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This gem generates UPI QR codes for payments. It can be used in e-commerce applications to generate QR codes for payments. The QR codes can be scanned by UPI apps to make payments. The gem uses the rqrcode gem to generate the QR codes.


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The upi gem allows you to generate UPI QR codes for user-to-user payments. It supports both PNG and SVG formats for QR codes.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'upi'

And then execute:

$ bundle install

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install upi


Generating a QR Code To generate a UPI QR code, you need to initialize the Upi::Generator class with the required parameters and call the generate_qr method.


Individual Mode:

Create a new UPI QR code generator instance

require 'upi'

generator =
  upi_id: 'test@upi',
  name: 'Test Name'

# NOTE: For Individual Mode the Merchant Code is always 0000 which the code handles by default

Generate QR code in SVG format

svg_content = generator.generate_qr(100, 'Personal Payment', mode: :svg)
File.write('qr_code.svg', svg_content)

Generate QR code in PNG format

png_content = generator.generate_qr(100, 'Personal Payment', mode: :png)
File.binwrite('qr_code.png', png_content)

Generating a Payment URL

You can generate a UPI payment URL suitable for use in HTML links by using the generate_url method. This URL can be used as the href attribute in a "Pay Now" button or link.

# Generate UPI payment URL
payment_url = generator.upi_content(100, 'Personal Payment')
puts payment_url

# The generate_url method returns a UPI URI string that can be used as a link in your HTML:
<a href="<%= payment_url %>">Pay Now</a>

Merchant Mode:

Create a new UPI QR code generator instance

require 'upi'

generator =
  upi_id: 'test@upi',
  name: 'Test Name',
  merchant_code: '1234',
  currency: 'INR'

# NOTE: For Merchant Mode the Merchant Code needs to be set explicitly

Generate QR code in SVG format

svg_content = generator.generate_qr(500, 'Payment for Goods', transaction_ref_id: 'REF123', transaction_id: 'TXN456', url: '', mode: :svg)
File.write('qr_code_merchant.svg', svg_content)

Generate QR code in PNG format

png_content = generator.generate_qr(500, 'Payment for Goods', transaction_ref_id: 'REF123', transaction_id: 'TXN456', url: '', mode: :png)
File.binwrite('qr_code_merchant.png', png_content)

Generating a Payment URL

You can generate a UPI payment URL suitable for use in HTML links by using the generate_url method. This URL can be used as the href attribute in a "Pay Now" button or link.

# Generate UPI payment URL
payment_url = generator.upi_content(500, 'Payment for Goods', transaction_ref_id: 'REF123', transaction_id: 'TXN456', url: '')
puts payment_url

# The generate_url method returns a UPI URI string that can be used as a link in your HTML:
<a href="<%= payment_url %>">Pay Now</a>

In the example above:

  • Replace 'test@upi' with the UPI ID of the recipient.
  • Replace 'Test Name' with the recipient's name.
  • The amount parameter specifies the payment amount.
  • note is an optional field to include additional information. Parameters
  • upi_id: The UPI ID of the recipient.
  • name: The name of the recipient.
  • amount: The amount for the payment (required for UPI transactions).
  • currency: Currency code (default is 'INR').
  • note: Additional note or description for the payment.
  • merchant_code: Optional merchant code.
  • transaction_ref_id: Optional transaction reference ID.
  • transaction_id: Optional transaction ID.
  • url: Optional URL for additional information or payment redirect.

Handling PNG and SVG

You can specify the format of the QR code by using the mode parameter:

  • mode: :svg generates an SVG format QR code.
  • mode: :png generates a PNG format QR code.

No URI parse mode

If you want to generate a QR code without parsing the UPI address, you can use the no_uri_parse option:

svg_content = generator.generate_qr(100, 'Personal Payment', no_uri_parse: true, mode: :svg)
uri_content = generator.upi_content(100, 'Personal Payment', no_uri_parse: true)

# The no_uri_parse option will generate the QR code without URI parsing the UPI address.


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run rake spec to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and the created tag, and push the .gem file to


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the code of conduct.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.

Code of Conduct

Everyone interacting in the Upi project's codebases, issue trackers, chat rooms and mailing lists is expected to follow the code of conduct.