Gem with utilities used by Unity team
Retrier - Restarting passed block.
Unity::Utils::Retrier.call { 5 / 0 }
ThreadPool - Working with multithreading.
result = [] pool = Unity::Utils::ThreadPool.new(50) 10.times { |n| pool.schedule { result << n * n } } pool.run!
UrlFormatter - Formats url.
formatter = ::Unity::Utils::UrlFormatter.new('blog/post/nykotyn-bez-syharet-hde-on-soderzytsia/') formatter.trailing_slash(enabled: false).build #=> "blog/post/nykotyn-bez-syharet-hde-on-soderzytsia" formatter.params({'erid' => 'test'}).build #=> "blog/post/nykotyn-bez-syharet-hde-on-soderzytsia?erid=test"
UrlValidator - Validates url.
response = UrlValidator.new('ftp://motor.ru/reports/videoparis.htm').call response.valid? #=> false response.errors #=> ['Ссылка должна начинаться с http(s)']
CliModeable - Wrapper over the ruby-progressbar.
elements = (1..10).to_a @cli_mode = true init_progressbar(elements.count) elements.each do |element| incr_progressbar # do something and look on great progress bar :) end
EntitiesLogDump - Module for service objects do dump entities.
dump_entities(Topic.first, attributes: [:id, :headline]) # => [{ "id" => 1, "headline" => "foo" }, { "id" => 2, "headline" => "bar" }] dump_entities(Topic.first(2), attributes: [:id, :headline]) #=> { "id" => 1, "headline" => "foo" }
Will work both with ApplicationRecord or Mongoid::Document models.
FlexibleBoolean - Concern to make easier work with virtual boolean attributes.
class MyKlass include IsReactable flexible_boolean :is_reactable attr_reader :is_reactable def intiailize(is_reactable) @is_reactable = is_reactable end end MyKlass.new(true).is_reactable # => true MyKlass.new(nil).is_reactable # => false
Loggable - Wrapper over logger.
@log_file = 'some_file.log' @logger = Logger.new(@log_file) clean_logfile begin 5 / 0 rescue StandardError => e pretty_e = exception_to_array(e) logger.error(pretty_e) end
Rake tasks:
unity:rspec - rspec with custom report format: collapses pending tests and adds some analytics.
bundle exec rake unity:rspec bundle exec rake unity:rspec\['spec/queries'\] bundle exec rake unity:rspec\['spec/{jobs\,services}/'\] bundle exec rake unity:rspec\['spec/ --exclude-pattern "spec/{models\,requests}/**/*_spec.rb"'\] ... [TEST PROF INFO] TagProf report for type type time total %total %time avg query 00:27.908 134 15.14 37.51 00:00.208 service 00:15.849 167 18.87 21.31 00:00.094 ... Top 10 slowest examples (10.23 seconds, 13.7% of total time): Api::V2::RssGeneratorJob generate for topic1 double generating does not duplicate data 1.32 seconds ./spec/jobs/api/v2/rss_generator_job_spec.rb:39 Exports::V2::BaseQuery behaves like queries/exports/v2/postponed when site is postponed is expected to contain 1.2 seconds ./spec/support/shared_examples/queries/exports/v2/postponed_example.rb:28 ... Top 10 slowest example groups: Exports::V2::Indexnow::TopicsQuery 0.89632 seconds average (5.38 seconds / 6 examples) ./spec/queries/exports/v2/indexnow/topics_query_spec.rb:5 Exports::V2::RssAggregation 0.70154 seconds average (5.61 seconds / 8 examples) ./spec/services/exports/rss_aggregation_spec.rb:5 ... Finished in 1 minute 14.71 seconds (files took 7.29 seconds to load) 885 examples, 0 failures, 31 pending Randomized with seed 6856 [TEST PROF INFO] Factories usage Total: 1624 Total top-level: 1298 Total time: 00:54.568 (out of 01:16.029) Total uniq factories: 12 total top-level total time time per call top-level time name 521 521 8.9882s 0.0173s 8.9882s v2_topic 394 394 17.5059s 0.0444s 17.5059s v2_push_topic ...
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'unity-utils'
And then execute:
$ bundle install
Or install it yourself as:
$ gem install unity-utils
The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.