: 100, description: "Description 1", sender_name: "Sender Name 1", sender_address: ADDRESS, sender_account_number: "1234" },
    { account_id: "49230", batch_account_id: "1296383", amount: 100, description: "Description 1", sender_name: "Sender Name 1", sender_address: ADDRESS, sender_account_number: "12324" }
response = Unit::Payment.create_batch_release(requests)
batch_release = response.data
puts batch_release[0]["id"]

Fetching a Customer

require 'unit_ruby_sdk'

Unit.config(api_url: ENV['API_URL'], token: ENV['TOKEN'])

customer = Unit::Customer.list_customers(limit: 20, offset: 10).data.first
puts customer["id"]

Creating a Payment

require 'unit_ruby_sdk'

response = Unit::Payment.create_book_payment(
  amount: 1000,
  description: "test payment",
  account_id: "27573",
  counterparty_account_id: "36981"
payment = response.data
puts payment["id"]

Get a transaction by id

response = Unit::Transaction.get_transaction(transaction_id: '12345', account_id: '72345')
transaction = response.data
puts transaction["id"]

Get an authorization by id

response = Unit::Authorization.get_authorization(
  authorization_id: '12345',
  include_non_authorized: true
authorization = response.data
puts authorization["id"]

Creating an individual debit card

response = Unit::Card.create_individual_debit_card(
  account_id: '1234',
  type: "depositAccount",
  shipping_address: address,
  design: "default",
  additional_embossed_text: "Second Cardholder",
  expiry_date: "03/27"
card = response.data
puts card["id"]

Updating a received payment

response = Unit::ReceivedPayment.update_payment(
  payment_id: "1232",
  tags: { purpose: "test" })
received_payment = response.data
puts received_payment["id"]

Creating a business credit card

full_name = Unit::Types::FullName.new('John', 'Doe')
date_of_birth = '1980-08-10'
address = Unit::Types::Address.new('123 Main St', 'San Francisco', 'CA', '94205', 'US')
phone = Unit::Types::Phone.new('380', '555123222')
email = 'jone.doe@unit-finance.com'
response = Unit::Card.create_business_credit_card(
  account_id: "1234",
  full_name: full_name,
  date_of_birth: date_of_birth,
  address: address,
  phone: phone,
  email: email
charge_card = response.data
puts charge_card["id"]

Creating a check deposit

response = Unit::CheckDeposit.create_deposit(
  account_id: account_id,
  amount: 50_000,
  description: "test check deposit"
deposit = response.data
puts deposit["id"]

Creating a counterparty with a plaid token

response = Unit::Counterparty.create_with_plaid_token(
  customer_id: "823139",
  type: "Business",
  name: "Jo Joel",
  plaid_processor_token: "processor-sandbox-plaid-token")

counterparty = response.data
puts counterparty["id"]

Creating a Payment to linked counterparty

 response = Unit::Payment.create_ach_payment_linked(
  account_id: "123456",
  counterparty_id: "56784",
  amount: 1000,
  direction: "Credit",
  description: "test payment"
ach_payment = response.data
puts ach_payment["id"]

Creating a recurring payment

 schedule = Unit::Types::CreateSchedule.new("Monthly", 3)
response = Unit::RecurringPayment.create_recurring_credit_book_payment(account_id: "27573", counterparty_id: "36099", amount: 1000,
                                                                       description: "test payme", schedule: schedule)
recurring_payment = response.data
puts recurring_payment["id"]

Creating a recurring payment

 schedule = Unit::Types::CreateSchedule.new("Monthly", 3)
 response = Unit::RecurringPayment.create_recurring_credit_book_payment(account_id: "27573", counterparty_id: "36099", amount: 1000, 
                                                                        description: "test payme", schedule: schedule)
 recurring_payment = response.data
 puts recurring_payment.id

Creating a wire payment

 address = Unit::Types::Address.new('123 Main St', 'San Francisco', 'CA', '94205', 'US')
response = Unit::Payment.create_wire_payment(
  account_id: "1234",
  amount: 1000,
  description: "test payment",
  counterparty: Unit::Types::WireCounterparty.new("Jane Doe", "27573", "812345678", address))
wire_payment = response.data
puts wire_payment["id"]

Get an event by id

response = Unit::Event.get_event(event_id: "12605774")
event = response.data
puts event.id

Creating a bulk payment

address = Unit::Types::Address.new('123 Main St', 'San Francisco', 'CA', '94205', 'US')
wire_counterparty = Unit::Types::WireCounterparty.new("Jane Doe", "27573", "812345678", address)
counterparty = Unit::Types::Counterparty.new("Jane Doe", "27573", "812345678", "Checking")
book_payment_request = Unit::Payment::CreateBookPaymentRequest.new(amount: 1000, description: "test payment", account_id: "27573", counterparty_account_id: "36981", tags: { "test": "test-tag" })
wire_payment_request = Unit::Payment::CreateWirePaymentRequest.new(amount: 1000, description: "test payment", account_id: "27573", counterparty: wire_counterparty, tags: { "test": "test-tag" })
ach_payment_inline_request = Unit::Payment::CreateAchPaymentInlineRequest.new(amount: 1000, direction: "Credit", counterparty: counterparty, description: "test payment", account_id: "27573", tags: { "test": "test-tag" })
ach_payment_linked_request = Unit::Payment::CreatePaymentLinkedRequest.new(amount: 1000, direction: "Credit", description: "test payment", account_id: "27573", counterparty_id: "313118", tags: { "test": "test-tag" })
ach_payment_plaid_token_request = Unit::Payment::CreateWithPlaidTokenRequest.new(amount: 1000, direction: "Credit", description: "test payment", account_id: "27573", plaid_processor_token: "processor-sandbox-fc8b9c23-b400-40f9-8ee8-c2cabd719721", tags: { "test": "test-tag" })

response = Unit::Payment.create_bulk_payment(
  requests: [book_payment_request, wire_payment_request, ach_payment_inline_request, ach_payment_linked_request, ach_payment_plaid_token_request])
bulk_payment = response.data
puts bulk_payment["id"]

Creating a stop payment

response = Unit::StopPayment.create_stop_payment(
  account_id: "165432",
  amount: 10_345,
  check_number: "123456",
  tags: { "test": "122" }
stop_payment = response.data
puts stop_payment["id"]

Creating a book repayment

response = Unit::Repayment.create_book_repayment(
  account_id: "10001",
  credit_account_id: "10002",
  counterparty_account_id: "10003",
  description: "test", amount: 100,
  transaction_summary_override: "override",
  tags: { purpose: "test" },
  idempotency_key: "3a1a33be-4e12-4603-9ed0-820922389fb8")
book_repayment = response.data
puts book_repayment["id"]

Creating a control agreement

response = Unit::Account::DACA.activate_control_agreement(account_id: "1234")
control_agreement = response.data
puts control_agreement["id"]

Originate a check payment

address = Unit::Types::Address.new('123 Main St', 'San Francisco', 'CA', '94205', 'US') 
check_payment_counterparty = Unit::Types::CheckPaymentCounterparty.new("Jane Doe", address)
response = Unit::CheckPayment.originate_check_payment(
  account_id: "123",
  customer_id: "123",
  customer_type: "individualCustomer",
  amount: 100,
  counterparty: check_payment_counterparty,
  description: "test",
  idempotency_key: "test")
check_payment = response.data
puts check_payment["id"]

Get a check payment by id

response = Unit::CheckPayment.get_payment(payment_id: "199")
check_payment = response.data
puts check_payment["id"]

Creating a webhook

response = Unit::Webhook.create_webhook(
  label: "some label",
  url: "https://webhook.site/81ee6b53-fde4-4b7d-85a0-0b6249a4488d",
  token: "MyToken",
  content_type: "Json",
  delivery_mode: "AtLeastOnce",
  include_resources: false,
  subscription_type: "OnlyAuthorizationRequest")
webhook = response.data
puts webhook["id"]

Creating a fee

response = Unit::Fee.create_fee(
  account_id: "27573",
  amount: 12_345,
  description: "test",
  tags: { purpose: "test" },
  idempotency_key: "123"
fee = response.data
puts fee["id"]

Logging Errors

Handling Response

require 'unit_ruby_sdk'

Unit.config(api_url: ENV['API_URL'], token: "missing token")

# response is a Unit::UnitError
response = Unit::Application.get_application('123')

# Checks the response to be an instance of UnitResponse
if response.instance_of?(Unit::UnitResponse)
  # handle response
  # handle error
  response.errors.each { |error| puts error.title }